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The following are a set of questions based on this past week’s class and the assignment. Please watch
this 12-minute broadcast from CBS in 1954. The broadcast was a report by Edward Murrow against
Joseph McCarthy. McCarthy, at the time, was a Senator from Wisconsin who claimed there were large
numbers of Communists and Soviet spies in positions of power in the United States, infiltrating
everywhere from Hollywood, the music industry, the State Department, and the military. With little
respect for compete evidence or fair process, McCarthy created strong anti-communist hysteria in the
country and perpetuated a dangerous “witch-hunt” against enemies, real and imagined. He did this
through the work of different investigations by Congress panels. Murrow’s attack helped discredit the
Senator McCarthy, and his courage and integrity as a journalist would inspire the production of the
recent film Good Night and Good Luck (produced by George Clooney). The numbers in some of the
questions tell you where to listen in the YouTube clip.

Please answer with complete sentences when possible.

1. Circle which of the following were causes of America’s economic growth in the 1950’s:
a. Very low taxes
b. Government spending on education, highways, and housing
c. Funding for research and development
d. Good, peaceful relations with the Soviet Union
e. The aftermath of World War II weakening potential economic rivals like Japan, Germany,
f. Cheap goods from India, China, and the “third world”
g. Small families and an aging population
h. High birth rates
i. Large numbers of women pursuing education and full-time work outside the home

2. From what you know so far, what is one aspect of Levittown and other suburban life you would
have enjoyed? What is one side you would dislike?

3. What were the two expressions in the 1950’s used to designate the gender roles between men
and women?
4. Which political group (listen 1:33 to 2:05) does McCarthy blame in a speech for its members
committing treason against the United States?

a. Democratic Party
b. Republican Party
c. Communist Party
d. Nazi Party

5. Reed Harris was represented by lawyers from what organization when he was suspending from
Columbia University? Why does McCarthy think this is important? (3:21-4:52)

6. No one familiar with the history of our country is unaware that congressional committees are
useful . . . but the line between persecution and investigating is a very fine one and the junior
senator from Wisconsin [McCarthy] has stepped over it frequently”. What does the expression
“fine line” mean here? (6:56-7:07)

7. How does McCarthy use a Communist newspaper at the end of the clip? Why would this be
effective? (10:40-11:10)

8. After completing the homework and going through the lecture and powerpoint, analyze the
following cartoons. These cartoons were all meant to criticize various aspects of McCarthyism
and anticommunist tactics. Write a paragraph describing what is happening in the picture.
Explain what you think the specific criticism the cartoon is offering, and what symbols and
images help prove this point. Try to look for the both obvious and subtle images used for this
purpose. Also consider how the caption at the top of the cartoon relates to the visual images.

*The cartoon references how, during this period, anticommunists feared that some public
school teachers were using their influence over children to support the Soviet Union
*The portrait on the wall is that of Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of
Independence and one of America’s Founding Fathers
*House Un-American Activities Committee was a congressional panel that investigated
Communist activity/subversion across American government and society

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