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Sumaira Afzal

A thesis

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the degree Of bachelor in fashion designing (BFD)

TO office of research indus university,

At Indus university (IU),

Gulshan campus, Karachi

Karachi, Pakistan

January, 2019

By the grace of almighty Allah, I was able to complete my thesis report and would like to give my

deepest and sincerest gratitude for all his blessings and guidance. I may not able without His help during

the time spend on this thesis I might not have been able to manage with ease to complete this thesis.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to my supervisor. Noor-Ul-ain, for this counseling and

assistance which she could provide during the time course of my thesis.

I would also like show appreciation towards my parents, my brother and my friends

For their constant support and encouragement which helped me in my studies.

I would also thank my peers who provided me information which could aid me in the completion of my


As we all known that animals also have their rights for living perspective. And our society doesn’t give

them their right according to their needs and thesis is conducted to find out the

perspective of people about animal (STRAY ANIMALS) rights and line. my topic is on stray animal cats

and dogs. As stray cats and dogs in bad condition in our society or our country. According to thesis I

want to aware or educate the people about animals who don’t think about animal’s rights. My data was

qualitative in questionnaires form. Base and was collected from 150 respondents from different age

group people from different locations and different social class.

Majority of responses agreed that people abuse animal because they enjoying torturing them physically.

Majority of responses agree that people keep pets at their home because they love to spend time with

thier pets. Majority of responses agree that emotionally sensitive people attach themselves with pets

because they know that pets will not hurt them. Majority of responses agree that pets relieves stress of

their owners.
Table Of Contents
1 Acknowledgements………………………………………………………………. ii
2 Abstract............................................................................................................ iii
3 List Of Tables................................................................................................... v
4 List of Figures……………………………………………………………………. vi
3 Chapter1: Introduction................................................................................... 7
1.1 Overview.........................................................................................
1.2 Problem Statement.......................................................................
1.3 Hypotheses...................................................................................
1.4 Outline of the study......................................................................
1.5 Definitions.....................................................................................

4 Chapter 2: Literature Review....................................................................... 14

5 Chapter 3: Research Methods....................................................................... 34

3.1 Methods of Data Collection...............................................................

3.2 Instrument of Data Collection……….……….……………………..
3.3 Sample size..........................................................................................
3.4 Sampling Technique………..………….….......................................
3.5 Statistical Technique………………………………………………..
3.6 Empirical Research Model………………………………...……….
6 Chapter 4: Results 36
4.1 Finding and Interpretations of the results......................................
4.2 Hypothesis Assessment summary………………………................
7 Chapter 5: Discussion, Conclusion 43
Implications And Future Research……………………………………………
5.1 Discussion.........................................................................................
5.2 Conclusion.........................................................................................
5.3 Implications and Recommendations..............................................
5.4 Future Research...............................................................................
8 References........................................................................................................... 49
9 Appendix............................................................................................................. 51
S.NO. Table
1 Table 4.1 Reliability Statistics 36
2 Table 4.2 Visual One Sample Statistics 36
3 Table 4.3 Visual One Sample Test 37
4 Table 4.4 Print Media One Sample Statistics 38
5 Table 4.5 Print Media One Sample Test 39
6 Table 4.6 Social Media One Sample Statistics 40
7 Table 4.7 Social Media One Sample Test 41
8 Table 4.8 Hypotheses Assesment
9 Table 5.1 Visual Responses 43
10 Table 5.2 Print Media Responses 44
11 Table 5.3 Social Media Responses 45
12 Table 5.4 Questionnaire Responses 46
13 Table 5.5 Questionnaire Responses 2 47
List Of Figures
1 Figure 3.1: Self Developed Model 35
Chapter 1


1.1 over view

Animals have their rights people doesn’t consider their rights and their living power but the

society doesn’t consider their rights and fulfillments. They didn’t give them an importance

according to their needs.

The reason behind this research is to give equal response towards pet’s animals and stray

animals. Because society make a huge difference between pet animals and stray animals they

love fluffy and cute animals but not our strays, people ignore stray animals like they are nothing

they don’t have feelings. Pets animals have a wonderful life with all the rights and comforts they

need and the major thing is the food people give their pets an expensive food and stray animals

have nothing to eat they collect their meal from garbage. Stray animals are in the bad condition

they don’t have their requirements according to their needs and wants. People take care of pets

like their children they specially buy them expensively. And give them home with all comforts

and love. They are enjoying with them and being happy with their pets.

