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US of Right Upper Quadrant Pain

in the Emergency Department:
Diagnosing beyond Gallbladder
and Biliary Disease1
Gayatri Joshi, MD
Kevin A. Crawford, MD Acute cholecystitis is the most common diagnosable cause for right
Tarek N. Hanna, MD upper quadrant abdominal (RUQ) pain in patients who present
Keith D. Herr, MD to the emergency department (ED). However, over one-third of
Nirvikar Dahiya, MD patients initially thought to have acute cholecystitis actually have
Christine O. Menias, MD RUQ pain attributable to other causes. Ultrasonography (US) is the
primary imaging modality of choice for initial imaging assessment
Abbreviations: ACR = American College of and serves as a fast, cost-effective, and dynamic modality to provide
Radiology, BCS = Budd-Chiari syndrome, ED = a definitive diagnosis or a considerably narrowed list of differen-
emergency department, IVC = inferior vena
cava, MRCP = MR cholangiopancreatography, tial possibilities. Multiple organ systems are included at standard
RLL = right lower lobe, RUQ = right upper RUQ US, and a variety of ultrasonographically diagnosable disease
quadrant, SLE = systemic lupus erythema-
tosus, UC = ulcerative colitis, UTI = urinary processes can be identified, including conditions of hepatic, pancre-
tract infection, XGP = xanthogranulomatous atic, adrenal, renal, gastrointestinal, vascular, and thoracic origin,
all of which may result in RUQ pain. In certain cases, subsequent
RadioGraphics 2018; 38:766–793 computed tomography, magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, MR cholangiopancreatography, or cholescintigraphy may be considered,
Content Codes:
depending on the clinical situation and US findings. Familiarity
with the spectrum of disease processes outside of the gallbladder
From the Department of Radiology and Im-
aging Sciences (G.J., K.A.C., T.N.H., K.D.H.) and biliary tree that may manifest with RUQ pain and recognition
and Department of Emergency Medicine (G.J., at US of these alternative conditions is pivotal for early diagnosis
T.N.H., K.D.H.), Emory University School
of Medicine, 550 Peachtree St, Atlanta, GA
and appropriate management. Diagnosis at the time of initial US
30308; and Department of Radiology, Mayo can reduce unnecessary imaging and its consequences, including ex-
Clinic, Scottsdale, Ariz (N.D., C.O.M.). Recipi- cess cost, radiation exposure, nephrotoxic contrast medium use, and
ent of a Certificate of Merit award for an educa-
tion exhibit at the 2016 RSNA Annual Meeting. time to diagnosis, thereby translating into improved patient care and
Received May 29, 2017; revision requested Au- outcome. This article (a) reviews the causes of RUQ pain identifiable
gust 8 and received January 29, 2018; accepted
February 2. For this journal-based SA-CME
at US using an organ-system approach, (b) illustrates the US appear-
activity, the author T.N.H. has provided disclo- ance of select conditions from each organ system with multimodality
sures (see end of article); all other authors, the imaging correlates, and (c) discusses the relevant pathophysiol-
editor, and the reviewers have disclosed no rel-
evant relationships. Address correspondence ogy and treatment of these entities to aid in efficient direction of
to G.J. (e-mail: management.
RSNA, 2018
Online supplemental material is available for this article.

After completing this journal-based SA-CME

activity, participants will be able to:
■■List the causes of RUQ pain that are
identifiable at RUQ US using an organ- Introduction
system approach. Ultrasonography (US) is the primary imaging modality of choice for
■■Recognize the differentiating clinical initial assessment of acute right upper quadrant abdominal (RUQ)
and imaging features of each condition,
including complicating features.
pain, particularly in the emergency department (ED) setting (1,2).
The American College of Radiology (ACR) Appropriateness Criteria
■■Discuss the relevant pathophysiology
and next appropriate steps in manage- for US have a rating of 9 (out of 9) in patients with appropriate clini-
ment for patients with an identifiable cal indications (1,2). There are a variety of differential considerations
cause of RUQ pain at US who present for RUQ pain, and US is a fast cost-effective real-time dynamic mo-
to the ED.
dality, which does not use ionizing radiation or nephrotoxic intrave-
See nous contrast medium and provides a definitive diagnosis or at least
a considerably narrowed list of differential possibilities.
An earlier incorrect version of this
article appeared online. This article
was corrected on Sept 12, 2018.
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 3 Joshi et al  767

tomography (CT), magnetic resonance (MR)

TEACHING POINTS imaging including MR cholangiopancreatography
■■ Overwhelmingly, gallbladder or biliary conditions, particularly (MRCP), or cholescintigraphy may be considered
cholecystitis and choledocholithiasis, are the clinically suspect-
ed culprits for RUQ pain. However, although acute cholecys-
as the next appropriate management, depending
titis is the most common diagnosable cause for RUQ pain in on the clinical situation and US findings (Fig 1).
patients presenting to the ED, over one-third of patients have
RUQ pain attributable to other causes. US Evaluation of RUQ Pain
■■ In many cases, RUQ pain attributable to the liver is related to The standard RUQ US examination includes
liver capsular distention, which can be caused by inflamma- dedicated evaluation of the liver, gallbladder,
tion, edema, and/or mass effect from a variety of underlying
intra- and extrahepatic biliary ducts, pancreas,
right kidney, and vasculature, with standard im-
■■ A pyogenic liver abscess can be caused by hematogenous
inoculation through the portal vein from a gastrointestinal
ages that should be obtained from each of these
process, such as diverticulitis or appendicitis, or through the organs as part of every RUQ US examination
hepatic artery in the setting of systemic infection, such as (Table 2). Obtaining additional images beyond
sepsis or endocarditis. Direct extension of infection can occur the standard protocol may be required for full as-
from infection of adjacent structures, such as RLL pneumonia. sessment of RUQ pain, tailored to the individual
Other routes of infection include ascending cholangitis and
direct inoculation, such as from penetrating trauma or an in-
patient and based on the patient’s clinical pre-
vasive procedure. sentation, the clinical findings, and findings on
■■ Pyelonephritis most commonly results from ascending UTI in standard RUQ US images.
which the causative organism spreads from the urinary blad- Several additional structures are within the
der into the upper urinary tract. This can occur in the absence field of view of the standard RUQ US protocol
of reflux and is thought to be due to relative functional ob- that may be the source of RUQ pain. For ex-
struction caused by bacterial endotoxins that inhibit ureteral
ample, real-time assessment can be performed of
the right lung base and right pleural space (when
■■ RLL parenchymal and pleural conditions, including pneu-
monia, infarction related to pulmonary embolism, pleural
evaluating the hepatic dome); the right adrenal
effusion, and neoplasm involving the pleura and chest wall, gland (when assessing the hepatorenal interface);
can result in pleuritis and RUQ pain. An intercostal imaging the hepatic flexure, right colon, and appendix
approach is often required to visualize regions of the thorax (when assessing the inferior margin of the liver
and thoracoabdominal junction, which may otherwise be and right kidney); the stomach and duodenum
obscured owing to rib shadowing artifact. This is particularly
the case in patients who cannot tolerate large inspiration and
(when assessing the hepatic hilum and pancreas);
breath holding and consequently may have a greater portion and the branches of the aorta (when assessing the
of the lung base and upper abdominal structures surrounded upper abdominal aorta). Additional images can
by the ribcage. be obtained as appropriate if abnormalities are
identified within the field of view when perform-
ing the standard protocol for RUQ US (Fig 2).
Overwhelmingly, gallbladder or biliary condi- During US assessment of the liver (Fig 2a),
tions, particularly cholecystitis and choledocho- if the patient can tolerate deep inspiration and
lithiasis, are the clinically suspected culprits for breath-hold instructions, a subcostal approach
RUQ pain. However, although acute cholecys- may allow for near-full visualization of the liver. If
titis is the most common diagnosable cause for an intercostal approach is required to assess por-
RUQ pain in patients presenting to the ED, over tions of the liver above the costal margin, the US
one-third of patients have RUQ pain attribut- probe should be placed in the intercostal space
able to other causes (3). Multiple organ systems and aligned parallel to the course of the ribs in an
are included at standard RUQ US, and a variety oblique fashion. At each intercostal space, the US
of disease processes that are diagnosable at US probe should be angled upward and downward to
can be identified, including hepatic, pancreatic, visualize the liver parenchyma above and below
adrenal, renal, gastrointestinal, vascular, and tho- each rib until the full liver is visualized.
racic conditions, all of which may manifest with Assessment for abnormal liver parenchymal
RUQ pain (Table 1). Therefore, familiarity with echogenicity and echotexture, liver surface
the spectrum of disease processes outside of the nodularity, mass lesions, abnormalities of the in-
gallbladder and biliary tree that may manifest with tra- and extrahepatic ducts, and abnormalities of
RUQ pain and US recognition of these alternative the intrahepatic vessels are among the items to
causes is pivotal for early accurate diagnosis and include during an assessment of this region (4).
efficient appropriate management. Attention to the right lung base and the right
Early accurate diagnosis is particularly critical pleural space can identify intrathoracic causes
for those conditions that require timely interven- of RUQ pain (Table 1, Fig 2a). US assessment
tion such as pyonephrosis and appendicitis, among of the gallbladder (Fig 2a) includes evaluation
others. In some cases, subsequent computed of gallbladder shape, size, wall, and intraluminal
768  May-June 2018

