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Eur J Clin Pharmacol (2001) 56: 799±803

DOI 10.1007/s002280000229


S. Kanazawa á T. Ohkubo á K. Sugawara

The effects of grapefruit juice on the pharmacokinetics

of erythromycin

Received: 25 September 2000 / Accepted in revised form: 27 September 2000 / Published online: 8 December 2000
Ó Springer-Verlag 2000

Abstract Objective: To study the e€ects of grapefruit [1], terfenadine [2], felodipine [3, 4], triazolam [5] and
juice on the pharmacokinetics of erythromycin. midazolam [6]. However, CYP3A-mediated drug inter-
Methods: The e€ects of grapefruit juice intake on the action with grapefruit juice did not prolong the elimi-
pharmacokinetics of erythromycin were investigated in nation half-life of these drugs, which increased the peak
six healthy male volunteers, who received 400 mg ery- plasma concentration (Cmax) and AUC pharmacokinetic
thromycin with either water or grapefruit juice. The parameters. The mechanism of these drug-grapefruit
measurement of erythromycin in plasma samples were juice interactions has been attributed to the inhibi-
achieved by simple Sep-Pak CN cartridge extraction tion of ®rst-pass metabolism on CYP3A in the small
coupled with the electrochemical determination HPLC intestine [7].
method, which was developed for the determination of On the other hand, the macrolide antibiotic erythro-
erythromycin in human plasma in the present study. mycin, which has been widely used in clinical practice,
Results: Grapefruit juice, compared with water intake, has been established as a potent inhibitor of CYP3A [8,
signi®cantly (P<0.05) increased the mean Cmax value 9, 10]. The inhibition mechanism of CYP3A activity by
(1.65‹0.94 versus 2.51‹0.68 lg/ml) and the mean macrolide antibiotics has been attributed to the inacti-
AUC0±12 value of erythromycin (5.92‹3.25 versus vation resulting from the formation of an inactive
8.80‹1.32lg á h/ml). However, the Tmax and t1/2 values cytochrome P450-drug complex [11]. A number of
of erythromycin were not a€ected by grapefruit juice CYP3A-mediated drug interactions with erythromycin
intake. have been reported in previous papers [12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
Conclusion: These results indicate that the bioavailability 17]. The elimination half-life of CYP3A-metabolized
of erythromycin was increased by the inhibitory e€ect of drugs was prolonged when co-administered with ery-
grapefruit juice on cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4-medi- thromycin because of its inhibition of CYP3A activity in
ated metabolism in the small intestine. the liver. Erythromycin can increase both the Cmax and
elimination half-life in drug-drug interactions with
Key words Erythromycin á Grapefruit juice á triazolam and midazolam [13, 16]. However, as we
Cytochrome P450 3A4 described in a previous paper, the drug interaction of
alprazolam with erythromycin increased only the elimi-
nation half-life but not the Cmax [17]. It has not yet been
Introduction reported, however, how erythromycin inhibits CYP3A
in the small intestine, and how the activity of erythro-
A signi®cant increase in oral bioavailability by the mycin metabolism is a€ected by CYP3A in the small
e€ects of grapefruit juice on CYP3A substrate drugs has intestine. The metabolic e€ect or inhibitory activity of
been reported in previous papers including cyclosporin erythromycin on CYP3A needs to be clari®ed, because
the small-intestinal CYP enzyme has been recognized as
an important factor in the pharmacokinetics of drug
bioavailability and drug-drug interaction [18]. Previous
S. Kanazawa á T. Ohkubo (&) á K. Sugawara studies have suggested that grapefruit juice is a speci®c
Department of Pharmacy, Hirosaki University Hospital,
Hirosaki, 036-8563, Japan inhibitor of CYP3A in the small intestine [7]. Therefore,
e-mail: in the present study, we examined the drug interaction
T. Ohkubo between erythromycin and grapefruit juice using the
Department of Pharmacy, Hirosaki University Hospital, simple Sep-Pak CN cartridge extraction ECD-HPLC
Hirosaki, 036-8563, Japan method we have developed.