But on the other hand our stray animals are abused by our society. People torture them, beat

them, abuse them whenever they see them on their street or nearby their house. And hit them

over ride or drive. People think they are not beneficial for them, but it’s totally wrong.
People do not care about stray animal but they should do, because these animals are also

creature of Allah and even Islam forbids us from harming these animals. In foreign countries

there are shelters for these animals where they are taken care of and provided with safety, food

etc. we in Pakistan should also do the same thing here, there should be shelter houses for stray

animals where they can be taken care of, they should be provided with rights, there should be a

law in Pakistan which would forbid people from harming these stray animals, and if someone is

found guilty of harming them he/she should be punished under the law.

There should be some shelter houses govern by government and also some Non-Profit

Organizations should come forward in this regard, because there are people in Pakistan who are

willing to help these animals, who really care about them but they do not find someone or some

organization who would ask them to contribute in form of money or physical participation.

There should be seminars about awareness of animal abuse, door to door campaigns would help

a lot because most of the animals are victims of children, who harm them without knowing that

they are actually hurting them. They find it amusing for them, they do it for their entertainment

they do not have any idea about it. There for the parents of these children should be made aware

of every prospect and their parent should be taught about the rights of all animals they are on

streets, they should be made realized that they are responsible for what their children are doing to

the animals on roads. This would help in decreasing cruelty against the animals, these things

should be done in less educated areas because there are the most cruelty cases against animals.

1.2 problem statement

The aim of this research is to find the perspective of people about stray animals and animal

abuse. The purpose of this research is to find out the reasons behind the torturing, beating and

abusing on animals.


H1 Pets are known to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Experts say that people can get relief from

stress and depression, if they spend time with their someone

H2 Lonely and emotional depressed people love animal because they them sleeves have been

ignored or so, they attach to animal they know animal don’t hurt them

H3 Children torture animals because they have been torture by their parents or elders

H4 People abuse animal because enjoy hurting animals or because it makes them feel powerful.


Animal abused is also called animal cruelty. It includes different acts of violence towards animal.

It is when human beings hurt living being or doesn’t take care for an animal responsibly, that not

feed food to your pets properly or neglecting them. occasionally the that humans not understood

that what they are doing to animals is effect the animal pain.

Anyone who abuses their pet is a person who is most likely suffering from mental illness and is

projecting their feelings on their pets through physical, verbal abuse usually in order to obtain a

physical, mental, emotional release.

Then there are those that abuse animals for money. And some abuse animals for religious beliefs

and practices. Animals are usually a first kill for serial killers. They get their practice on animals

until the need to kill a human becomes greater than killing the family cat. People who abuse pets

need a ton of love and compassion.

Some people think that they are just playing with animals but the truth is they are being violent

and rude to them by throwing stone or water on them is one of the most common animal abuse.

Keeping pet is a big responsibility because we have to take care of them properly as same as we

take care of ourselves or our child. Giving them food and water (good food and clean water) on

time, giving bath to them, extra care when they are sick and yes so much love and attention to

“A country and its upstanding progression can be concluding by the

manner creature are treated”

The statement given above is accurate to now a day’s condition, people abuse animals for

enjoying or any other reason is our moral progress now because we misbehave with animals.

Today humans are becoming selfish to hurt or mistreat other living being’s animals are very

beautiful creature of god. But human beings never realize that animals too have the rights to live

on this world as we humans do.

(Animal cruelty. Retrieve from

2.1 Types of animal abuse:

Animal abuse take different forms. It includes different acts of violence toward animal.

Following are the types of abusing.

(a) harming and abusing an animal

(b) move an animal in a process that is unsuitable for this wellbeing

(c) harming and shooting an animal in a cruel way

(d) frailty to impart suitable food or water for an animal

(e) Failing to provide suitable treatment for disease or injury

(f) Failing to provide appropriate living conditions

(What is animal cruelty? Retrieve from
2.2 Animal abuse in Entertainment

In circus or whatever people enjoy watching animal stunts but they don’t know behind the scenes

how they treat the animals to performs various stunts or activities. Elephants, lions, monkeys,

tigers and many more. On the other hands animals in the zoo also bear such behaviors, owner

doesn’t provide them good food place and water properly. Isn’t it a sad thing?? We all have to

think about it. This is highest cruelty towards animals by beating them and forcing them to do

this kind stunts it is very bad and harm for animals they make them animals to fight each other

and make them cruel for each other. Why people do this jus for making money and just for fun of


(Animals are not ours. Retrieve from

2.3 Clothing

In a fashion word there is a biggest animal abuse. They killed animals every year for fashion

week. most of animals killed by cruel people just seeking for natural fur look. They can use

artificial fur in their fabric but they don’t because they want to the real feel of fur and they do

this for real look of fur. There are many animals who killed every year after leopard, zebras,

snakes and all like this.

