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5 Ways to Check Whether Your Food is Organic

A cohort study was conducted on 68,946 adults from France. It revealed that a significant decrease was seen in
the development of cancer cells in consumers who had consumed high quantities of organically grown food.

Chemical fertilizers that contain potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, and other chemicals are sprayed on crops
while they grow. This eventually goes inside our body and impact our health and longevity. Identifying vegetables
and fruits that are free of chemicals and pesticides is a tough deal.

With the rise in awareness among people about the benefits of consuming organic food; suppliers, sellers and
middlemen often try to encourage consumers to buy inorganic food, in the name of organic. These five ways will
help you to check whether your food is actually organic or not.

1. Don’t go by the looks- Well, this might sound crazy, but experts say that often the shiny and smooth looking
vegetables, grains, and fruits are more likely to be inorganic. Conventionally, we tend to pick foods that look
evenly shaped and polished. However, you might be surprised to know that one should always prefer to pick
dull-looking and odd-shaped veggies over others. Organic beans and pulses tend to have a uniform,
unfinished, rough and rustic color and shape. As a natural tendency, most vegetables and fruits have edges
and bumps on them. So, the next time you head out for vegetable, fruit, and grain shopping; pick the ones that
are not uniform in shape as such.

2. Smell is a major indicator- Smelling the veggies, herbs, and spices before buying them can give a big clue
about their authenticity of being organic or otherwise. Herbs, spices, and fruits that are organic have a much
stronger fragrance than inorganic ones. For instance, an organic mango or turmeric would be much more
fragrant than an inorganic one. Just by picking up the food or fruit, especially a ripe one, and smelling it, you
can find out if it is organic or not.

3. Insects aren’t that bad- This might be a surprise for you that organic fruits, vegetables, and grains may have
insects in them. If you see bite marks or small holes on a leaf attached to the fruit or vegetable or some tiny
holes on grains; the chances are that the food is organic. It is safer to buy such fruits, vegetables and grains
and clean them before consuming rather than purchasing an insect-rid inorganic food. The reason behind this
is that harmful pesticides and fertilizers, when sprayed on the vegetable or fruit while it grows, kills all insects,
bugs and prevents more from feeding on it. Although it helps get rid of insects and worms, however, the harmful
chemicals get absorbed by the fruits, grains, and vegetables, that later enter the body when consumed.

4. Consider the size before buying- Quite often, most of us have come across strangely large potatoes, bottle
gourd, mangoes, cucumbers, and other veggies and fruits. It is best not to buy such food as there are high
chances that it might be grown big with the help of strong and harmful chemicals and pesticides. Many times,
hazardous chemicals are directly injected in the fruit or vegetable while it is still attached to the stem that is
known to cause life-threatening diseases such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart blockage, and cancer.

5. Check the label- Organic products come with a sticker or a tag attached to them that has a Price Look-Up
(PLU) code written on it. Typically, it is 4-5 digits long and applied to each fruit or vegetable coming from the
organic lot. It also explicitly mentions that the product is entirely organic. So the next time you are doubtful
whether the apple you are buying is organic or not, check the label on it and look for PLU code and words such
as “100% organic.”

To Wrap Up

These are some of the sure-shot ways to check whether you are being sold authentic organic food or not. Also, try
to shop from known online grocery stores or supermarkets as chances of your being fooled would be considerably

If you are looking for healthy living, then you can purchase 100% organic vegetables and fruits from Home Jiny
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