residue was dissolved in 100 ll of mobile phase and injected into

Materials and methods the HPLC apparatus. Low interference from plasma was obtained
by our Sep-Pak CN cartridge extraction method.
Chemicals and reagents
Calibration graphs and recovery experiment
Erythromycin was obtained from Sigma Co. (St. Louis, MO, USA)
and erythromycin oxime (Fig. 1) was kindly donated by Roussel Known amounts of erythromycin in the range of 0.25±10 lg/ml
Uclaf Co. (Paris, France). Sep-Pak CN cartridge was purchased were added to blank plasma samples. These samples were treated
from Waters Co. (Milford, Mass., USA). All solvents used were of according to the extraction procedure described above. The peak-
HPLC grade (Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Osaka, Japan). All height ratios of erythromycin to erythromycin oxime were mea-
other reagents and chemicals were purchased from Wako (Osaka, sured and plotted against the concentration of analyte. Calibration
Japan) and Nakarai Tesque (Kyoto, Japan). graphs for erythromycin were linear in the range 0.25±10lg/ml
(r=0.999). The limit of detection for erythromycin was 0.125 lg/ml
(signal-to-noise ratio=5).
Apparatus A recovery experiment was carried out using drug-free plasma
spiked with a known amount of erythromycin. These samples were
The apparatus used for HPLC was a Jasco Model PU-880 chro- extracted by the procedure described above. Control samples were
matography pump (Jasco, Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a Coulo- prepared by adding a known amount of erythromycin to 1 ml of
chem Model 5100A electrochemical detector (Environmental methanol. These control samples were not extracted, but directly
Science Association, Bedford, Mass., USA). The potential of the evaporated to dryness at 60 °C, and the residues were reconstituted
electrochemical detector was set at +0.70 V versus the reference in mobile phase. An external standard instead of an internal
electrode because stable and/or high sensitive chromatograms and standard was added to all of these samples before the samples were
the least interference from endogenous substances in plasma were evaporated to dryness. Recoveries were determined by comparison
obtained. Test samples were introduced using a Rheodyne Model between solid-phase extraction and no extraction as control. The
7120 injector (Rheodyne, Cotati, Calif., USA) with an e€ective recovery of erythromycin was determined by adding the following
volume of 100 ll. Erythromycin and erythromycin oxime (internal four concentrations to blank plasma: 0.25, 0.75, 2, and 10 lg/ml.
standard) were separated on an ODS stationary phase column The recovery values of erythromycin were 97.1%±99.3%. Coe-
(Develosil ODS-5, 150 ´ 4.6 mm I.D., Nomura Chemicals, Seto, cients of variation for erythromycin were less than 7.8%.
Japan). The mobile phase consisted of 0.1% potassium dihydro-
genphosphate (pH 5.0)-acetonitrile (70:30, v/v). The ¯ow rate of the
mobile phase was 1.0 ml/min at ambient temperature. Pharmacokinetic study design

The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of

Preparation of sample Hirosaki University Hospital, and each subject gave his written
consent before the study. Six healthy male subjects (mean age‹SD:
There have been reports of an HPLC method for the determination 33.5‹9.7 years, mean body weight‹SD: 62.3‹5.2 kg) partici-
of erythromycin in plasma [19, 20, 21, 22], but these HPLC pated in this study. All subjects were healthy as judged by medical
methods used a liquid-liquid extraction method which is tedious history. Subjects refrained from alcohol and medications, including
and time-consuming. Therefore, we developed a simple and rapid over the counter drugs, throughout the study.
extraction method using a Sep-Pak CN cartridge and HPLC-ECD The study had an open crossover design after a 4-week wash-
to determine erythromycin in plasma. Erythromycin oxime (500 ng) out period. The subjects were pretreated with either 300 ml of water
in methanol (10 ll) was added to the plasma sample (1.0 ml) as an or grapefruit juice (Double strand concentrated, Dole Food,
internal standard and the plasma sample was then brie¯y mixed. Fla., USA) 30 min before the oral administration of 400 mg
The mixture was applied to a Sep-Pak CN cartridge. The cartridge erythromycin (a 100-mg enteric-coated tablet of Irotycin; Shionogi
was then washed with 5 ml of water and 10 ml of 40% methanol. Pharmaceutical, Osaka, Japan).
Then the desired fraction was eluted with 5 ml of 80% methanol. Blood samples (10 ml) were collected by vein puncture at 0, 0.5,
The eluate was evaporated to dryness in a vacuum at 60 °C. The 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 12 h after erythromycin administration. Plasma
samples were separated by centrifugation at 1900g for 15 min and
stored at )30 °C until analysis.

Data analysis

The area under the concentration time curve of erythromycin from

0 to 12 h (AUC0±12) was calculated by trapezoidal rules. The
elimination rate constant (Ke) of erythromycin was estimated from
the nonlinear least-squares regression analysis of the terminal log-
linear concentration-time data, and the elimination half-life (t1/2)
was calculated from 0.693/Ke. The peak plasma concentration
(Cmax) and the time reached to Cmax (Tmax) were read from the
observed plasma concentration-time data in each of the individuals.
Di€erences in pharmacokinetic parameters for erythromycin
and those after coadministration of grapefruit juice were analyzed
by the paired Student t test and P<0.05 was considered statistically