and extraluminal abnormalities. Assessment

Table 1: Sonographically Identifiable Differ-
should be performed in at least two different pa- ential Diagnosis Considerations for RUQ Pain
tient positions (supine, left lateral decubitus, up-
right, or prone). The presence of maximal inten- Adrenal
sity pain on graded pressure with the transducer Adrenal hemorrhage
(sonographic Murphy sign) must be evaluated Adrenal mass (benign, malignant)
(4). US evaluation of the pancreas (Fig 2a) in- Gallbladder/biliary
cludes assessment of pancreatic shape, size, and Acute cholecystitis
Chronic cholecystitis
echogenicity. Observation for pancreatic ductal
dilatation, parenchymal abnormalities (includ-
Acalculous cholecystitis
ing mass lesions), and peripancreatic collections Gallbladder torsion
or masses should be performed. Assessment of Gallbladder carcinoma/metastasis
the patency of the portosplenic confluence and Postcholecystectomy complications
abnormalities of the stomach and duodenum Choledocholithiasis
can be performed when assessing the pancreas Mirizzi syndrome
(Fig 2a) (4). During assessment of the aorta, the Cholangitis
celiac artery and superior mesenteric artery can Biliary necrosis
be observed. Cholangiocarcinoma
Hepatic Causes of RUQ Pain Subhepatic appendicitis
Abnormalities intrinsic to the liver, including acute Hepatic flexure colitis
hepatitis, hepatic steatosis with hepatomegaly and Bowel obstruction
Perforated viscus
capsular distention, hepatic abscess, and hepatic
Gastrointestinal neoplasm
neoplasm, without or with intratumoral hemor-
Bowel ischemia
rhage, can all result in RUQ pain and can mimic Gastritis
gallbladder or biliary causes of pain clinically. In Peptic ulcer disease
many cases, RUQ pain attributable to the liver is Hepatic
related to liver capsular distention, which can be Hepatic steatosis
caused by inflammation, edema, and/or mass effect Acute hepatitis
from a variety of underlying causes. Benign and ma- Liver abscess
lignant neoplasms without associated hemorrhage Liver neoplasm without or with tumoral hemor-
can cause capsular distention if large or subcapsular rhage (hepatocellular adenoma, hepatocellular
in location. A complication of tumoral hemor- carcinoma, metastases)
rhage can cause acute RUQ pain from hematoma- Pancreatic
related liver capsule (Glisson capsule) distention or Pancreatic neoplasm
rupture. Pancreatitis
Acute Hepatitis Right lower lobe (RLL) pneumonia
Acute inflammation of the liver parenchyma can Right lung base pulmonary infarct
result from a variety of underlying causes, includ- Chest wall mass
ing viral, parasitic, or bacterial infections, drug Pleural effusion
reaction, ischemia, and autoimmune dysfunction. Urologic
Acute hepatitis is ultimately a clinical diagnosis, Obstructive urolithiasis
and normal appearance of the liver at imaging Acute bacterial pyelonephritis
does not exclude acute hepatitis (5).
Emphysematous pyelonephritis
With acute liver inflammation, the liver en- Renal abscess
larges, causing distention of the liver capsule, Subcasular hematoma secondary to hemor-
which may manifest as acute RUQ pain. Hepato- rhagic neoplasm (angiomyolipoma, renal cell
megaly may be the most sensitive finding at US carcinoma)
and can be identified with hepatic length exceed- Ruptured renal cyst
ing 15.5 cm in the midclavicular line or extension Vascular
of the right hepatic lobe inferior to the lower renal Portal vein thrombosis (bland and malignant)
pole in the setting of a normal-sized left lobe (6,7). Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS)
Decreased hepatic echogenicity, thickening of the Hepatic artery compromise
walls of the portal veins (Fig 3a), and secondary
gallbladder wall thickening (Fig 3b) may also be
seen with hepatic inflammation (8). The “starry
sky” appearance of conspicuous portal triads on
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 3 Joshi et al  769

Figure 1.  Algorithm for the im-

aging workup of patients who
present to the ED with RUQ pain
(1). AC = acute cholecystitis.

Table 2. Imaging Protocol for Standard RUQ US*

Gray-scale transverse and longitudinal US images through the right hepatic lobe, left hepatic
lobe, and caudate lobe
Gray-scale US images through the hepatic dome to include the right diaphragm and pleural
Gray-scale transverse and longitudinal US images through the gallbladder, evaluated in at
least two different patient positions
Gray-scale transverse US image of the gallbladder, with measurement of gallbladder wall
Assessment for a sonographic Murphy sign
Biliary tract
Gray-scale and color Doppler† longitudinal US images of the common bile duct, without
and with measurement of diameter in the proximal, mid-, and distal aspects
Color Doppler US† images of the right and left hepatic lobes to assess for intrahepatic bili-
ary ductal dilatation
Gray-scale transverse and longitudinal US images through the pancreatic head, uncinate pro-
cess, body, and tail, as visible
Right kidney
Gray-scale longitudinal US image without and with measurement of renal length
Gray-scale transverse US images through the upper, mid-, and lower poles
Color Doppler US image at the renal hilum‡
Gray-scale transverse and longitudinal US images of the aorta and inferior vena cava (IVC)
Gray-scale transverse and longitudinal images of the hepatic veins and main portal vein
Color Doppler US image to assess the patency of the portosplenic confluence
*Required images at a standard RUQ US examination. Additional images should be obtained if
abnormalities are found during acquisition of these standard protocol images.
†Color Doppler US may be used to differentiate hepatic arteries and portal veins from bile ducts.
‡Color Doppler US is used to differentiate between prominent hilar vessels and the collect-
ing system.

a background of hypoechoic edematous liver pa- US, CT, and MR imaging findings may
renchyma is often attributed to acute hepatitis, but include hepatomegaly, periportal edema, and
this sign has been shown to be neither sensitive periportal lymphadenopathy (9). Laboratory
nor specific (7). findings that support the clinical and imaging
770  May-June 2018

Figure 2.  (a) Photograph shows the topographic regions for US assessment of the liver (gray oval 1), gallbladder (gray
oval 2), and pancreas and epigastric region (gray oval 3). Assessment of the intrahepatic biliary tree and intrahepatic
hepatic vasculature is also performed in the topographic region of the liver (gray oval 1). Assessment of the portal struc-
tures is performed at the confluence of these three regions. (b–d) Photographs show the topographic regions for US
assessment of the right kidney (gray oval 4) and the right pleural space and right lung base (gray oval 5). Assessment
for abnormalities of the right adrenal gland can be performed in real time while observing the hepatorenal interface (the
superior margin of gray oval 4) and by progressively moving the US probe medially in the longitudinal plane, obtaining
images as clinically warranted. (e) Photograph shows the topographic regions for US assessment of the IVC (gray oval
5a) and the aorta (gray oval 5b). Assessment for abnormalities of the celiac artery and superior mesenteric artery and
their respective branches can also be performed when viewing the aorta while obtaining additional nonstandard images,
if clinically appropriate. (f) Photograph shows the topographic region for US assessment of the hepatic flexure (gray oval
6) and right colon (gray oval 7). The appendix, if abnormal, can also be located in these regions. While dedicated assess-
ment of these structures is not part of the standard RUQ US, these regions can be observed in real time while assessing
the inferior margin of the liver, the right kidney, and the hepatorenal interface. If clinically warranted, image acquisition
of the bowel in these regions can be performed. Likewise, an assessment of the urinary bladder (gray oval 8) is not part
of the standard RUQ US protocol; however, focused assessment can be performed if an upstream urologic condition is
identified, including assessment for distal ureteral and bladder calculi, presence of right ureteral jet, signs of urinary tract
infection (UTI), and bladder wall abnormalities.

diagnosis of acute hepatitis include elevated Pyogenic Abscess.—A pyogenic liver abscess can be
aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotrans- caused by hematogenous inoculation through the
ferase, and g-glutamyl transferase levels and portal vein from a gastrointestinal process, such as
hypoalbuminemia (10). diverticulitis or appendicitis, or through the hepatic
artery in the setting of systemic infection, such as
Liver Abscess sepsis or endocarditis. Direct extension of infection
Liver abscess, the most common type of visceral can occur from infection of adjacent structures,
abscess (11), can be categorized as pyogenic or such as right lower lobe (RLL) pneumonia. Other
parasitic and cause RUQ pain with positive US routes of infection include ascending cholangitis
findings. Pyogenic abscesses can be caused by and direct inoculation, such as from penetrating
bacterial or fungal organisms, and knowledge of trauma or an invasive procedure (11).
the patient’s medical history, risk factors, and Most pyogenic abscesses in North America are
presentation are helpful in making the correct polymicrobial, with Escherichia coli and Klebsiella
diagnosis. Early diagnosis followed by timely in- pneumoniae being the most common offending
tervention has been reported to decrease mortal- agents in all patients (11). Pure fungal or mixed
ity from 65% to 2%–12% (11). fungal and bacterial abscesses occur with greater
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 3 Joshi et al  771

Figure 3.  Acute hepatitis and liver failure secondary to cocaine-related vascular compromise in a
34-year-old woman with a history of polysubstance use who presented to the ED with worsening RUQ
pain for 2 days. Laboratory studies show markedly elevated liver enzyme and bilirubin levels and evidence
of cocaine use. (a) Transverse gray-scale US image through the porta hepatis shows thickening of the
walls (arrows) of the right, left, and main portal veins, with increased prominence of the portal triads
within the edematous hypoechoic liver. (b) Transverse gray-scale US image through the gallbladder
shows marked gallbladder wall thickening (arrow) due to hepatic dysfunction, notably without distention
or the presence of gallstones to suggest acute intrinsic gallbladder inflammation.

