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Alvarado 1

Damaris Alvarado

Professor Batty

English 101

15 December 2019

The Ethics Of Eating Revised Essay Reflection

What I needed to work the most on my timed in-class essay was composing a paragraph

with a valid argument that opposes the thesis, yet is also fully debunked. I was reading my

original essay and I noticed that I did not have a set counterargument. All I really mentioned was

“there is a very fast growing population’s demand for food” before I stated what I was arguing. I

was not clear with explaining or touching on the subject of having a fast-growing population’s

demand for food. Was that something good or bad? I never stated it like I was supposed to. In

my revision I did research on global meat consumption and what dangers does it have on a meat

consumer’s health. I included a source that talked about the diseases and so many different types

of cancers processed red meat can help increase the risk of getting.

After all, highly processed red meat is considered carcinogenic to humans. Then I wanted

to include why was there such a high demand for red meat while many people are aware about

all of the risk factors and deaths that are associated with it. Revising my essay allowed me to

notice that my paragraphs did not flow with each other in a way that was concise. I worked on

trying to avoid fragments and on not forgetting to alphabetize my works cited.

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