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Anette Bernal- Cuevas

Opening Statement

My fellow delegates, in the past decade, nearly 3,000 transgender people were murdered
worldwide. The most common causes of death were beating, shooting, and stabbing and in the
past 12 months, 369 transgender people were murdered. As of right now, in Spain openly
identifying with the LGBTQ+ community and same-sex marriage is legal , LGBTQ+ people can
serve openly in the military, people who identify as transgender are allowed to change legal
gender without prior sex reassignment surgery, gay and bisexual men are allowed to donate
blood, and above all, all types of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity
are illegal. Spain believes that the LGBTQ+ community should have the same rights and social
norm status as the heterosexual community. If not addressed the murder rate towards the
LGBTQ+ community will continue to rise globally due to hate crimes and by not addressing this
issue but addressing other types of discrimination could make the UN seem biased and unreliable
for all humans. We would like to encourage all countries to accept LGBTQ+ and allow them to
have their basic human rights like any other person.

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