frequency in immunocompromised patients, such A search for an underlying biliary cause is

as those with malignancy or human immunode- crucial, as obstructing biliary stones or a tumor
ficiency virus (HIV) infection (12). No source can result in cholangitis and peribiliary abscesses.
is detected in approximately 50% of cases, and Some abscesses can be difficult to differentiate
blood cultures are positive in only 50% of cases from a solid necrotic neoplasm (11). However,
(11). A solitary abscess is often cryptogenic. Mul- the presence of increased through transmission
tiple abscesses suggest hematogenous dissemina- suggests a cystic lesion with internal debris rather
tion through the portal vein or hepatic artery or than a necrotic albeit otherwise cystic-appearing
ascending cholangitis (5). mass. Peripheral and septal blood flow may be
Clinical presentations of hepatic abscesses visualized at color Doppler US. However, the
vary. Fever (70%–90% of patients) and RUQ debris-filled cavity itself remains avascular. Con-
pain (50%–75%) can mimic acute gallblad- trast material–enhanced CT may show a multiloc-
der disease (11). Alternatively, vague, indolent, ulated cystic mass with surrounding parenchymal
and constitutional symptoms or even a relative edema. Aggregation of low-attenuating locules into
absence of symptoms may be seen (5). Biochemi- a single larger abscess cavity produces the “cluster
cal aberrations of the liver are nonspecific in the sign” (Fig 4b). MR imaging usually demonstrates
setting of hepatic abscesses; however, elevations central T1 hypointensity and T2 hyperintensity,
of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine amino- although the internal T1 and T2 signal intensities
transferase, and total bilirubin levels and hypoal- can vary with protein content (11).
buminemia commonly manifest (5).
US and CT are 85% and 97% sensitive, respec- Parasitic Abscess.—An amebic abscess, caused
tively, for detecting pyogenic liver abscesses (11). by the parasite Entamoeba histolytica, is an ex-
The size, number, and location of pyogenic hepatic traintestinal complication of amebiasis. Infection
abscesses can affect US sensitivity, with a smaller is endemic in Central and South America, Africa,
solitary abscess in hepatic segment VIII having the and portions of Asia (11). E histolytica spreads
lowest overall sensitivity for diagnosis (13). Micro- hematogenously through the portal vein from the
abscesses typically appear as hypoechoic nodules at colon (5). Patients with an amebic abscess are
US, which may be distinct, ill defined, or conflu- usually adult men who present with fever, RUQ
ent. Larger abscesses can have either increased pain, and cough (11). Imaging findings may be
or decreased echogenicity and may have internal similar to those of pyogenic abscesses. However, a
debris and foci of gas (5). Abscesses may be single history of recent travel to endemic areas accom-
nonloculated collections, single multiloculated col- panied by supporting laboratory values, including
lections with echogenic internal septa and debris mild elevation of total bilirubin and aminotrans-
(Fig 4a), solid or partially solid in appearance, or ferase levels and hypoalbuminemia, can help to
may have multifocal involvement in the liver (5,11). establish the diagnosis (5).
772  May-June 2018

Figure 4.  Pyogenic liver abscess in a 62-year-old man who presented to the ED with RUQ pain, fever,
and leukocytosis. (a) Longitudinal color Doppler US image through the liver shows a heterogeneous mul-
tiloculated intraparenchymal lesion (*), with echogenic internal septa and debris and prominent through-
transmission (arrows). Peripheral and septal blood flow is seen, but there is no internal blood flow in the
loculations. (b) Corresponding sagittal contrast-enhanced CT image shows a multiloculated abscess (*),
producing the cluster sign. Histologic analysis confirmed the presence of polymicrobial agents, including
E coli, the most common offending agent.

Typical US features of amebic abscess include cinomas. Rarely, hemorrhage can occur in focal
a homogeneously hypoechoic lesion with internal nodular hyperplasia, giant hemangiomas, peliosis,
echoes and an imperceptible wall and increased and metastatic lesions. Other systemic causes of
through transmission. At contrast-enhanced hepatic hemorrhage in the absence of trauma or
CT, an amebic abscess will appear as a round anticoagulation include hemolysis, elevated liver
fluid-attenuating lesion with rim enhancement enzymes, and low platelet count (HELLP) syn-
and surrounding edema (5,11). Internal septa drome or amyloidosis (15).
and a fluid-debris level are frequently associated
features (5). Extrahepatic extension is relatively Hemorrhagic Hepatocellular Adenoma.—He-
common (11). MR imaging demonstrates a le- patocellular adenomas (also known as hepatic
sion with low T1 and high T2 signal intensities; adenomas) are most commonly diagnosed in
perilesional edema may also be identified. women of childbearing age, often in the setting
The tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus is the of oral contraceptive use (3,16). Other high-risk
most commonly implicated organism in echino- groups include patients with a history of andro-
coccal, or hydatid, disease (11,14). Patients are gen-containing steroid use, iron overload second-
infected by ingesting tapeworm eggs, and the ary to b-thalassemia, and type 1 glycogen storage
liver is the most common organ involved (11). disease, irrespective of sex (3,15). Adenomas may
The clinical manifestation of hepatic echinococ- be solitary (80%) or multiple (20%) and may be
cal disease varies widely, ranging from the absence clinically silent (15), particularly if they are small
of symptoms to the presence of jaundice, severe or deep relative to the liver capsule, with inter-
RUQ pain, a palpable RUQ mass, and anaphylaxis vening liver parenchyma between the lesion and
(11). The US appearance depends on the stage of liver surface. However, spontaneous hemorrhage
disease and can range from an anechoic unilocular can occur, particularly in the setting of multiple
cyst with a nearly imperceptible wall to a multi- or large adenomas (3). A subcapsular location
septated cyst with a hyperechoic wall containing results in RUQ pain due to capsular distention
daughter cysts (11). At later stages, a partially or and also increases the risk of massive hemoperi-
completely calcified wall may be formed. toneum due to large-volume hemorrhage into the
peritoneal cavity on capsular rupture (3).
Nontraumatic Hemorrhagic Nonhemorrhagic adenomas may appear
Hepatic Lesions hyperechoic at US owing to their relatively high
The most common hepatic tumors that manifest internal lipid content. Hemorrhagic adenoma, in
with spontaneous nontraumatic hemorrhage are contradistinction, may appear heterogeneously
hepatocellular adenomas and hepatocellular car- hypoechoic, with internal hyperechoic areas, or
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 3 Joshi et al  773

Figure 5.  Hemorrhagic hepatocellular adenoma with hemoperitoneum in a 34-year-old woman who presented to the ED with acute
RUQ pain. (a) Transverse gray-scale US image of the RUQ shows a relatively well-circumscribed heterogeneous liver mass (dotted circle),
with areas of hyper- and hypoechogenicity, signifying internal hemorrhage within an intrinsically hyperechoic hepatocellular adenoma.
(b) Transverse color Doppler US image shows prominent vessels at the periphery of the hepatocellular adenoma. (c) Longitudinal trans-
vaginal US image obtained at the same time shows complex free fluid with diffuse uniform echoes (*) adjacent to the uterus, signifying
hemoperitoneum extending into the pelvis. (d) Subsequent axial late-arterial contrast-enhanced CT image obtained during the same ED
visit shows a corresponding arterially enhancing heterogeneous intraparenchymal lesion (arrow) within the right hepatic lobe. Washout
was seen at a more delayed phase (not shown).

as a hyperechoic mass associated with fluid and Hemorrhagic Hepatocellular Carcinoma.— Hem-
internal echoes, signifying intratumoral hemor- orrhagic hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a
rhage at gray-scale US (Fig 5a). Subcapsular he- primary epithelial liver malignancy, with increasing
matoma and intraperitoneal hemorrhage can be prevalence worldwide and in the United States
seen, particularly with hemorrhagic juxtacapsular (15,17). Eighty percent of HCCs develop in
lesions, most commonly appearing as free fluid patients with cirrhosis. In individuals with cirrhosis,
with diffuse internal echoes (Fig 5c). annual HCC incidence ranges from 2% to 8% (17).
Color Doppler US may reveal prominent ves- A ruptured HCC is a surgical emergency with
sels at the periphery of the mass (Fig 5b) (15). a high mortality rate. In endemic areas of Asia and
Multiphase CT is often subsequently performed, Africa, rupture occurs in approximately 7%–14%
especially if there is concern for hepatocellular of cases and is the most common cause of spon-
adenoma rupture. At contrast-enhanced CT and taneous nontraumatic acute hemoperitoneum in
MR imaging, adenomas are usually well circum- male patients (15). By comparison, the prevalence
scribed with arterial enhancement (Fig 5d) and of ruptured HCC in western countries has been
washout in subsequent phases (15,16). At nonen- reported to be less than 3%. This difference has
hanced CT, hemorrhagic adenoma is suggested been attributed to a lower prevalence of hepatitis
by intratumoral hyperattenuation with adjacent B and C as compared to the Asian and African
subcapsular hematoma or high-attenuation free populations, although differences in reporting may
intraperitoneal fluid, particularly in high-risk also account for this apparent disparity (18).
individuals such as a pregnant patient or a patient When intratumoral hemorrhage occurs, bleeding
taking oral contraceptives (15). initially may be relatively minor, but it can progress
774  May-June 2018

Figure 6.  Gallstone pancreatitis in a 25-year-old woman who

presented to the ED with RUQ pain. (a) Transverse gray-scale
US image shows a mildly edematous pancreas with an irregu-
lar indistinct ventral margin and hypoechoic peripancreatic
fluid (*). (b) Transverse gray-scale US image of the gallbladder
shows layering echogenic gallstones (arrow). (c) Axial contrast-
enhanced CT image shows fluid along the anterior margin of
the pancreas (arrow), with inflammatory stranding extending
into the perirenal fat (arrowheads).

