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Francisco Doria Vs Nell

1. A development team is waiting - 3

2. The relationship between the
3. What is the way to determine If
4. Scrum advises having a
5. Which way of creating development team
6. What is the primary concern when  18
7. What three conditions are most likely
8. Using scrum ensures
9. What can the scrum values of openness easily impact
10. A scaled scrum effort is one that  10
11. What are two signs that  12
12. The product owner is attending daily scrum
13. Marian is a PO
14. You are a scrum master entering an org that wants to
15. During the sprint review of a scaled development 23
16. When multiple scrum teams working on the same product
17. Creating a forecast for a sprint tends to  15
18. Self-organization is more effective when it happens within boundaries
19. A scrum master colleague of yours
20. User documentation is part of 25
21. One of the development team members is always missing the daily scrum
22. Affect the outcome of a sprint 26
23. You are the SM for 4 teams working from the same PB  7
24. What are three acceptable ways  21
25. You are the SM for a dev team and one of the developers approaches you and
26. In the sprint review, one of the stakeholders20
27. See how each team is performing
28. Project budgeting and financial forecasting
29. Scrum values are touched here
30. A MNC is using scrum for product dev

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