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The family and environment's influence on the mental health of youth.

Parents and the environment can influence the development of mental health and
adolescent behavior. Darajat (in Bukhori, 2006) revealed that mental health are influenced by 2
factor, namely internal factors in individuals such as personality and physical condition, while
external factors are factors outside the individual self such as economic, cultural and circumstance
environmental Conditions (family, community and education). According to the United Nations
(family functions are bound: affirmation of husband and wife ties, procreation and sexual relations,
socialization and education of children, naming and status, basic child care, protection of family
members, recreation and care, and transportation of goods and services) families can cause mental
illness (Kartasasmita, Anna Mariani,: Keluarga dan Kesehatan Mental; Vol.2 2016 ).
Researchers from Harvard Medical School found, separating from cases of mental disorders
starting at a very young age, 14 years and 3/4 occurred since the age of 24 years (Febrinastri,
Febiola 2019). Because of its very early appearance, the therapy and treatment should be done
early too. Parents and the environment have the responsibility to educate, nurture and guide
children to achieve certain things that deliver children to be ready in social life. The way parents
educate children and health condusion in the environment are determining factor in the formation
of children's mental health.

Nama : Dinda Nurfianti Apriliana

Kelas : Pendidikan IPS B 2019
NIM : 19416241031

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