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How to install Mono and MSBuild inside Termux

Termux is an Android terminal app and Linux environment.

Mono is an implementation of .Net Framework on various platforms, including


MSBuild is the default build system in Mono (and .Net).

Build Mono from source

There is no pre-compiled binary for Mono on Termux now, except for prooted Arch
Linux and Ubuntu. (40)

Here I describe a process to build Mono 6.0 from source on an Android arm64 device.

Termux now defaults to Android 7.0 (API Level 24,

/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/include/android/api-level.h), so anything requires
an API level higher than that need to be disabled. I compile on an Android 8.0
device personally. I have tried to convince autoconf to use -D__ANDROID_API__=24 in
function checking (for existence of pthread_getname_np, ...) but failed, so on
other Android versions, more patches may be needed if you experience linkage

Also, it's not possible to build the class libraries on device as you need a
runnable Mono or Monolite to bootstrap.

pkg install wget perl python cmake clang


tar xf mono-
cd mono-

./configure --prefix=/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/local --disable-mcs-build

sed -i 's|#define HAVE_PTHREAD_GETNAME_NP 1|/\* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_GETNAME_NP \*/|

g' config.h
sed -i 's|#define HAVE_GETPWENT 1|/\* #undef HAVE_GETPWENT \*/|g' config.h
sed -i 's|#define HAVE_SETPWENT 1|/\* #undef HAVE_SETPWENT \*/|g' config.h
sed -i 's|#define HAVE_LUTIMES 1|/\* #undef HAVE_LUTIMES \*/|g' config.h
sed -i 's|#define HAVE_FUTIMES 1|/\* #undef HAVE_FUTIMES \*/|g' config.h
sed -i 's|#define HAVE_GETDOMAINNAME 1|/\* #undef HAVE_GETDOMAINNAME \*/|g'
sed -i 's|#define HAVE_SETDOMAINNAME 1|/\* #undef HAVE_SETDOMAINNAME \*/|g'

sed -i 's|-lpthread|-lpthread -llog|g' mono/mini/Makefile

sed -i 's|-lpthread|-lpthread -llog|g' mono/dis/Makefile
sed -i 's|-lpthread|-lpthread -llog|g' tools/pedump/Makefile
sed -i 's|\tgint64 st_atime_nsec;|#undef st_atime_nsec\n#undef
st_mtime_nsec\n#undef st_ctime_nsec\n\tgint64 st_atime_nsec;|g' support/map.h
sed -i 's|return L_cuserid;|return -1;|g' support/stdio.c

make install
cd ..

Copy class libraries from Mono directory on a PC (/usr/local/lib/mono on Linux)

to /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/local/lib/mono.
Some libraries may use, which doesn't exist on Android. We can create a
symbol link to

ln -s /system/lib64/ /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/local/lib/
Add usr/local/bin to system environment variable PATH.

echo export PATH=/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/local/bin:$PATH >> ~/.bash_profile

Exit and reenter bash.

Install MSBuild
Don't try to build from source, it depends on a .Net Core version which is not
shipped with Visual Studio and is very difficult to compile both on Windows or on
Linux. Just download the pre-compiled binary from Mono. It contains only
portable .Net binaries.

pkg install p7zip

wget http://download.mono-
7z x msbuild_16.1+xamarinxplat.2019.
tar xf data.tar
cp -R usr/* /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/local/
rm -rf data.tar usr
Change the content of /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/local/bin/msbuild into

MONO_GC_PARAMS="nursery-size=64m,$MONO_GC_PARAMS" exec
/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/local/bin/mono $MONO_OPTIONS
/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/local/lib/mono/msbuild/15.0/bin/MSBuild.dll "$@"
Roslyn is buggy on Mono on arm64 as it assumes the legacy x86/x86_64 memory model
which grants memory access order in some situations on the metal.
This problem can not really be fixed in Mono, as there is a huge performance
penalty. To workaround this problem, we have to force Roslyn to run single-

sed -i 's|"@(Compile)"|"@(Compile);/parallel-"|g'
sed -i 's|"@(Compile)"|"@(Compile);/parallel-"|g'
Backup and Recover
All these can be packed for later use.

cd /data/data/com.termux/files/usr
tar cfJ mono-termux. local
To recover, execute the following commands and don't forget to add usr/local/bin to

cd /data/data/com.termux/files/usr
tar xf mono-termux.

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