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She was late, twenty minutes stuff now had to be done in just ten.

She thought about her

boss, that disgusting man will be rude again, he is the cause of the nights that have made all
her life an absolute mess. She crossed the road as fast as she could, ¡God, bloody traffic,
that damn road remained always the same, no matter what time it is!

Just before turning the corner, she looked back, everybody was rushing towards a huge
truck idled in the middle of the road. An accident? In a hurry, she didn’t notice it. Despite
going behind time, driven by curiosity she could not avoid coming a few yards back to have a
look, an old man wiping sweat from his forehead in a regretful voice was explaining the fatal
crash. She stretched over crowds’ shoulders and saw an unfortunate twisted and lifeless
body lying on the floor. It wore a dull grey raincoat and a wool cap now colored of blood.

Do I know her? - she asked herself. Maybe, her neighborhood was not that big. Meanwhile,
she had lost another five minutes, but the watch was still, it hadn’t ticked a second.

Shit! Why the hell everything has to go wrong today! - she cursed while looking at the watch.
But then she started to smile, as she thought at least I have an excuse. She calmed down
breathing deep and decided to stop in front of a huge mirror next to her workplace building,
as she did every day.

It was then when she felt a freezing breeze in her skin. Horrified, she looked in the mirror
and she realized she was wearing the same raincoat and blood-colored cap as that dead
body. Then, she turned her head a little and saw reddish liquid falling on the ground through
her hair. Yeah, the universe had paralyzed at the moment the truck had hit her car.

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