to subcapsular hemorrhage and finally rupture containing medications. Still, many cases are idio-
through the liver capsule and into the peritoneal pathic. The reported prevalence of US abnormali-
cavity. The acute distention of the liver capsule ac- ties in acute pancreatitis ranges from 33% to 90%
counts for associated epigastric or RUQ pain (15). (21) and includes peripancreatic inflammation,
On US images, intratumoral bleeding may heterogeneous pancreatic parenchyma, decreased
appear as a complex mass, with cystic and solid gland echogenicity, indistinct ventral pancreatic
elements and variable echogenicity, depending on margin, and gland enlargement (Fig 6a) (21,22).
the age of intratumoral blood products. Capsular The diagnosis of acute pancreatitis at US is
rupture results in free intraperitoneal fluid, most complicated both by findings that change over the
commonly complex free fluid in the acute set- course of the disease and the relatively subjective
ting, although notably, anechoic fluid can reflect nature of certain findings, in particular the fea-
hyperacute blood from active hemorrhage. tures of parenchymal heterogeneity and indistinct-
ness of the ventral margin (21–23). The pancreas
Pancreatic Causes of RUQ Pain should be the most echogenic solid intra-abdom-
Patients with pancreatic conditions classically inal organ, and pancreatic hypoechogenicity can
present with epigastric pain radiating to the back, be a useful indicator of pancreatitis. However, this
but they can present with RUQ pain as well (19). parameter should be used with caution, as the
CT, MR imaging, and endoscopic US are the tradi- same population of patients with pancreatitis tend
tional modalities of choice for dedicated pancreatic to have echogenic liver parenchyma due to hepatic
imaging, but patients with nonspecific RUQ pain steatosis, confounding the relative assessment of
are often initially imaged with RUQ US, which also pancreatic echogenicity (21).
may reveal a range of pancreatic conditions (20). When pancreatitis is identified, careful US
evaluation for gallstones and choledocholithiasis
Acute Pancreatitis should be performed (Fig 6b), since over 25% of
Acute inflammation of the pancreas is usually at- gallstones are occult at CT in comparison with
tributable to obstructing gallstones, alcohol use, and those seen at US (21,24). Subsequent CT is not
the use of certain drugs such as steroids and sulfa- required for diagnosis, but it can be performed in
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 3 Joshi et al  775

Figure 7.  Pancreatic adenocarcinoma in a 48-year-old man

who presented with epigastric and RUQ pain. (a) Transverse
color Doppler US image shows a hypoechoic lesion (*) in the
pancreatic body, without appreciable internal blood flow. The
lesion exerts mass effect on the portosplenic confluence (ar-
row). (b) Axial contrast-enhanced fat-saturated T1-weighted
MR image shows a low-signal-intensity mass (*) in the pan-
creatic body, with upstream dilatation of the main pancreatic
duct (arrow) and pancreatic parenchymal atrophy within the
upstream pancreatic tail. (c) Coronal maximum intensity pro-
jection MRCP image shows the dilated main pancreatic duct
in the pancreatic tail (arrow), with abrupt cutoff in the pan-
creatic body at the site of the obstructing pancreatic mass

situations of diagnostic uncertainty (eg, to exclude majority of symptomatic tumors occurring in the
alternative diagnoses), in patients who develop or- pancreatic head (20). The typical manifestation is
gan failure or other clinical or laboratory features pain and jaundice owing to simultaneous pancre-
of severe pancreatitis, and to evaluate for compli- atic and common bile ductal obstruction (20).
cations (eg, necrosis, peripancreatic collections US findings vary based on the type and loca-
[Fig 6c], and mesenteric vein thrombosis) (25). tion of the lesion. Pancreatic adenocarcinomas
are usually depicted as a hypoechoic hypovas-
Pancreatic Cysts and Neoplasms cular mass with mass effect on the surrounding
Pancreatic cysts may be benign or malignant, structures, including the portosplenic venous
increase in frequency with age, and are often confluence, common bile duct, and main pancre-
incidental (26). These are asymptomatic in 70% atic duct (Fig 7). If a previously unknown solid
of patients, but they may manifest with abdomi- or cystic pancreatic neoplasm is identified at ab-
nal or back pain (26). Cysts associated with pain dominal US, MR imaging with MRCP sequences
have a greater likelihood of malignant or prema- should be performed for a more comprehensive
lignant conditions (26,27). Acute presentations imaging evaluation.
may arise with internal spontaneous hemorrhage,
superimposed infection, obstructive pancreatitis, Gastrointestinal Causes
or biliary colic related to pancreatic head lesions of RUQ Pain
with mass effect on the distal common bile duct. US is often underused in the diagnosis of gastro-
Pancreatic neoplasms may be solid or cystic. intestinal conditions; its potential for detecting
Solid lesions include pancreatic adenocarcinoma, disease of the stomach and bowel is often un-
pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, solid pseu- derestimated owing to diminished confidence in
dopapillary tumor, pancreatic lymphoma, and inexperienced investigators, commonly owing to
metastases (28). Cystic neoplasms include serous concern for nonvisualization due to bowel gas or
cystadenoma, mucinous cystic neoplasm, and nonspecific nature of bowel wall thickening when
intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (29). visualized. However, when used as a directed
Pancreatic adenocarcinomas are the fourth leading imaging tool, US can have excellent diagnostic
cause of death from malignancy in adults, with the results. A variety of conditions that cause RUQ
776  May-June 2018

Figure 8.  Subhepatic acute appendicitis in an 8-year-old boy with RUQ pain, nausea, fever, and leukocytosis. (a) Longitudinal
gray-scale US image shows a blind-ending fluid-filled tubular structure with bowel architecture (dotted oval), located adjacent to
the inferior tip of hepatic segment VI (*), consistent with an inflamed subhepatic appendix. (b, c) Transverse gray-scale images
without (b) and with (c) transducer pressure show noncompressibility and a targetoid appearance of the appendix.

pain can be identified at US, including gastro- for the evaluation of suspected appendicitis in
intestinal neoplasm, bowel obstruction, bowel pregnant women (ACR Appropriateness Criteria
perforation, subhepatic appendicitis, and hepatic rating of 8). MR imaging may be useful if US
flexure colitis of varying causes. findings are equivocal (rating of 7) (1,2).
Reported sensitivity and specificity rates for US
Subhepatic Appendicitis detection of appendicitis range from 80% to 93%
Appendicitis has a prevalence of approximately and 94% to 100%, respectively (32). Typical US
14% in patients presenting to the ED with abdom- findings of acute appendicitis include dilatation
inal pain (30). Although the typical presentation greater than 7 mm in diameter (with measurements
involves visceral periumbilical pain followed by made from outer wall to outer wall), targetoid ap-
migration to the right lower quadrant, appendicitis pearance at transverse US, absence of peristalsis,
can localize to the RUQ in cases with subhepatic and noncompressibility, particularly in conjunc-
location of the inflamed appendix, which can oc- tion with focal pain at the site of the appendix with
cur as normal anatomy (such as with high-riding transducer pressure (Fig 8) (33). Echogenic appen-
cecum or retrocecal appendix), in patients with dicoliths with posterior shadowing are commonly
altered anatomy (eg, in the setting of prior abdom- present but are not required for diagnosis.
inal surgery), and in pregnant patients (owing to The surrounding mesenteric fat usually dem-
displacement from the gravid uterus) (30). onstrates increased echogenicity secondary to
Acute appendicitis is the most common surgi- periappendiceal inflammation. Reactive inflam-
cal emergency during pregnancy. Imaging may be mation of the cecum or terminal ileum may also
especially important in the workup of abdominal manifest. Free fluid is not required for diagnosis
pain in a pregnant patient, as clinical evaluation but can sometimes be seen at imaging. The pres-
poses a unique challenge due to difficult physical ence of substantial extraluminal fluid or appendi-
examination, altered anatomy, physiologic leu- ceal wall discontinuity should raise the suspicion
kocytosis, and atypical presentation. Progressive for perforation. Color Doppler US may dem-
cephalad migration of the cecum and appendix onstrate hyperemia of the hypoechoic muscular
occurs during pregnancy owing to displacement layer; note that isolated hyperemia of the mucosal
by the enlarging gravid uterus. As a result, pa- layer has been associated with enteritis and is not
tients presenting with appendicitis in the late sec- a specific finding for appendicitis (32,34).
ond or third trimester will often have RUQ pain
due to the subhepatic location of the appendix. Hepatic Flexure Colitis
Prompt accurate diagnosis of appendicitis in Hepatic flexure colitis can occur in isolation or as
the pregnant patient is especially critical, as delay a part of diffuse colitis and results in RUQ pain.
in diagnosis leads to a 10%–15% perforation rate, Underlying causes include infectious, inflam-
which is associated with a fetal mortality rate of matory, ischemic, or diverticular disease. The
35%–55%, as compared to 1.5% in uncompli- normal appearance of the bowel wall includes five
cated appendicitis. There is also an increased risk concentric layers of differing echogenicities. The
of premature delivery and maternal complica- three innermost layers are relatively echogenic
tions (31). US is the first-line imaging modality and consist of the mucosal interface, the deep
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 3 Joshi et al  777

Figure 9.  Acute infectious hepatic flexure colitis in a

36-year-old man who presented to the ED with RUQ
pain and bloody diarrhea. (a) Initial longitudinal gray-
scale US image of the RUQ obtained with a curved
transducer shows a segment of dilated fluid-filled
bowel with wall thickening (arrow), located along the
inferior margin of the right hepatic lobe. (b) Longitu-
dinal gray-scale US image obtained with a linear trans-
ducer for improved near-field visualization shows dif-
fuse colonic wall and haustral thickening (arrow), with
trace pericolonic free fluid (arrowhead). (c) Subsequent
axial contrast-enhanced CT image shows hepatic flex-
ure wall thickening, with pericolonic fat stranding and
trace fluid.

