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Old pairats, ies, dei rob ai;

Sould ai chu de merchant ships,
Minits after dei tuk ai
From de botomles pit.
Bat mai jand wos meid strong
Bai di 'end of di Almaiti.
Wi forward in dis yenereishon
Wount iu jelp chu sing
Dis songs of fridom
'Cos ol ai ever hav:
Redemshon songs;
Redemshon songs.

Emancipeit iorselvs from mental sleiveri;

Noun bat auerselvs can fri auer mains.
Hav nou fier for atomic enershi,
'Cos noun of dem can stop de taim.
Jau long shal dei kil auer profets,
Wail wi stend asaid end luk? Ou!
Sam sei its shast a part of it
Wiv got chu fulfil de buk.

Wount iu jelp chu sing

Dis songs of fridom-
'Cos ol ai ever hav:
Redemshon songs;
Redemshon songs;
Redemshon songs.

Emancipeit iorselvs from mental sleiveri;

Noun bat auerselvs can fri auer main.
Wou! Hav nou fier for atomic enershi,
'Cos noun of dem can stop de taim.
Jau long shal dei kil auer profets,
Wail wi stend asaid end luk?
ies, sam sei its shast a part of it:
Wiv got chu fulfil de buk.
Wount iu hav chu sing
Dis songs of fridom?
'Cos ol ai ever jad:
Redemshon songs-
Ol ai ever had:
Redemshon songs:
De songs of fridom,
Songs of fridom.

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