(Animal use for clothing. retrieve from


2.4 Experimentation
Animal tested is other highly cruelty to animals there is different animal testing ,which is used in

a cosmetics like lipsticks lotions creams and shampoo etc.

(Fransic, S. (2017). National institute of health. Retrieve from



Coming to the most common animal abuses.

2.4.1 Torturing and beating an animal

Beating an animal is a common animal abuse nowadays and dogs are the most common example.

People tease them, beat them, torture them just for fun. They think that this act is just a part of

their enjoyment. But deep inside they don’t know (or maybe they purposely do this) that they are

hurting animals. The sad part is that we can’t feel their pain. Throwing stone or water on dogs

and cats is not a fun we are hurting them and we have to know this. All animals have their rights

to live in this world like humans are. Animals have rights to stay with us in our streets or homes

or in a shelters with lots of love and care and peace. This is our duty to take care of stray animals

and give them food and take care of them because they can’t speak or stand for their selves as we


(What is animal cruelty? Retrieve from
2.5 The way we transport animals

Transporting an animal in the way that is in appropriate hurt them. People take the animal from

one way to another strictly. They tie the robe towards their neck tightly, they cannot even

imagine that they are being cruel to them. They carry them with bad manners they put them into

those vehicles which are not appropriate for them like motorbikes.

2.5.1 Failing to provide appropriate food or water for an animal

People own pets but don’t give them appropriate food or water, they take care of themselves very

well but they usually fail to provide food or water to animals. Some people really don’t know

about pet’s food and also don’t know how to take care of them. They should know, they can ask

from animal’s doctors or they can do a research on it.

2.5.2 Failing to provide appropriate treatment for disease or injury

Animals are badly treated in a zoo and in a circus they treated them like they are not a living

thing and they don’t feel anything. In a circus when animal don’t give their best or best

performance then an owner of animal beating them like evil. The dog is very frequently the host

of an adult tapeworm. We should have a patient training an animal we should have patience

towards animals while training with lots of love and care. When they get ill we should give them

a proper care, get them to the doctor as soon as possible. Animals die in zoo or circus because of
don’t give them proper treating of medical and check them to the doctor and give them rest while

they are sick.

2.5.3 Failing to provide appropriate living conditions

Some of us keep animals in cage, they should be let off. We should put pets to a comfortable

place where they can easily sit or sleep or get comfort. In winter we have to care more or think

about them because their bearing limit is very less. They want warm places to sleep, sometimes it

happens that suddenly people go somewhere on picnic, parties, office etc. and leave their pets

alone in home they don’t even think what pets will do whole day and what they will eat. It’s

come in animal abuse neglecting. most of animals or pets got sick and weak because of

ignorance and not giving time to them. They become emotional and unhealthy.

(Berreville, O. (2017, feb 2). Animal cruelty will

continue under proposed transport regulation(Blog post).Retrieve from


2.6 Animals training

Animal’s training is one of the biggest problem because in this animal get torture and beating by

trainer. There is a hard step to get training in this training animal abused done by trainers. This

training basically called animal abuse, we should train them with so much care and love and very
politely. We should not beat them or punish them, we should treat them with kindness. Some

times in a training animals treated like as a friend but in a very few minutes after that they treated

animals like an evil they forget that they are animals and animals hardly understand humans


(Adlih,A. Dzulkly,D.(2017).Proper regulation needed at animal training centers to avoided

abuse activist say.


2.7 Why people keep pets

(a) To relieving stress

(b) Physical attractiveness

(c) Increasing sense of responsibility

(d) Health benefits

(e) Reduce anxiety

(f) Enhance mood

(g) Fun and enjoyment

(h) For their kids

Animals are the most beautiful creature of god.

People keep pets because pets relive stress level or anxiety. some people keep pet because of

their loneliness they feel lonely so that’s why they keep pets to engage their selves with the pet.
Pets can also bring out the owner from the depression and people can feel better with their pets.

Pets are the reason behind the heart broken people who smile because of their pet’s pets relive

their stress or depression. Emotional and sensitive people keep pet and spend time with them

they know that animal never hurt them as human’s do they are comfortable with their pets

instead of human beings.


A-Pets can change your mood

b-pets control owners blood pressure

c-a best origin for exercise

d-an antitoxin for loneliness

(2017, novembe,24). Reasons why people keep pets.


2.8 Shelters

A place where abundant, injured, abused stray animals liv. Shelters are a home for stray animals

where volunteers keep take care of them and give them food and all comforts which they need.

