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MODULE 4 - Lesson 1

Coordinating Conjunctions Practice

Select the correct answer.

1. I like to eat pizza for breakfast, (for, nor, yet ) the flavor and taste wake me up and get me going.
2. I’m not coming to class tomorrow, ( or, so, but ) I can come on Friday.
3. My son cannot play the piano, ( and, yet, or ) I can.
4. Paul finally learned how to drive, (and, but, so) he can get a driver’s license.
5. Guy does not want to eat pizza, (or, nor, so) does he want to eat pasta. He would rather eat
6. Lucy doesn’t like baseball, (yet, nor, for) there are too many rules for her to comprehend.
7. Max lent me $20, (yet, for, so) I can go to the movies tonight.
8. Not only does he live with his parents (and, but, so) also his brother, Jake.
9. She has to take either EAP1600 ( or, and, nor ) the Learning Community course.
10. My sister has both a dog (and, nor, so) a cat living with her.

Fill in the blanks with are or is.

11. Not only the children but also their parent ______ needed at the school tomorrow evening for the
12. Either the children or their parent ______ needed at the school tomorrow evening for the meeting.
13. Neither the children nor their parent ____ needed at the school tomorrow evening for the meeting.
14. Both the children and their parent ______ needed at the school tomorrow evening for the meeting.
15. Either the parent or the children ______ needed at the school tomorrow evening for the meeting.


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