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Check Linux Kernel Version

2. Configure sapconf or saptune

 Create a directory with the name of the profile: /etc/tuned/<profile>/

 Copy the tuned configuration: 'cp /usr/lib/tuned/<profile>/tuned.conf
 Edit the '/etc/tuned/<profile>/tuned.conf' configuration to your requirements
and correct the path of to /usr/lib/tuned/<profile>/
Note : After changing the configuration, restart the sapconf service:

'systemctl restart sapconf.service'

3. Turn off autoNUMA balancing – Pending

4. Energy Performance Bias & CPU Frequency/Voltage scaling

5. UUID Daemon

6. Linux paging Improvements

Run sysctl –p

7. Linux Kernel parameters

nofile = 1048576 /etc/security/limits.conf
fs.file-max = 20000000 /etc/sysctl.conf
fs.aio-max-nr = 131072 + 1*65536 /etc/sysctl.conf
vm.memory_failure_early_kill = 1 /etc/sysctl.conf
kernel.shmmax = 1073741824 /etc/sysctl.conf
kernel.shmmni = 65536 /etc/sysctl.conf
kernel.shmall = shmmax / 4096 * (shmmni / 16) /etc/sysctl.conf
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 40000 /etc/sysctl.conf
vm.max_map_count = 1000000 + <RAM in GB> * 32768 /etc/sysctl.conf

8. Library Files

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