Shelter is a basic need for all animals specially donkey, dogs and cats as cats and dogs are our
stray animals and shelter is the best option for our country there is very less number of

shelters for stray animals that’s why our stray animals in in very bad condition. Shelters is the

best choice for stray animals and this our responsibility to increase the number of shelters in our

country as we should donate for shelters as every human being is responsible for this. We should

donate and help to rescue team to save our stray. If we help rescuer, then our stray will save in

any condition. Shelter is a best place for these poor living things as they have equal rights to live

in this world with respect and peace with freedom without harming and abusing by humans.

Shelter is a home for stray animals and we should do something about is that our stray or

homeless animals find their home where they live with peace and with amount of love and care

where they find food and place to sleep.

(Animal shelter.

2.8.1 Rescue

Rescue animals are those who injured ,harmed and abuse or homeless animals .rescuer rescue

them and keep them in shelters as they deserve. Rescuer give them respect and love and take care

of them like their children. Because animals deserve o be loved but sadly I said that human

beings are cruel towards animals so this why there are a rescuer who keep stray animals as well

as pets who leave by their owners who leave their pet on street because they find new pet then

they throw out the first one. Or pets who are missing from their house because their owners can’t

take care of the pet so pet is missing and found on the roads or streets. there is rescuer who keep

stray animals or animals in shelter and give them home.

2.8.2 Rescue team

A rescue team is an absolutely doing great job they are there for unwanted, abuse, stray,

abundant animals who are homeless hen rescue team adopt them and give them shelter and keep

them happy with environment and give them food and place to sleep and playing and also

volunteers play with animals to make them happy souls as they are. Rescue team is a very good

behavior they give animals much respect with love there volunteers have a wonderful nature who

give respect to those abundant and injured animals they give them happy environment and keep

them warmth. And also give them al kind of comforts whuvh they want and seeking for.

2.8.3 Adopting through a rescue group

Rescue groups is seeking for homes for their shelters animals. they want this type if human who

give love and care to animal instead of harming and abusing them. They are seeking for homes

where they give all kind of comforts which animal need not just for temporary but permanently.

because there are people who adopted animal just for their wish or just for temporary want after

some time they leave their pet on street as majority of people doing. Hats why rescue team is

very sensitive about adopted animal to someone they infestation about adopter who blame to

adopt animal after investigation rescue team is ready to adopt animal.

(Animal rescue group

2.9 Why people abuse animal

Most people cruel to animals highly either stray animal’s dogs and cats. Because cats and dogs

have no homes as they are stray or homeless animals on this cruel earth and no one cares about it
and neither think about it they are just busy with their lives and enjoying with their families and

no one thinks about these poor animals. And instead of take care of them and give them their

rights these people harmed and touted them like they are nothing and they have no feeling these

type of people are very cruel by heart who abuse animals and don’t feel their pain. People who

mistreat animals are the evil by heart and and by nature they never realize what they are doing is

a cruelty. Most of people torture animals because they themselves have been tortured or hurt by

others. Some people abuse animals because they enjoying it or they feel happy to doing in this

case there are children who are doing this and enjoying it with their groups while poling and

children do this to just to show off to their friend that they are not afraid of dog or cat. Children

enjoying when stray animal run away when they are throw rock on them. Some people torture

animals because they simply hate the stray animals or dogs they don’t let them near t their home

or their street they think that animals has no rights to live on this planet they think that animals

are just an extra or trash things who don’t feel any kind of pain. Some people think that animals

don’t deserve respect and don’t deserve any kind of love to give them. These type of people are

mentally disturbing who mistreat animals and abuse animals. Most of people don’t respect stray

animals and they torture them or harmed them whenever they see dog or cat on street or

anywhere. People hit them over ride or over drive. Some people torture animals whenever they

are in anger they relive their anger on animals because animals cant speak for themselves and

can’t stand for their selves so this why people beat them in anger and abuse them very badly treat

them in very miserable way.

(Why do people abuse animal
2.10 Homeless animals

As stray animals are the homeless they need shelter as everyone need. We should do something

about this major issue that our stray is in very bad condition .as we hum and responsible towards

animals because they are the creature of god they need shelter and we build shelters as much as

we can they are homeless and nothing to eat or sleep they have feeling too they feel anything just

like us why are the people are very cruel about stray animals. This is a big issue of our county

where people mistreat animals and don’t give them their rights.

