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Python is a modern, general-purpose, high-level, dynamic programming language. It

can be used for integrating with web apps or incorporate statistics code into a
production database. There are a lot of libraries, which can be used for analysis.
 Python is easy to learn. It has a short learning curve and an easy-to-understand syntax. Also,
it reduces the number of code lines compared to other programming languages.
 Python is a multi-purpose language. It allows integrating with every part of your workflow.
 Python is an open-source with an active community. It’s not only free to use but also Python
programmers community is numerous and you can feel free to ask.
 Python is cross-platform. It gives the ability to run on many operating systems.
 Python visualizations are usually convoluted

Editor Note: Python has excellent visualization libraries like matplotlib

 Python has less functionality than R

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