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Nama : Rosdiah

NIM : 1702503020

Subject : English Syntax MID

Clause Type

On independent as a clause that can stand alone as major sentence

Independent Clause

a) Transitive Clause, kata kerja yang membutuhkan objek langsung.

Example: mery cooked rice in the kitchen.
b) Intransitive Clause, kata kerja yang tidak membutuhkan objek langsung.
Example: Mr. Wilson is working in his office.
c) Equatife Clause, kata kerja yang diikuti oleh benda, sifat atau frasa kata
Example: - Jane is his sister
- She is very beautiful.
d) Nominal Clause, berfungsi atau bertindak sebagai kata benda diikuti “wh”.
Example: what you have said is not clear.
e) Adjective Clause, berfungsi sebagai kata sifat.
Example: The book, that you bought last week.
f) Adverbal Clause, berfungsi sebagai keterangan.
Example: left book where I found it I

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