2.11 What can we do

We should do something for stray animals as we are responsible for them they are the creatures

of god as we are they have equal rights as we have this is our responsibility to take care of stray

animals and give them food or our trash or extra food which we are throw to the trash bin. we

should treat them with love and take care of them because they can’t speak for themselves and

can’t stand for their rights. We should donate for shelters as shelters are major need of stray


2.12 Who to blame

Humans are the big enemy of animals there are very cruel people towards animals as they never

realize the pain of animal. humans are the major reason behind the cruelty to animals. They

should think before torturing animal or harming the our country there is a huge number

of stray animals and they are in a bad condition because no one care about them or think about
them every one is hating the stray animals as they are just extra thing on the planet. Most people

just hate the stray animal and don’t want them on their street or near their house then where are

They go. Even children are the evilest thing for animals they are beating stray or harming them

with their groups while playing or even on garbage where stray sleep or find something to eat

these children don’t leave them to live their life as we are living with freedom.

(Weitzman, G.(2011,December,27).Animal homelessness is a community challenge .Retrieve


2.13 How people torture animals

Some of us keep animals in cage, they should be let off. We should put pets to a comfortable

place where they can easily sit or sleep or get comfort. In winter we have to care more or think

about them because their bearing limit is very less. They want warm places to sleep.

sometimes it happens that suddenly people go somewhere on picnic, parties, office etc. and

leave their pets alone in home they don’t even think what pets will do whole day and what they

will eat. It’s come in animal abuse neglecting.

Most of pets ornament weak, harmful, damage by skin, poisonous and injured as the owner of

pet don’t treated them well and don’t take care of their pets so the pets become unhealthy and

antagonistic because of not treated well.

People own pets but don’t give them appropriate food or water, they take care of themselves very

well but they usually fail to provide food or water to animals.

Some people really don’t know about pet’s food and also don’t know how to take care of them.

They should know, they can ask from animal’s doctors or they can do a research on it.some

children abuse animals they enjoying to torture animals and harming them as much as they can.

People abuse or torture stray or living things like they never ever feel the pain of animal or

realize how cruel they are doing with animals. Most of people don’t think before abusing or

hurting beautiful creature of god they are like evil for animals they don’t know what that are

doing is actually torturing to animals.

(2016, jun 29). Duty of care for animals. Retrieve from


2.14 Stray dogs and cat’s life

Most people think that stray dogs don’t deserve respect and they don’t feel any kind of pain.

People tease them, kids through water on them and beat them, hurt them. Some people just hate

stray animals and they don’t want to see them nearby their house or even their street. Humans
agreed that stray are the beneath from feel anything they are must be down of the order of

people. People treat them like animals are nothing or stray are like an extra thing who doesn’t

know about any pain and animals don’t have feelings. people kick them and throw rock on them

when see them nearby their homes or on the streets and specially kids are the major thing who

torture animals throw rocks on them harm them and injured them by throwing rocks and this is

very sadist thing about our society. Most of people injured them over rides, over drive and beat

them just for own entertainment and showing power to others. children scared them while they

are seeking for food or eating something from garbage. children tease them whenever they see

dogs on streets or nearby their house. children are very cruel hearted in this case. People trash

their food in dust bin but not give it to street dogs. In our country or our society’s thinking

towards stray dogs is that they are just extra thing in this world they have no rights to living in

this world. Stray dogs are living being as we are they have rights to live in this world with their

right it’s our (human being’s duty to show them love, take care of them, feed them instead of

torturing them and beat or harm them injured them. they have heart as we are, they feel as we

feel, they seeking for love just for us. Most people abuse them when they are angry for whatever

reason they beat street dogs just because they (the dogs) don’t speak for their selves, they can’t

stand for their rights this is why we torture them on daily basis? this is our duty to educate

everyone in our society for animal’s rights and every human being is responsible to take care of

stray animals near their homes or their streets and specially we educate our children about

animals rights we educate them that don’t throw rocks on dogs and don’t tease them hit them and

shoe them love and care they beautiful living being we should respect them an feed them we

should work on it work on change this thinking of society towards dogs or stray animals this is

our responsibility to stand for their rights and educate everyone in our society or if possible all
over the world, we should spread the awareness about animals rights specially street dogs and we

should help them when they are In need when they are injured we should help them instead of

scared them .we also donate for shelters because shelters are much needed for stray animals we

should donate and increase the the number of shelters in our country because in our country the

number of shelters are very less ad shelters are very important thing for street animals.

(Panda,R. (2018,JAN 3).What rights do stray animals have with respect to the indian law for

animals.Retrive from


2.15 What is our responsibility towards stray animals?

No one love stray animals especially stray dogs or cats, they think these animals are dangerous

for them and their kids.

Are they really such sadistic, disgusting awful people? Is this how they treat the most powerless

beings in our country.

This was done at the hands of children if you don’t educate them now on kindness and empathy,

we shall be rising and growing up in the maddest of serial killer, rapists and murderers.