mucosa (including the muscularis mucosa), and Inflammatory Bowel Disease–related Colitis.—
the submucosa and muscularis propria interface. Reported sensitivity and specificity for US detec-
This is followed by the hypoechoic muscularis tion of inflammatory bowel disease range from
propria and finally the hyperechoic serosa (32). 67% to 96% and 79% to 97%, respectively (32).
In the setting of bowel inflammation, however, Crohn disease (CD) often extensively involves
bowel wall thickening creates concentric promi- the right colon and terminal ileum, which mani-
nence of these bowel wall layers, resulting in a fests as right-sided abdominal pain. Ulcerative
targetoid appearance, which is nonspecific and colitis (UC) is less likely to manifest as isolated
can manifest in a variety of bowel conditions. RUQ pain, since the expected pattern of involve-
Transmural inflammation or fibrosis can lead ment of UC is continuous distal-to-proximal
to complete loss of typical gut layers, resulting inflammation of the colon.
in a thick hypoechoic rim at transverse assess- Distinguishing between CD and UC is possible
ment (32). Reactive pericolonic free fluid may on the basis of the location of the disease and the
manifest. A careful evaluation for organized fluid presence of skip lesions, pericolic abscesses, and
collection or abscess should be performed. fistulas resulting from transmural inflammation,
any of which, when manifested, favor a diagnosis
Infectious Colitis.—As with most causes of he- of CD over UC. The degree of bowel wall thicken-
patic flexure inflammation, bowel wall thickening ing is less pronounced with UC as compared with
with a prominent hypoechoic muscularis propria that of CD, with relatively preserved anatomic
layer can be visualized. Haustral thickening and bowel wall layers in UC relative to those of CD
small-volume pericolonic fluid may be seen (Fig (32). However, definitive diagnosis with US is
9). While infectious causes often manifest as pan- challenging, and confirmation with CT or MR
colitis, some cases are left or right predominant, imaging and colonoscopy is often warranted.
depending on the causative agent. Right-sided The classic targetoid appearance of the bowel
colitis is characteristically caused by Salmonella, related to inflammatory bowel wall thickening is
Yersinia, tuberculosis, and amebiasis (35). a common finding in areas of acute inflammation
778  May-June 2018

Figure 10.  UC in a 32-year-old man who presented with right-

sided abdominal pain. (a, b) Longitudinal (a) and transverse (b)
gray-scale US images in the right midabdomen show the fluid-
filled right colon with abnormal irregular wall thickening. Dashed
curved lines in b = demarcating wall. (c) Color Doppler US cine
clip shows targetoid appearance of the right colonic wall, with
haustral thickening and wall hyperemia. (Also see Movie 1.)

(Fig 10, Movie 1). Strictures may appear as a seg- were 90% and 99%, respectively (30,36). While
ment of wall thickening with a fixed hyperechoic CT remains the superior imaging modality in the
narrowed lumen in conjunction with fluid-filled di- diagnosis of acute diverticulitis, the diagnosis can
lated upstream bowel (32). The “creeping fat” sign occasionally be made at US when an inflamed fo-
can manifest as mass-like echogenic fat adjacent cal outpouching along the course of a hypoechoic
to the cecum and terminal ileum (32). Prominent inflamed segment of colon is identified, often with
right lower quadrant lymph nodes may be visual- adjacent reactive echogenic fat. Evaluation for ex-
ized. Complications such as abscesses and fistulas traluminal abscess formation should be performed,
can also be detected at US. Abscesses are usually including careful assessment for intraparenchymal
poorly defined hypoechoic areas, which may con- hepatic abscess from the direct spread of infection.
tain echogenic gas and debris. Fistulas, a hallmark
of CD rather than UC, may appear as hypoechoic Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Disease
tracks containing gas extending between segments Individuals with gastric or duodenal inflamma-
of bowel or adjacent structures (32). tion may present with diffuse abdominal pain or
isolated RUQ pain. Other complaints may in-
Colonic Diverticular Disease.—Although the ma- clude a sensation of abdominal fullness, bloating,
jority of acute colonic diverticulitis cases will result nausea, early satiety, and heartburn (37). Duo-
in localized pain in the left abdomen, one-third of denal ulcer disease is characterized by exacerba-
cases are missed clinically, as this entity may mani- tion of pain in the fasting state and relief after
fest in a similar manner as acute appendicitis (30). eating (37). Infection with Helicobacter pylori is
In a recent meta-analysis, the diagnostic accuracies implicated in the majority of cases of gastritis and
of US and CT for acute diverticulitis were 92% peptic ulcer disease (38). Certain medications, in
and 94%, respectively, and the overall specificities particular nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 3 Joshi et al  779

and aspirin, are other leading causes (37). Peptic vein and its major branches at gray-scale US, with
ulcer disease affects the duodenal bulb most accumulation within the smaller peripheral intra-
frequently (35%–65% of cases), followed by the parenchymal portal veins in a branch-like pattern,
pylorus and distal gastric antrum (30%–45%) if enough portal venous gas is present. At spectral
and gastric body (5%–15%) (39). When infec- Doppler US, the passage of gas locules corre-
tious gastritis or peptic ulcer disease is suspected sponds with audible crackles and visible patho-
clinically, patients first undergo noninvasive test- pneumonic sharp spikes superimposed on a portal
ing for H pylori and, if positive for infection, treat- venous waveform (Fig 14, Movie 3) (42, 43).
ment with antibiotics is initiated.
US is not indicated for the imaging workup of Renal Causes of RUQ Pain
gastric or duodenal disease, but portions of the Renal causes for RUQ pain include obstructive,
stomach and duodenum are included within the infectious, neoplastic, traumatic, and hemorrhagic
field of view at abdominal US when any num- conditions, and often these factors may coexist.
ber of entities are being considered for RUQ
pain, and, under certain conditions, gastritis and Obstructive Urolithiasis
peptic ulcer disease can be identified. The most Obstructive right nephroureterolithiasis, or stones,
reliable indicator of gastric or duodenal inflam- typically manifest as right abdominal or right
mation is focal wall thickening and obliteration flank pain in the acute setting, with hematuria at
of the multilaminar bowel architecture. Thicken- urinalysis and hydronephrosis at US (Fig 15a).
ing of the gastric antrum beyond 4 mm suggests However, the absence of hydronephrosis at US
gastritis (38). When the stomach or duodenum does not preclude ureterolithiasis as a clinical diag-
is sufficiently distended with fluid, a peptic ulcer nosis, but it may prompt further workup with CT
may be identified as a focal or linear echogenic or MR imaging. Ureteral stones are not commonly
region, with varying degrees of extension into the visualized at US, but when visualized, color Dop-
bowel wall (39,40). The presence of inflammatory pler US may reveal twinkle artifact and upstream
changes, free fluid, or gas around the stomach or hydroureteronephrosis. With the right US set-
duodenum raises the possibility of perforation and tings, twinkle artifact can facilitate identification
can be confirmed at CT (38–40). of stones that may otherwise be poorly visualized
or missed (Fig 15c). Assessment for ipsilateral
Perforated Viscus ureteral jet can confirm at least partial passage of
Underlying causes for bowel perforation include urine despite a suspected ureteral stone (Fig 15c),
peptic ulcer disease, bowel obstruction, diverticu- although absence of ureteral jet is not diagnostic of
litis, and, less commonly, neoplastic perforation or obstruction. The presence of obstructive urolithia-
bowel ischemia (30). Bowel wall thickening with sis should always prompt clinical assessment for
fluid-filled distention should raise suspicion for a superimposed urinary tract infection (UTI), as
bowel condition as the cause of abdominal pain. urine stasis is a known risk factor.
In this setting, perforation should be suspected
if echogenic reflectors with reverberation artifact Renal Infections
(signifying gas) are found that cannot be localized Interstitial nephritis refers to inflammation of the
to the intraluminal space and instead significantly renal interstitium and is most commonly caused
change in location by altering patient position. by infection, although other less common causes
Among experienced sonographers, US has an include drug reaction, granulomatous disease,
accuracy of 89%, a sensitivity of 96%, and a speci- and metabolic disorders (44). Renal infection
ficity of 82% for pneumoperitoneum; however, presenting in the ED can be acute, chronic,
the accuracy among less experienced clinicians complicated, or uncomplicated. Acute bacterial
has been reported to be much lower, at 68% (41). pyelonephritis is commonly seen in the ED and
Variability in bowel position as well as obscuration often occurs in women aged 15–40 years (45).
of structures deep relative to gas by its charac-
teristic dirty shadowing can cause uncertainty in Acute Bacterial Pyelonephritis.—Acute bacterial
the localization of gas within the abdomen at US, pyelonephritis is commonly seen in the ED and
particularly when differentiating between small- often occurs in women aged 15–40 years (45).
volume free gas, pneumatosis intestinalis, and Pyelonephritis most commonly results from an
intraluminal gas (Figs 11–13, Movie 2). In such ascending UTI, in which the causative organism
settings, CT is indicated. spreads from the urinary bladder into the upper
If pneumatosis related to bowel ischemia is urinary tract. This can occur in the absence of re-
suspected at the time of US, assessment for portal flux and is thought to be due to relative functional
venous gas should be performed, appearing as obstruction caused by bacterial endotoxins that
echogenic mobile reflectors within the main portal inhibit ureteral peristalsis (44). Pyelonephritis can
780  May-June 2018

Figure 11.  Free intraperitoneal gas anterior to the liver. (a) Trans-
verse gray-scale US image obtained using a phased-array trans-
ducer shows a poorly marginated anterior liver surface owing to
echogenic reflectors with posterior dirty shadowing, signifying
gas (arrows). (b) Gray-scale US cine clip obtained using a linear trans-
ducer for improved near-field resolution and localization of gas shows
gas interposed between the anterior margin of the left hepatic lobe
and the peritoneal reflection, signifying free intraperitoneal gas (ar-
row). (Also see Movie 2.) (c) Axial contrast-enhanced CT image (lung
window) shows free gas anterior to the liver (arrow).

Figure 12.  Pneumatosis intestinalis. (a) Longitudinal gray-scale US image shows echogenic
reflectors (arrowheads), diffusely associated with a segment of bowel located along the interior margin
of the liver but not clearly localized within the bowel lumen. On changes in patient position, these
reflectors remained relatively unchanged in location (not shown). (b) Sagittal contrast-enhanced CT
image (lung window) shows gas within the hepatic flexure wall.
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 3 Joshi et al  781

Figure 13.  Diagnostic challenge in localization of gas associated with a loop of bowel abutting the peritoneal reflec-
tion. (a) Transverse gray-scale US image at the midline, near the level of the umbilicus, shows echogenic reflectors
in a lobulated configuration, similar to that of the outline of the bowel (arrows), along the peritoneal reflection with
posterior dirty shadowing, which completely obscures the structures deep relative to this gas. (b) Corresponding axial
contrast-enhanced CT image (lung window) shows extensive pneumatosis, including a loop of bowel with the same
lobulated contour seen at US, abutting the peritoneal reflection near the umbilicus (arrows). The pneumatosis, in con-
junction with intraluminal gas, accounts for substantial obscuration at US, resulting in difficult localization.

