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Currently, the media are being questioned for the way they present the news both here in

Ecuador and in the United States. In your opinion, do you think the media are fair, balanced,
and objective? Explain. Give details and examples. Minimum talk time: 45 seconds.

Dice q' actualmente los medios están siendo cuestionados por la manera de presentar las
noticias en Ecuador y Estados Unidos. En su opinión, piensa q' los medios son justos,
balanceados, y objetivos? Explique. De detalles y ejemplos. tiempo mínimo 45 segundos...

The midia continues to be under the spotlight, not just locally but also in the USA where
questions about objectivity are moving to the forefront, in my opinion, so much of the media
has become immature (inmachurrrr), sensationalist, polaraising, who for their own selfish
interests, change the midia's for their own particular benefit.

The media freedom declined under the decade-long presidency of Rafael Correa.

After taking office, his successor Lenin Moreno promised a new era of press freedom.

Most media are privately-run. Ownership is highly concentrated.

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