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Unit Topic / Guiding Question:

This unit will differentiate from other units by allowing students a choice from a selection of novels and books. Questions and inquiry well be
generalized and students will narrow the focus down to context. My guiding question to them: Is the development of an antagonist vital to a good
story? Why or why not? How does setting impact the story? Additionally, in this unit students will create a profile for the story they are reading
that will help them develop a stronger grammar base.
This 6/7th grade split language arts unit will be taught for 12 lessons during my Spring 2019 practicum. Allowing students a selection of choice will
hopefully give them greater incentive to engage further into reading since it will allow them to explore a genre that appeals to their personal
preference. I want to focus on story making, particular with characters and setting in order to help students build their critical thinking skills on
what constitutes a good story as well as being able to analyze the story from a different perspective (that of the antagonist, or side character if one
is lacking).
STAGE 1: Desired Results
Big Ideas Essential Questions

● Language and text can be a source of ● What makes a good villain? Is it important for a story to give the reader
creativity and joy. perspective from that person’s point of view?
● Exploring stories and other texts helps us ● How does this story help us understand what we are interested in? How
understand ourselves and make connections does it apply to our own views?
to others and to the world. ● What role does setting play in developing themes in a story?
● Exploring and sharing multiple perspectives
extends our thinking.
Core Competencies:

Communication Thinking Personal & Social

 Connect and engage with others (to Creative Positive Personal & Social Identity
share and develop ideas)  Novelty and value  Relationships and cultural contexts
 Acquire, interpret, and present  Generating ideas  Personal values and choices
information (includes inquiries)  Developing ideas  Personal strengths and abilities
 Collaborate to plan, carry out, and Critical Personal Awareness & Responsibility

review constructions and activities  Analyze and critique  Self-determination

 Explain/recount and reflect on  Question and investigate  Self-regulation
experiences and accomplishments  Develop and design  Well-being
Social Responsibility
 Contributing to community and caring for the environment
 Solving problems in peaceful ways
 Valuing diversity
 Building relationships
Curriculum Competencies:

● Use a variety of comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading, listening, or viewing to deepen understanding of text
● Apply a variety of thinking skills to gain meaning from texts
● Communicating and representing
● Exchange ideas and perspectives to build shared understanding
○ Identifying opinions and viewpoints, asking clarifying questions, collaborating in large- and small-group activities, building
on others’ ideas, disagreeing respectfully


● Story/text
○ Forms, functions, and genres of text
○ Literary elements
○ Literary devices

● Strategies and processes

○ Reading strategies
○ Writing processes
● Language features, structures, and conventions
○ Sentence structure and grammar
○ Conventions

STAGE 2: Assessment Plan

Summative Assessment (of Learning):
● Pre-assessment – Word cloud – “What makes a hero? What makes a villain? How are they the same and how are they different?”
● Pre-assessment – Word association – Attach words you think are connected to different settings (give examples)
● Assess comprehension of the book’s contents through creating vocabulary lists and journal writing.
○ Spectrum Writing
○ Big Fat Notebook on English Language Arts
● Activity booklet
○ Using senses to describe a location (help the blind person)
○ Adjectives and adverbs list
○ Invention brainstorm
○ Perspective writing
○ Persuasion writing
○ Settings list and associated descriptive vocabulary
● Final Project – Character addition
Formative Assessment (for Learning):
● Pre-assessment – Who is your favorite (fictional) hero and villain? Share and discuss.
○ Distribute a few pictures of sharks around the classroom and have groups discuss what them
● Observation during class discussions and independent tasks by circulating among students to listen to and question them about their
thinking and reasoning.
● Talking with students about patterns they are noticing in the book
● Assessing independent work done and conferencing with students about areas that are still causing difficulty.

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Learning Intentions
Instructional Activities
(brief description here – lesson plans will be used to flesh out each lesson)
 Pre-assessment - I can reflect on what I  Discuss and talk about character and setting while building adjectives
know about character and setting
 I can ask questions and search for  Create inquiries that links text to real life
answers before, during, and after  Identify compound nouns in text, break down their meanings and individual words
reading.  Create questions about what will happen next
 Link daily activities to interests  Link book context with their own experiences
 Identify, break down, and decipher
compound nouns
 Connect images and content to book
 I can identify causes such as feelings,  Creative writing – character perspective
events, or actions, that make something  Group discussion – asking additional questions
 I can link my own activities to that of the
protagonist in the novel
 I can create my own inquiries using the
5W questions about content and context
in the book
 I can create descriptive adjectives to  Vocabulary list and exchange
describe physical features of places,  Comparing stories
people, and animals
 Expand my vocabulary by looking up
synonyms to words I already know

 I can connect book content to factual  Inquiry – explore a component of the book (pairwork)
information about content  Group profile development (final project)
 Learn independently about topics of
 Work with a partner to collaborate and
learn about given topics

 Summative assessment - I can reflect on  Write a letter to one of the characters in the book
what I know about the novel
Resources needed:

● Laptop/screen
● Novel selection
● Poster paper
● Profile template

How did it go? How do I know?

Where to next?

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