Figure 14.  Portal venous gas in a patient with bowel ischemia. Longitudinal gray-scale US cine clip (a) and spectral analysis image (b)
show hepatopetal flow in the main portal vein, with mobile echoes moving in the direction of blood flow in the main portal vein. The
portal venous waveform shows spectral spikes (arrows in b), diagnostic of portal venous gas. (Also see Movie 3.)

also develop from hematogenous spread or direct Doppler US evaluation of the renal parenchyma.
inoculation under relevant clinical circumstances. Complicating features include abscess formation or
The patient’s clinical presentation varies but can the presence of gas within the parenchyma (44,46).
include fever, chills, dysuria, and RUQ or right
flank pain. Nonspecific nausea and vomiting may Emphysematous Pyelonephritis.—Emphysematous
manifest as well (44). pyelonephritis is a life-threatening necrotizing infec-
The imaging appearance can be occult at US. tion that is commonly seen in the setting of poorly
When findings are apparent, they include hydrone- controlled diabetes. Other risk factors include
phrosis, renal enlargement, and effacement of renal immunocompromised status or underlying urinary
sinus fat due to edema and segmental, geographic, tract obstruction from calculi or a neoplasm (44).
or diffuse loss of corticomedullary differentiation, Patients with RUQ or flank pain from right-sided
with areas that may be increased or decreased in emphysematous pyelonephritis are usually criti-
echogenicity (Fig 16). Involved areas can exhibit cally ill and may additionally pre­sent with fever,
hypoperfusion, best identified with careful power hyperglycemia, metabolic acidosis, dehydration,
782  May-June 2018

Figure 15.  Obstructing right ureterovesical junction

(UVJ) calculus in a 34-year-old patient presenting with RUQ
pain. (a) Longitudinal gray-scale US image of the right kid-
ney shows anechoic dilatation of the renal collecting sys-
tem (*), confirmed by absence of internal blood flow at
color Doppler US (not shown). (b) Transverse gray-scale
US image through the urinary bladder shows an echogenic
stone (arrow) at the right UVJ, with upstream right hydro-
ureter (arrowhead). (c) Transverse color Doppler US image
through the urinary bladder shows twinkle artifact (arrows)
deep relative to the right UVJ stone and absence of a right
ureteral jet. Contralateral left ureteral jet is also seen.

Figure 16.  Acute bacterial pyelonephritis in a febrile 25-year-old woman who presented to the ED with RUQ and right
flank pain. Urinalysis showed findings of a UTI. (a) Longitudinal gray-scale US image of the right kidney shows a rela-
tively well-demarcated segmental area of increased echogenicity in the upper-to-interpolar region, with associated loss
of corticomedullary differentiation. (b) Axial contrast-enhanced CT image shows striated nephrogram in the interpolar
region of the right kidney (dashed circle).

and electrolyte imbalance. The culprit organism is performed to assess the extent of involvement, in
most commonly E coli. order to guide management. In the more severe
On gray-scale US images, parenchymal em- form, gas may replace the renal parenchyma and
physema appears as echogenic reflectors with can extend into the ureter and ureteral wall and
posterior dirty shadowing and, when extensive, even the contralateral kidney (Fig 17b–17d).
can entirely obscure visualization of the kidney
(44) (Fig 17a). If emphysematous pyelonephri- Pyonephrosis.—Pyonephrosis is a medical emer-
tis is suspected at initial RUQ US, CT is often gency with a high mortality rate and is fittingly
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 3 Joshi et al  783

Figure 17.  Emphysematous pyelonephritis in a febrile middle-aged patient who presented to the ED
with RUQ and right flank pain. (a) Transverse gray-scale US image at the level of the hepatorenal interface
shows echogenic reflectors (arrow) along the inferior margin of the liver, with associated posterior dirty
shadowing (*) that obscures the right kidney entirely. (b) Corresponding abdominal radiograph shows
gas in the RUQ (arrow), conforming to the expected shape and location of the right kidney and right
renal collecting system. (c, d) Subsequent axial (c) and coronal (d) nonenhanced CT images show gas
nearly replacing the right renal parenchyma (arrow), with gas (arrowhead in d) transecting into the wall
of the right ureter throughout its course.

referred to as “pus under pressure,” indicating US in approximately 10% of cases, making the
infection of an obstructed kidney in which the re- correlation with the patient’s clinical status of
nal collecting system becomes distended with pu- the utmost importance, as a diagnosis of pyone-
rulent exudate containing infectious organisms, phrosis would substantially change management
inflammatory cells, and debris (47). Obstructing and prognosis (48).
masses, strictures, calculi, and complications of Pyonephrosis must be treated promptly by
pyelonephritis such as sloughed papilla may serve decompressing the collecting system, usually with
as underlying contributing factors (44). a nephrostomy tube or ureteral stent placement,
US is 90% sensitive and 98% specific for and administration of antibiotics, as this entity
pyonephrosis, but consideration of this diagnosis can lead to rapid renal parenchymal destruction,
and knowledge of the patient’s clinical presenta- sepsis, and even death (46–48).
tion are integral to rendering the diagnosis (47).
US findings include diffuse urothelial thicken- Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis—Xantho-
ing (including along the nondependent aspects granulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP) is a chronic
of the distended collecting system and ureter); granulomatous process in which the renal paren-
layering echogenic debris along the dependent chyma is replaced by lipid-laden macrophages
collecting system, ureter, and urinary blad- and occurs as a result of an immune response to
der; and mobile or shifting echoes related to a recurrent bacterial UTI (45,49). Involvement
debris, stones, and even gas (Fig 18) (44–48). is most commonly unilateral but can be bilateral,
However, these mobile echoes are not required and it is usually diffuse but can be segmental
for diagnosis, and pyonephrosis can be indistin- (particularly in the setting of duplicated collect-
guishable from noninfected hydronephrosis at ing system) (44). Staghorn calculi manifest in the
784  May-June 2018

Figure 18.  Pyonephrosis in a 24-year-old pregnant woman with a history of sickle cell disease who presented to the ED with RUQ
pain and fever. Urinalysis showed findings of UTI. (a) Longitudinal gray-scale US image though the right kidney shows renal calyceal
dilatation with urothelial thickening and dependent echogenic debris (arrows). (b) Longitudinal color Doppler US image through the
midabdomen shows right hydroureter with urothelial thickening, as well as layering debris (arrow). (c) Longitudinal gray-scale US
image through the urinary bladder shows diffuse mobile intraluminal echoes, consistent with mobile debris.

Figure 19.  XGP in a 20-year-old patient

who presented to the ED with right thora-
coabdominal pain. (a) Longitudinal gray-
scale US image of the right kidney shows
blown-out dilated calyces (*) with marked
renal cortical thinning, loss of the normal
renal architecture, and a large amorphous
calculus with posterior shadowing centered
within the renal pelvis and extending into the
calyces (arrow). (b) Abdominal radiograph
shows a large calculus with staghorn configu-
ration (arrow) in the expected location of the
right kidney. (c) Coronal nonenhanced CT
image shows a staghorn calculus (arrow) with
diffuse marked dilatation of the right renal
calyces (*), with overlying cortical thinning
(“bear paw” sign).

majority of cases. Clinical symptoms include ab-

dominal and flank pain, low-grade fever, malaise,
pyuria, and hematuria.
At US for the evaluation of RUQ pain, findings
of right-sided XGP include renal enlargement, tion of normal renal architecture, and the presence
hydronephrosis with marked dilatation of the renal of large amorphous calculi with posterior acous-
calyces and loss of overlying renal cortex, distor- tic shadowing (Fig 19a) (44,49). The remaining
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 3 Joshi et al  785

Figure 20.  Renal abscess in a patient presenting with RUQ and flank pain with fever. (a) Transverse gray-scale US image shows
fluid-filled structures with internal debris within the right kidney parenchyma (arrows), including within the cortex, which did not
correspond with the expected configuration of a collecting system. (b) Corresponding coronal contrast-enhanced CT image shows
a complex fluid-filled structure with internal septa (*) and peripheral enhancement, with hypoenhancement of the surrounding renal
parenchyma, in keeping with edema (arrow). (c) Single fluoroscopic image obtained from subsequent percutaneous abscess aspira-
tion and irrigation of two large fluid loculations in the upper pole of the right kidney. The irrigation solution contained contrast media,
thus opacifying these collections. Aspirated material revealed Staphylococcus aureus at histologic analysis.