Fig. 1 Mean‹SD plasma concentration±time pro®le after a single
oral dose of 400 mg erythromycin with water or grapefruit juice in
six subjects. s with water, d with grapefruit juice. Asterisk Mean plasma concentration-time pro®les after admin-
indicates signi®cant di€erence compared with water: *P<0.05 istration of 400 mg erythromycin with water and with

grapefruit juice are shown in Fig. 1. Pharmacokinetic that the Cmax and AUC0±12 were increased by grapefruit
parameters of erythromycin with water and with juice treatment compared with the water phase (Table 1,
grapefruit juice are summarized in Table 1. During the Fig. 1). The speci®c inhibition of CYP3A activity in the
grapefruit juice phase, the mean Cmax (1.65‹0.94 lg/ml small intestine by grapefruit juice has been reported in
in water versus 2.51‹0.68 lg/ml in grapefruit juice) and previous papers [1, 6, 28]. Our present results indicate
the AUC0±12 value of erythromycin (5.92‹3.25 lg á h/ml that the inhibition of CYP3A by grapefruit juice in the
in water versus 8.80‹1.32 lg á h/ml in grapefruit juice) small intestine caused an increase in the Cmax and the
signi®cantly increased compared with water. Both the AUC0±12 of erythromycin, which means that there was a
Cmax and the AUC0±12 were more than 1.5 times higher decrease in the ®rst-pass metabolism of erythromycin in
during the grapefruit juice phase. However, the Tmax the small intestine. Therefore, the metabolism of ery-
and t1/2 values of erythromycin were not signi®cantly thromycin by CYP3A in the small intestine has been
di€erent between the water and grapefruit juice phases. clearly demonstrated in the present study. The t1/2 values
of erythromycin were not altered in the experimental
phase with grapefruit juice. These results support our
Discussion hypothesis because the elimination of erythromycin is
prolonged by inhibition of CYP3A in the liver. It was
Our project was directed toward examination of the considered that the low bioavailability of erythromycin
e€ects of grapefruit juice on the pharmacokinetics of was due to high hepatic extraction and decomposition
erythromycin in healthy male subjects. Table 1 shows the in acidic gastric ¯uid. However, Somogyi et al. [29]
pharmacokinetic parameters obtained for erythromycin, described an erythromycin systemic blood clearance of
which was administered as a single oral 400 mg dose. The 164 ml/min and found the hepatic extraction ratio to be
values obtained for Tmax, Cmax, and AUC correlated 0.11 and estimated bioavailability at 89%. They sug-
roughly with previous papers [23, 24]. The di€erence in gested that drug metabolism plays a role in the gut wall's
value of t1/2 between our results and previous results ability to contribute to erythromycin's low bioavail-
originated from interindividual and/or ethnic di€erences. ability. Another previous paper described that the total
Shimada et al. reported interindividual variation in body clearance values after intravenous administration
human liver CYP3A [25] and Sowunmi also reported were 438 ml/min [30], 417 ml/min [31], and 570 ml/min
ethnic di€erence variation of nifedipine pharmacokinetics [32], respectively. In a previous study, Bailey et al. [33]
as an indicator of CYP3A activity [26]. Furthermore, the described that the Cmax, AUC, and the t1/2 of felodipine
erythromycin was decomposed by gastric acid ¯uid after increased with erythromycin pretreatment, whereas the
an oral dose [27]. Therefore, the bioavailability and t1/2 of felodipine was not a€ected by grapefruit juice
pharmacokinetic parameters of erythromycin could be treatment. Their study and our results both indicate that
a€ected by these factors, which can not be anticipated. erythromycin is metabolized by both intestinal and liver
There was some possibility that the di€erence in CYP3A.
statistical signi®cance on the pharmacokinetics could Kolars et al. described that the CYP3A4 protein was
not be detected between the grapefruit juice phase present in the liver and jejunum, whereas CYP3A5 was
and the control phase experiment because the e€ect the major protein present in the stomach. Their paper
of grapefruit juice was counteracted by the factors suggested that the di€erence in the relative expression of
described above. However, our present results indicate CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 may account for speci®c organic

Table 1 Pharmacokinetic parameters of erythromycin after a single dose of 400 mg erythromycin with water or grapefruit juice in six
Subjects Cmax (lg/ml) Tmax (hr) Ke (hr±1) t1/2 (hr) AUC (0±12) (lg á hr/ml)

Water 1 1.59 4 0.27 2.57 6.20

2 1.65 4 0.40 1.72 8.93
3 1.93 4 0.42 1.66 4.48
4 0.30 4 0.28 2.52 1.11
5 1.28 3 0.15 4.52 4.72
6 3.19 4 0.26 2.67 10.07
Mean‹SD 1.65‹0.94 3.83‹0.41 0.30‹0.10 2.61‹1.04 5.92‹3.25
Grapefruit juice 1 2.84 4 0.42 1.63 10.12
2 2.62 4 0.30 2.30 9.01
3 2.38 3 0.44 1.58 7.92
4 1.93 4 0.39 1.83 6.61
5 2.65 3 0.12 5.92 9.31
6 3.29 3 0.31 2.22 9.85
Mean‹SD 2.51‹0.68** 3.50‹0.55 0.33‹0.12 2.58‹1.66 8.80‹1.32*

**P<0.01 when compared with water

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