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Reflect on Your Story

Key Explore is a great choice upon your path and you have not even started to realize it.

It has provided me with endless opportunities that have furthered me into the process of being

a good college student and getting good grades. There are so many clubs around the school but

there is nothing better than key. Key is filled with benefits that help you so much and have

helped me a ton to get adjusted to college. Key Explore has showed me so much about majors

and what I could do in each of them, but not only does it just talk about your major choices it

has shown me almost every major and a great deal into it in case there were more at mind.

Class is so fun and not like the regular college classes in so many ways like a small group that

has helped me greatly. My key class is full of awesome people and not one negative one that

has shoved anyone down. This cluster has helped me study numerous hours and is available

many times a week. Study hours with my cluster helped me study so much when I was just not

feeling it alone in my room. This program taught me so many skills in class that I have never

worked on or even thought of. We did events like focusing with our eyes closed that greatly

relaxed me and brought me into a good mode for class to think and many other things. I

noticed that key study groups although were the best thing and would never be there in other

dorms. I suggest you attend everyone you can to relax and study with a good group of people

and gets lots of work done.

Always remember to meet as many people as you can in key and use it to your full

advantage to have group events. They served me greatly with so many friends that will be there

in my future and always support me in college which is awesome. Class was always at a relaxed
pace and the work that Mrs. Melanie handed out was great because it was not just regular

schoolwork. This work was about me and made me think deeply into who I am and what I will

do in the future with my major. It gave endless surprises in the classroom and for homework

that always helped me think about myself and further myself. Assignments were always about

your future which is big to me because that is what college is all about. It is a class that I feel is

needed for me to set a line on what I need to do and how I need to do it. The future is a huge

thing for me and the major I choose in college is guiding my life for the next 40 years of work

and what I do when I wake up every morning and this class backed me up overwhelmingly.

Future students just know to use this class to your full advantage and do more than I did

in the key community. The books in this class teach deep things that may never have been

thought of or even encountered in your mind. Key has taught me life roots that I will use

forever in my work of field and how to get along better with people and understand them. My

life goal is to always be happy and key has connected me with many opportunities to get there

like projects about myself and what I love to do. The class is perfect for everything you are

looking for and explores every option in your book. My teacher was always awesome and so so

so nice to the class. She helped us with everything no matter the question asked and gave us

every tool to answer that question. The class was always set up well and gave tasks for us to do

to involve ourselves with our classmates and meet new people. The connections I have found

through key were outstanding and I use almost all of them to this day. Groups in key are my

favorite thing because you are interacting with others and meeting new people every time but

learning all you need to at the event. Clusters were revolved around us and always were set up

for us to reach a goal at the end of the day. I was not always sure at the beginning with this
class but as I got through college more and more you realize you have so many questions about

everything and it is so nice to have a class exactly for that. I want you all to know that it may be

hard sometimes or time consuming, but it is a great class with a great goal ultimately for us.

The amount of support you get from this class is unreal and forever lasting which I truly need

and thank. All in all, key is one of my favorite things about college and has helped me with all

my questions and concerns and brought great support.

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