As cyclonically speaking, anyone with the tendency to harm an animal at a young age will harm

people in the future.

That’s why we have so much violence around us. Its entrenched within us. And all of us are to

blame to relate it get this far. No laws to protect the most powerless.
Not enough people who care enough to help but love to be the moral police on what’s right and

wrong. Get up and educate those in your area, it’s your moral and civil duty.

(2017, may 11). our duty of care. Retrieve from


2.16 people who mistreat living beings

(a)foreign country’s mistreating towards animals highly correlated that further, counting sadism

resistant to people.

(b)Someone suffering from mental issues

(c)Someone who is really a heartless person

The people who makes fun of everything so they think that it is also just a fun or game

(a) Kids

(b) Mostly illiterate people

(c) Garbage men

(d) Boys, showing off

(e) Very careless person who cannot take care of their pets properly

(f) People who left their pets alone in home

(g) Someone who is suffering from stress

(h) Extremely cruel people

(i) People who bared pain or been hurt in past

(j) Mentally disturbed people

2.17 major causality:

The living beings that are torture or harm by humans are frequently delineate are dogss,

catss, horsess, donkeys. clandestine inquiry has clear that animal harm issue super abounds in

the mil grange production. But because of the low defense available to living stock below

state harm laws, only the most unbelievable cases are delineating, and some are ever


2.18 How to help street abused animals?

First of all, we have to recognize the type of abuse so we can help that poor animal fastly

and report about it.

(a) Give them water firstly

(b) If they got injured so apply some ointment or bandage on that place

(c) If that is a serious condition so, take them to the doctor

(d) Place them in a very safe place

(e) Feed them food

(f) Warn that person who is repeatedly abusing animal

(g) Take care of street animals

(h) Or contact with rescue teams

(i) We can easily find rescue team and shelters through internet

2.19How to take care of pets?

(a) Give them extra care and love

(b) Make a warm and clean place and locate them there in house

(c) Put some food in a bowl and water because they cannot speak so how they ask for food

put it beside them so they can eat or drink whenever they get hungry or thirsty

(d) Keep them away from kids because children don’t know how to behave with animals and

animal also don’t know that the person who is hurting them is a child who does not have

that sense so keep the children away so they cannot hurt each other

(e) Give them some space too

(f) Give them extra love and care for sure

(g) If they get sick so, take them to hospitals

(h) Keep the medicine or poised thing away from pets

(Fowler, H. (2018). Animal cruelty facts and stats. Retrieve from

2.20 Extra care towards pets and stray animal

(a) Heaters on. Blankets and beds everywhere with the warm atmosphere in winter

(b) This is how every homeless living being should be treated by every person that can

provide even a little something.

(c) It’s called respecting life without discriminating between one or another
(d) Keep out warm blankets and bowls of water for passer-by dogs and cats in your


Some people think that they are just playing with animals but the truth is they are being

violent and rude to them by throwing stone or water on them is one of the most common

animal abuse.

Keeping pet is a big responsibility because we have to take care of them properly as same as

we take care of ourselves or our child. Giving them food and water (good food and clean

water) on time, giving bath to them, extra care when they are sick and yes so much love and

attention to them.

“When humans act with cruelty we characterize them as ‘animal’, yet the

only animal that displays cruelty is humanity.”

Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop

harming all other living beings, we are still savages.

(2018,oct 5).animals with special need .Retrieve from

Chapter 3: Research methods

3.1 Method of Data collection

Primary data was gathered by means of questionnaires (appendix 1) and the data collect was tested

using SPSS (statistical package for social science). Information has been collected from students, office

workers, professionals and households.

3.2 instrument of data collection

A close ended questions and Likert scale based questionnaires was created to attain qualitative data.

This questionnaire was design to find a perspective of people pets and stray animals abuse.

3.3 sample size

The data was collected from 150 respondents from professionals, office workers, students and


3.4 sampling technique

Simple random sampling technique was used to attain responses from people with different age

and different locations.

3.5 statistical technique

Statistical technique used is frequency tables on SPSS.



4.1 Findings and Interpretation of the results

H1 Pets are known to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Experts say that people can get relief from

stress and depression, if they spend time with their pets.