renal parenchyma may appear hypoechoic owing ing, follow-up imaging after hematoma resolution
to edema and inflammation (48). Inflammatory should be performed (50–52).
changes may extend to adjacent structures, includ-
ing the psoas muscle (46). Staghorn calculus is Adrenal Causes of RUQ Pain
often seen at radiography and CT (Fig 19b, 19c).
Adrenal Hemorrhage
Renal Abscess.—Liquefactive parenchymal ne- An adrenal condition as the cause of acute RUQ
crosis and coalescence of microabscesses in the pain is relatively uncommon. When it occurs,
setting of renal infection result in renal abscess it is almost always attributed to intraglandular
formation (46,47). Diabetes is a strong predis- hemorrhage. Although most cases of adrenal
posing risk factor for the development of renal hemorrhage are diagnosed incidentally at imaging
abscess. Other risk factors include vesicoureteral for an unrelated condition or at autopsy, when
reflux, ascending infection, renal calculi, and acutely symptomatic, patients most often present
anatomic abnormalities. The US appearance is with upper abdominal or flank pain and low-
variable, in part owing to the potential for rapid grade fever (53–57). When only the right gland is
change in the appearance over the course of days. affected, an adrenal hematoma can be a cause of
Renal abscess can appear as a hyperechoic or acute RUQ pain (55).
hypoechoic focal intrarenal mass or a complex Adrenal insufficiency as a result of adrenal
cystic mass containing echogenic debris with ab- hemorrhage is relatively uncommon, and it is
sence of internal vascularity (Fig 20). Extension more likely to develop in bilateral involvement
into and beyond the perirenal space can occur and when more than 90% of each adrenal gland
(46–48). is destroyed; however, most affected patients do
not present with clinical or laboratory findings
Renal Neoplasms of adrenal dysfunction (53,55,56). Predispos-
Spontaneous hemorrhage related to right-sided ing factors for spontaneous adrenal hemorrhage
renal neoplasm or cyst rupture can cause RUQ include stress (such as surgery, severe burns, or
and right flank pain. According to a 2002 meta- sepsis), pregnancy, bleeding diathesis, and an-
analysis, the most common cause of spontaneous ticoagulation therapy (53,55–58). Both benign
unilateral renal hemorrhage is angiomyolipoma, (80%) and malignant (20%) adrenal tumors
followed by renal cell carcinoma (50,51). Angio- (53), such as pheochromocytoma, myelolipoma,
myolipomas larger than 4 cm have increased risk adrenocortical carcinoma, and metastases, can
of hemorrhage. As with hemorrhage anywhere, be predisposed to bleeding, and adrenal hem-
the appearance at US is variable, depending orrhage may be the initial manifestation of the
on the time course. Subcapsular hematoma or underlying neoplasm (53,54,58).
hemoperitoneum may be observed. If the cause Unless the adrenal hemorrhage results in a
of hemorrhage is not discovered at initial imag- large hematoma, it is likely to be undetectable at
786  May-June 2018

Figure 21.  Spontaneous adrenal hemorrhage in a 21-year-old

woman with uncomplicated pregnancy to date (27 weeks and 2
days), who presented with sudden-onset acute sharp epigastric
and RUQ pain. (a) Transverse color Doppler US image shows a
heterogeneously hyperechoic lesion (*) without internal vascular-
ity wedged within the hepatorenal space in the expected location
of the right adrenal gland. (b) Axial contrast-enhanced CT image
shows heterogeneous hyperattenuating material and fluid (*) in
the expected location of the adrenal gland. (c) Follow-up coro-
nal nonenhanced fat-saturated T1-weighted MR image obtained 5
days later shows a heterogeneous lesion with areas of intrinsic high
signal intensity (arrow) superior to the right kidney in the expected
location of the right adrenal gland, reflecting blood products.
There is preservation of a fat plane between the liver and kidney.

abdominal US, particularly in adults, and will be

identified more readily at CT (53,59). When an
adrenal hematoma is visible at US, its appearance
varies depending on the time course. In the acute
phase, when a patient is likely to present to the
ED, a solid avascular masslike appearance with
diffuse or heterogeneous echogenicity may be ob-
served (Fig 21a) (53,55,57,58). As the hematoma of hemorrhage, the normal adreniform shape is
evolves, a more heterogeneous pattern emerges, maintained, and the hematoma is contained to
with a central hypoechoic or cystlike area reflect- the central portion of the gland with preservation
ing clot lysis (58). Peripheral calcification can be of peripheral enhancement, giving rise to a “train
detected at US as early as 1 week (53). track” appearance (57).
As with that seen at US, the imaging ap- The primary use of MR imaging in the
pearance of adrenal hemorrhage at CT and evaluation of adrenal hemorrhage is to evaluate
MR imaging varies with time and in most cases for an underlying mass once the hemorrhage
will resolve completely, develop into a chronic has been established and to estimate when the
pseudocyst, or persist as dystrophic calcifica- hemorrhage occurred. Although distinguishing
tions (53,57,58). In the acute setting, an adrenal an adrenal mass from a large hematoma is not
hematoma is depicted at nonenhanced CT as a always possible at MR imaging, the presence
rounded or ovoid mass with the attenuation of of enhancing components argues strongly for
clotted blood (50–90 HU) replacing the normal a neoplasm (53,57,58). Comparison with any
Y-shaped configuration of the adrenal gland (Fig prior imaging studies, when available, is also
21b) (53,54,57,58). At contrast-enhanced CT, valuable in determining whether a preexisting
the hematoma will usually appear less attenuat- mass is the likely cause (57). The MR imaging
ing than normal enhancing adrenal tissue, if still characteristics of a bland adrenal hematoma
visible (57). Periadrenal fat stranding, reflect- depend on the evolving magnetic properties of
ing an uncontained hemorrhage, is a frequent blood over time. Depending on the temporal
additional finding (53,56). In less severe cases relationship between hemorrhage onset and
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 3 Joshi et al  787

Figure 22.  RLL pneumonia with transdiaphragmatic extension,

resulting in hepatic and perihepatic abscess in a patient presenting
to the ED with RUQ pain and fever. (a, b) Longitudinal gray-scale
US images at the thoracoabdominal junction show an ill-defined
soft-tissue focus (arrow) above the level of the diaphragm in the
expected location of the right lung base, with abrupt loss of the
echogenic right hemidiaphragm interface (arrowhead). A cystic-
appearing lesion with scattered internal echoes (*), located inferior
to the disrupted right hemidiaphragm, involves the liver paren-
chyma and extends into the hepatorenal space. (c) Sagittal con-
trast-enhanced CT image shows a heterogeneously enhancing RLL
consolidation (arrow) consistent with RLL pneumonia that extends
through the right hemidiaphragm and is continuous with a track
into a rim-enhancing fluid collection (signifying intra-abdominal
abscess) (*) involving the posterior right hepatic lobe and hepa-
torenal space, with perirenal inflammation.

awareness and recognition to quickly and accu-

rately make the diagnosis. A minority of patients
with RLL pneumonia will develop transdiaphrag-
matic spread of infection, which can result in
intra-abdominal abscess formation (Fig 22).
MR imaging, high T1 signal intensity or rapidly
evolving signal intensity may be observed within Pulmonary Embolism
bland hemorrhage (Fig 21c) (53,55,57,58). Abdominal pain has been reported in 6.7% of
patients with pulmonary embolism (60,61).
Thoracic Causes of RUQ Pain Although the mechanism is not fully understood,
RLL parenchymal and pleural conditions, includ- one hypothesized theory for this pain is distention
ing pneumonia, infarction related to pulmo- of the liver capsule owing to hepatic congestion
nary embolism, pleural effusion, and neoplasm from right heart strain, which can occur regardless
involving the pleura and chest wall can result in of pulmonary embolism location. Other theories
pleuritis and RUQ pain. An intercostal imaging include diaphragmatic pleurisy resulting from
approach is often required to visualize regions pulmonary infarction with the right lung base
of the thorax and thoracoabdominal junction, specifically (61). While some centers use bedside
which may otherwise be obscured owing to rib transthoracic US to diagnose pulmonary embolism
shadowing artifact. This is particularly the case (62), most pulmonary embolisms are not directly
in patients who cannot tolerate large inspiration identified at RUQ US. However, secondary signs
and breath holding and consequently may have at RUQ US and clinical examination, such as RLL
a greater portion of the lung base and upper ab- consolidation with unexplained tachypnea and
dominal structures surrounded by the ribcage. tachycardia, should raise suspicion (63,64). Some
of these patients may present with low-grade fever
RLL Pneumonia and abnormal liver function test results (64).
RLL pneumonia or pleural effusion can result
in pleuritis that manifests as RUQ pain. Both Chest Wall Mass
RLL consolidation and right pleural effusion are Chest wall tumors can be benign or malignant and
often readily identifiable at RUQ US but require when malignant may be primary or metastatic. US
788  May-June 2018

Figure 23.  B-cell lymphoma with involvement of the right chest wall and anterior liver capsule in a 57-year-old
woman with RUQ pain. (a) Transverse color Doppler US image shows a nearly anechoic mass (*) along the anterior
margin of the liver, which may be confused for a complex pleural or chest wall fluid collection. However, there is ab-
sence of posterior acoustic enhancement and presence of internal blood flow, both of which should raise suspicion for
a hypoechoic solid mass. (b) Corresponding axial contrast-enhanced CT image shows enhancing soft tissue (arrow)
anterior to the right hepatic lobe with loss of fat planes along the chest wall and liver margin, with resulting contour
deformity of the liver surface.

