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Beagles are excellent with children and this is one of the reasons they have become popular
family pets, but they are pack animals, and can be prone to separation anxiety.

Not all Beagles will howl, but most will bark when confronted with strange situations, and some
will bay (also referred to as speaking, giving tongue, or opening) when they catch the scent of
potential quarry.

They also generally get along well with other dogs. They are not demanding with regard to
exercise, their inbred stamina means they do not easily tire when exercised, but they also do not
need to be worked to exhaustion before they will rest, though regular exercise helps ward off the
weight gain to which the breed is prone.

Bavarian Mountain Hounds

Bavarian Mountain Hounds are calm, quiet, poised and very attached to their masters and family.
When hunting, they are hard, single-minded and persistent. Courageous, spirited, fast and agile,
they are at ease on a rugged terrain, with a superb nose and powerful hunting instinct. They need
a patient, experienced trainer.

The coat if the Bavarian Mountain Hound is short, thick and shiny, lying very flat against the
body and moderately harsh. It is finer on the head and ears, harsher and longer on the abdomen,
legs and tail.

The Bavarian Mountain Hound The Bavarian Mountain is not suited for city life. It is in regular
need of space and exercise and also requires regular brushing. They are not dogs for the casual
hunter. Most are owned and used by foresters and game wardens.

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