Table 4.1.1 Statistics

Do you think pets relieve


N Valid 154
Missing 0

Table 4.1.2 do you think pets relieve stress

Frequenc Valid Cumulative

y Percent Percent Percent
Valid Agree 55 35.7 35.7 35.7
Disagree 4 2.6 2.6 38.3
Somewhat agree 31 20.1 20.1 58.4
Strongly agree 58 37.7 37.7 96.1
6 3.9 3.9 100.0
Total 154 100.0 100.0
According to results 37.7% of my respondents strongly agree and 35.7% respondents agree with
and 20.1% respondents somewhat agree with my hypothesis that pets relieve stress in their
owners, therefore proving my hypothesis. Only 2.6% respondents said they disagree with the
statement and 3.9% respondents strongly disagree with my hypothesis.

figure 4.1 pets are known to reduce stress

somewhat agree
stringly agree
strongly disagree

H2 Lonely and emotional depressed people love animal because they them sleeves have been

ignored or so, they attach to animal they know animal don’t hurt them


Table: 4.2.1 Statistics

Emotional sensitive people
keep pets and like to spend
time with their pet
N Valid 154
Missing 0

Table 4.2.2 emotional and sensitive people keep pets and like to spend
time with their pet

Frequenc Valid Cumulative

y Percent Percent Percent
Valid Agree 70 45.5 45.5 45.5
Disagree 7 4.5 4.5 50.0
Somewhat agree 11 7.1 7.1 57.1
Strongly agree 64 41.6 41.6 98.7
2 1.3 1.3 100.0
Total 154 100.0 100.0
Results show that 45.5% of my respondents have agreed with my hypothesis that emotionally
sensitive people attach themselves with pets because they know that pets will not hurt them,
followed by 41.6% responses that strongly agree with the hypothesis and 7.1% respondents said
they somewhat agree to the statement. Therefore, my hypothesis is in accepted state as majority
responses are in agreement with it. Only 1.3% respondents said they strongly disagree with the
statement and 4.5% respondents said they disagree with the statement.
figure 4.2 emotional and sensitive people keep pets

Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

H3 Children torture animals because they have been torture by their parents or elders


Table 4.3.1 Statistics

People hurt animals
because they themselves
have been abuse or hurt
N Valid 154
Missing 0

Table 4.3.2 People hurt animals because they themselves have been
abuse or hurt
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid Agree 47 30.5 30.5 30.5
Disagree 22 14.3 14.3 44.8
Somewhat agree 43 27.9 27.9 72.7
Strongly agree 34 22.1 22.1 94.8
8 5.2 5.2 100.0
Total 154 100.0 100.0

According to results, 22.1% respondents strongly agree, 30.5% respondents agree and 27.9%
respondents somewhat agree with the hypothesis that people abuse animals because they
themselves have been abused or hurt by others. Only 14.3% respondents disagree and 5.2%
strongly disagree with the hypothesis. Therefore, my hypothesis is in accepted state as majority
of responses support it.

figure 4.3 children torture animals

Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

H4 People abuse animal because enjoy hurting animals or because it makes them feel powerful.

Table 4.4.1 Statistics

buseanimalsb peopleabusea
ecausetheyen nimalbecause
joyhurtingthe itmakesthemf
m eelpowerful
N Valid 154 154
Missing 0 0

Frequency Table

Table 4.4.2 some people abuse animals because they enjoy hurting them

Frequenc Valid Cumulative

y Percent Percent Percent
Valid Agree 64 41.6 41.6 41.6
Disagree 12 7.8 7.8 49.4
Somewhat agree 26 16.9 16.9 66.2
Strongly agree 43 27.9 27.9 94.2
9 5.8 5.8 100.0
Total 154 100.0 100.0

Table 4.4.3 some people abuse animals because they enjoy hurting them

Frequenc Valid Cumulative

y Percent Percent Percent
Valid Agree 59 38.3 38.3 38.3
Disagree 17 11.0 11.0 49.4
Somewhat agree 29 18.8 18.8 68.2
Strongly agree 41 26.6 26.6 94.8
8 5.2 5.2 100.0
Total 154 100.0 100.0

According to the results on Table 4.4.2, 27.9% respondents strongly agree, followed by 41.6%
respondents who agree with and 16.9% respondents who somewhat agree with the statement
that some people abuse animals because they enjoy doing so. 11% respondents disagree with the
statement and 5.8% strongly disagree with it.
On Table 4.4.3 the results show that 26.6% respondents strongly agree with the statement that
some people abuse animals because they feel powerful by doing so; followed by 38.3%
respondents who agree with the statement and 18.8% respondents somewhat agree with it.
Whereas 11.0 % respondents disagree with the statement and 5.2% strongly disagree with it.
By looking at the responses on both tables we can conclude that majority of respondents have
shown agreement to the hypothesis that people tend to abuse animals because they enjoy
torturing animals and it makes them feel powerful.

figure 4.4 some people enjoying hurting animals

Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
figure 4.4.1 people enjoying hurting animal

Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Chapter 5


After analyzing my result about stray animal and pet animal rights. I have interpreted that

Majority of responses agreed that people abuse animal because they enjoying torturing them

physically. Majority of responses agree that people keep pets at their home because they love to

spend time with their pets. Majority of responses agree that emotionally sensitive people attach

themselves with pets because they know that pets will not hurt them. Majority of responses agree

that pets relieves stress of their owners. Majority of responses agree that that pets relieves stress

of their owners. Majority of responses agree that people abuse animal because they feel powerful

by doing this they can’t realize what animals feel and some responses agree with that people

abuse animal because they themselves abuse or hurt by others.


