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Davis 1

Frank Davis

Prof. Schindler

English 1201-01

15 December 2019

Poem: Why does justice continue to fade?

Living in a world where innocent people are framed

More detailed information can help people realize that the verdict should not be the same

Valuable evidence that you not only want to ignore but want to deny

How can justice be served when you choose to hide the truth and feed the judge with a bunch

of lies

Nobody want to admit that even a suspect's confession is sometimes all that is left

And sometimes a conviction cannot be reversed due to the innocent defendant being

sentenced to death

It is possible that the evidence that was received was tampered with by detectives with

alternative locations

But people who are in charge of the convictions are willing to believe these false allegations

Coming to the realization that we become too comfortable in making up stuff

Davis 2

It seems that to prove that a person is innocent that even a full confession from the real

suspect is not enough

And because of that the real criminals continue to get away

So if DNA also proves that an individual did not commit the crime then why does justice

continue to fade

I chose this genre to express how truth is always avoided for lawyers to make a conviction.

Some people do not want to admit that their is valuable evidence that proves a person's

innocence. For this poem I created, the intended audience are prosecutors, jury members, and

judges. The way it is toward judges is because of how the defense lawyer gives all of the

information needed to prove someone is not guilty and a judge refuses to acknowledge how

things do not match up with the crime that occurred. It is also pointed to the jury members due

to the statements that they listen to to make their decision. When both tables are telling their

sides of the stories while asking questions, it becomes their job to decide if a defendant should

walk away free or receive jail time.

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