Figure 24.  Chronic small vessel occlusive vasculitis related to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) resulting in ischemic
infarct of the left hepatic lobe in a 14-year-old boy with a history of SLE who presented with RUQ and epigastric pain
and jaundice. (a) Transverse gray-scale US image shows heterogeneous abnormal echogenicity and echotexture within
the left hepatic lobe, with abrupt sharp demarcation between involved and uninvolved liver in the distribution of the
left hepatic artery branches. (b) Axial contrast-enhanced CT image shows corresponding heterogeneous enhancement
of the left hepatic lobe.

findings of chest wall masses are often nonspecific, when improper technique is employed. Posterior
and CT or MR imaging are used as complemen- acoustic enhancement or through transmission is
tary studies to narrow the differential diagnosis more characteristic of a cystic or fluid-filled lesion;
and provide additional information regarding the absence of through transmission suggests the pres-
extent of disease (65). However, superficial chest ence of a solid mass (Fig 23). The use of appro-
wall masses can be identified at US, particularly priate gain settings can aid in detecting low-level
with RUQ US obtained in the ED for RUQ pain. echoes, which otherwise may not be apparent. It is
Identification of the chest wall mass is not only also crucial to carefully evaluate for internal blood
important because it can provide a cause for the flow. When blood flow is not appreciated at color
patient’s pain, but it is also important for stimu- Doppler US, power Doppler US should be used
lating workup for a lesion that may otherwise be for greater sensitivity. Evaluation for lymphade-
missed in its early stages. A superficial chest wall nopathy or splenomegaly may be helpful.
mass is often amenable to US-guided biopsy (66).
A lymphomatous soft-tissue mass in the chest Vascular Causes of RUQ Pain
wall can appear hypoechoic or nearly anechoic Thrombosis of the hepatic vasculature, including
at US and can be mistaken for a cystic lesion the portal venous, hepatic arterial (Fig 24), and
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 3 Joshi et al  789

Figure 25.  Bland portal vein thrombosis secondary to SLE-associated coagulopathy in a

19-year-old man with a history of SLE. (a) Transverse color Doppler US image shows near oc-
clusion of the main portal vein by an echogenic filling defect, with a small focus of remaining
visible hepatopetal blood flow. (b) Color Doppler US spectral analysis image in this region of
blood flow within the main portal vein shows a monophasic hepatopetal waveform.

hepatic venous vasculature, can cause RUQ pain. the portal vein without internal vascularity, and
Each thrombosis pattern is associated with reli- spectral analysis will show absence of blood flow
able findings at RUQ US. within the thrombus (aphasic waveform) (68).
Areas of blood flow with hepatopetal monopha-
Portal Vein Thrombosis sic waveform can be seen in nonocclusive bland
Main portal vein thrombosis can be asymptom- portal vein thrombus (Fig 25).
atic but can also cause RUQ pain, particularly
when there is associated mesenteric venous Malignant Portal Vein Thrombosis.—Patients
thrombosis (67). A portal vein thrombus can be with hepatic cirrhosis are at increased risk for
bland or malignant, and accurate distinction is hepatocellular carcinoma, which is the most com-
critical because the underlying cause, treatment, mon cause of malignant portal vein thrombosis.
and prognosis change substantially when throm- Other differential diagnosis considerations in-
bosis is determined to be malignant. clude pancreatic carcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma,
and metastatic disease (68).
Bland Portal Vein Thrombosis.—Thrombosis At gray-scale US, an echogenic filling defect
of the portal vein is commonly associated with within the portal vein is typically seen, some-
hepatic cirrhosis due to relative stasis of blood times with portal vein distention. However,
flow in the portal vein. In the noncirrhotic patient, neither the echogenicity of the thrombus nor the
bland portal vein thrombosis may be related to hy- presence of portal vein distention can reliably
percoagulable states, for which there are numerous discriminate bland from malignant portal vein
underlying causes, including intrinsic or genetic thrombosis. The most reliable gray-scale US
coagulation factor aberrations, autoimmune findings of malignant thrombus are the com-
disorders (such as SLE), inflammatory conditions bination of an echogenic filling defect with an
(such as pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, adjacent liver mass (68), but even these features
diverticulitis, cholangitis, and peritonitis), known are not diagnostic.
malignancy, oral contraceptive use, and pregnancy The use of color or power Doppler US with
(67,68). Superior mesenteric vein and portal vein spectral analysis is crucial in the diagnosis of
thrombosis can lead to RUQ pain, but it can also malignant thrombus. Internal blood flow within
cause diffuse abdominal pain if complications of the thrombus at color or power Doppler US
venous bowel infarction develop. (termed the thread and streak sign) with pulsatile
In the setting of occlusive bland portal vein arterialized hepatofugal flow at spectral analy-
thrombus, US will show a filling defect within sis are specific and definitive findings (Fig 26a)
790  May-June 2018

Figure 26.  Malignant portal vein thrombosis in a 72-year-old man with RUQ pain. (a) Transverse color Doppler US image
with spectral tracing through the main portal vein shows an echogenic filling defect with internal blood flow in the main
portal vein (thread and streak sign) and a pulsatile arterial hepatofugal waveform at spectral analysis. The adjacent liver
shows a nodular contour with coarsened parenchymal echotexture, compatible with hepatic cirrhosis. (b) Axial contrast-
enhanced arterial phase CT image shows the thread and streak sign (arrows), with prominent neovascularity in and around
the portal venous tumor thrombus. (c) Axial contrast-enhanced portal venous phase CT image shows cirrhotic liver mor-
phology, with a partially shown multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma (arrows). Enhancing soft tissue is seen in the expanded
main portal vein (*).

(68–70). This sign can also be observed at arte- be identified in about 75% of BCS cases (73).
rial phase contrast-enhanced CT (Fig 26b) (70). BCS can be classified as fulminant, acute, sub-
Careful assessment for a primary lesion should acute, or chronic, depending on the time course
be performed (Fig 26c). and its associated clinical presentation, which
ranges from absence of symptoms to fulminant
Hepatic Vein Thrombosis and BCS liver failure. Abdominal pain, hepatomegaly, and
BCS is a relatively uncommon condition of ascites manifest in almost all cases (71).
hepatic venous outflow obstruction of any cause, US is the imaging modality of choice, with
from the level of the hepatic veins to the inferior sensitivity and specificity of 85% or higher (73).
cavoatrial junction, with a reported prevalence Hepatomegaly, particularly with caudate lobe
of one in 100 000 worldwide (71,72). BCS is enlargement, with a coarsened echotexture, non-
considered primary when the obstruction is visualization of the hepatic veins, a compressed
related to a primary venous condition, such as IVC, enlarged intrahepatic collateral hepatic
thrombosis, stenosis, or web formation. BCS veins, splenomegaly, and ascites are often seen
is categorized as secondary when related to ex- (Fig 27a, 27b) (72). Secondary gallbladder wall
trinsic compression, as seen with a mass lesion thickening should not be mistaken for acute
(71). An underlying hypercoagulable state can cholecystitis (Fig 27a) (73). Color Doppler US
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 3 Joshi et al  791

Figure 27.  BCS in a 32-year-old woman with RUQ pain and distention who reported current oral
contraceptive use. (a) Transverse gray-scale US image through the liver shows coarsened hepatic pa-
renchyma and a right pleural effusion (*). Partially visualized secondary gallbladder wall thickening (ar-
row) should not be mistaken for acute cholecystitis. Ascites and splenomegaly (not shown) also reflect
postsinusoidal portal venous congestion owing to hepatic venous obstruction. (b) Transverse color
Doppler US image shows numerous collateral vessels within the caudate lobe but no morphologic right
or middle hepatic vein extending into the IVC. (c) Color Doppler US image with spectral analysis shows
a dilated caudate lobe vein (arrow) extending into the IVC, with a venous waveform. (d) Fluoroscopic
image from transjugular hepatic venography shows near-complete thrombosis of the right hepatic vein
and moderate thrombosis within the middle hepatic vein with the presence of collateral vessels and the
spiderweb appearance (arrow). Arrowhead = catheter.

may reveal absent or reversed flow in the hepatic and type III is a mixed type with hepatic vein and
veins, IVC, or both, with intrahepatic collateral IVC involvement (71). Treatment varies with the
veins (Fig 27b) (72). An engorged caudate lobe severity of disease and includes anticoagulation
vein (>3 mm in diameter) draining directly into therapy, surgical shunt creation, endovascular
the IVC may be seen (Fig 27c) (71,72). The stent placement, and liver transplantation (72).
presence of collateral vessels with drainage into
the subcapsular or intercostal veins is highly Conclusion
sensitive and specific for BCS (72). Several disease entities involving a variety of
The diagnosis of BCS is confirmed by a spi- organ systems can manifest as RUQ pain, which
derweb pattern or frank occlusion at venography can be reliably identified at initial RUQ US,
(Fig 27d), and confirmation is necessary even even when performed solely for the purpose of
with negative US results when clinical suspicion evaluating for gallbladder or biliary conditions.
remains high (73). Type I BCS is limited to the It is important for the radiologist to be familiar
IVC, type II BCS involves only the hepatic veins, with this spectrum of diseases, including their
792  May-June 2018

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September-October 2018 • Volume 38 • Number 5

Originally published in:

Table 1: Sonographically Identifiable Differ- RadioGraphics 2018; 38(3):766–793 • https://doi
ential Diagnosis Considerations for RUQ Pain .org/10.1148/rg.2018170149
Adrenal US of Right Upper Quadrant Pain in the Emer-
Adrenal hemorrhage gency Department: Diagnosing beyond Gallblad-
Adrenal mass (benign, malignant)
der and Biliary Disease
Gayatri Joshi, Kevin A. Crawford, Tarek N.
Acute cholecystitis
Chronic cholecystitis Hanna, Keith D. Herr, Nirvikar Dahiya, Christine
Cholelithiasis O. Menias
Acalculous cholecystitis
Gallbladder torsion
Erratum in:
Gallbladder carcinoma/metastasis RadioGraphics 2018; 38(5):1590 •
Postcholecystectomy complications 10.1148/rg.2018184007
Choledocholithiasis Table 1: The text under the subheadings “Pancreatic”
Mirizzi syndrome
and “Vascular” was inadvertently switched. Table 1 is
Biliary necrosis reprinted here with the correct text under these sub-
Cholangiocarcinoma headings. The online version has been corrected.
Subhepatic appendicitis
Hepatic flexure colitis
Bowel obstruction
Perforated viscus
Gastrointestinal neoplasm
Bowel ischemia
Peptic ulcer disease
Hepatic steatosis
Acute hepatitis
Liver abscess
Liver neoplasm without or with tumoral hemorrhage
(hepatocellular adenoma, hepatocellular carcinoma,
Pancreatic neoplasm
Right lower lobe (RLL) pneumonia
Right lung base pulmonary infarct
Chest wall mass
Pleural effusion
Obstructive urolithiasis
Acute bacterial pyelonephritis
Emphysematous pyelonephritis
Renal abscess
Subcasular hematoma secondary to hemorrhagic neo-
plasm (angiomyolipoma, renal cell carcinoma)
Ruptured renal cyst
Portal vein thrombosis (bland and malignant)
Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS)
Hepatic artery compromise

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