I conclude that majority of people aware about animal abuse that animal abuse by people those

who abuse themselves from others or elders some people abuse animal because they feel

powerful and feel proud to doing this and also some people enjoying torturing animals and I

analyses about pet animal that people keep pets to relive their stress level or anxiety level. Also

people keep pets because they enjoying with them and happy with them and some people

emotionally attach with pets and they spend their time with their pets instead of people. Sensitive

people or soft hearted people keep pets they attach with them because they know that animals

never hurt them. I advised that people should give them their rights and give protection from

surrounding and give love which they deserve.

Animal cruelty. Retrieve from

What is animal cruelty? Retrieve from


Animals are not ours. Retrieve from

Animal use for clothing. retrieve from


Fransic, S. (2017). National institute of health. Retrieve from



What is animal cruelty? Retrieve from


Berreville,O.(2017, Feb 2). Animal cruelty will continue under proposed transport regulation

(Blog post). Retrieve from


Adlih,A. Dzulkly,D.(2017).Proper regulation needed at animal training centers to avoided abuse

activist say.


(2017, novembe,24). Reasons why people keep pets.


Animal shelter.

Animal rescue group

Why do people abuse animal?

Weitzman, G.(2011,December,27).Animal homelessness is a community challenge .Retrieve

(2016, jun 29). Duty of care for animals.Retrive from


Panda,R. (2018,JAN 3).What rights do stray animals have with respect to the Indian law for animals.

Retrieve from


(2017, may 11). our duty of care. Retrieve from

Fowler, H. (2018). Animal cruelty facts and stats. Retrieve from
(2018, Oct 5). animals with special need. Retrieve from



Dear Respondent ,
I am a student of fashion designing. this survey is being conducted for research purpose. the purpose of this survey
is to identify that what's your perspective about pets and stray animals (cats and dogs ) and their rights. All details
will be kept confidential and it will not be used for any other purpose besides research.


Your answer

Your answer

Your answer
 15-24
 25-34
 35-44
 45-54
 55 and above
 female
 Male
Do you think pets relieve stress?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Somewhat agree
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
Emotional and sensitive people keep pets and they like to spend time with
their pet
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Somewhat agree
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
Do you think people hurt animals because they themselves have been
abused/hurt by others?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Somewhat agree
 Strongly disagree
 Disagree
Do you think some people abuse animals because they enjoy hurting them?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Somewhat agree
 Strongly disagree
 Disagree
 Most people abuse animal because it makes them feel powerful
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Somewhat agree
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
Most people abuse/hurt animal b/c they don’t do it on purpose and they don’t
think about it or realize what they are doing.
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Somewhat agree
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
Most people simply love animals they have soft/sensitive heart and they can
feel the pain of animals.
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Somewhat agree
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
Children torture animals because they have been tortured by their parents or
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Somewhat agree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
Children torture animals because they enjoy it and they think that animals
don’t feel the pain.
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Somewhat agree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
Some people hurt animals and think it’s fun to watch an animal run away
scared, without really thinking about how the animal feels
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Somewhat agree
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
There are people who think that animals don’t deserve respect. These kinds
of people are self-centered.
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Somewhat agree
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
While the majority of pet owners enjoy the attachment and fun their pets
bring into their lives, few pay close attention to the other benefits.
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Somewhat agree
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
 Option 1
People who abuse animals have a wretched heart and they don’t feel any
emotions towards those animals.
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Somewhat
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
Anyone who abuses their pet is a person who is most likely suffering from
mental illness and is projecting their feelings on their pets through
physical/verbal abuse usually in order to obtain a physical/mental/emotional
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Somewhat agree
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
People who mistreat and abuse animals may have a lot of problems that lead
them to hurting these poor animals.
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Somewhat agree
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
Some people believe that animals are the lower form of living things that
should be under the rule of human. Keeping this thought in their minds
makes them very violent towards animals.
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Somewhat agree
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
Some people just hate stray animals and they don’t want to see them nearby
their house or even their street.
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Somewhat agree
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree

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