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The relationship of social support,social intelligence and emotional intelligence

among students
Chapter 1
In research methodology,our topic was assigned to measure the relationship of social of social
support , social and emotional intelligence among students.
In this topic ,we measure the intelligence level among the different department of students by
checking their percentage in academic level.
Definition of variables
Social support
Social support is the perception and actuality that one is cared for , has assistance available from
other people, and most popularly ,that one is part of a supportive social network.These
supportive resources can be emotional ,informational ,or companionship,tangible
Social intelligence
Social intelligence is the capacity to know oneself and to know others. Social scientist Ross
Honeywill believes social intelligence is an aggregated measure of self- and social –awareness
,evolved social beliefs and attitudes , and a capacity and appetite to manage complex social
change .
Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence refers to the capability of a person to manage and control his or her
emotions and possess the ability to control the emotions of others as well. In other words , they
can influence the emotions of other people also.

We said performas and get interview about 300 people. We check perception and capacity to

know oneself and to know other and also the capability of person to manage and control his or


emotions and possess the ability to control the emotions as well. The most of the people have

ability to understand the social and emotionls behavior of the other people.
Maureen E. Kenny (2010)in her research Emotional intelligence (EI) has emerged in recent research
as a teachable skill that is distinct from personality and is relevant to scholastic and work success
and progressin career development.This study adds to that research by examining therelationship
of performance and self-report measures of EI and personality traitswith perceived social
support. Three hundred and nine Italian high school studentscompleted the Multidimensional
scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), theEmotional Intelligence scale (EIS), the Mayer
Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligencetest (MSCEIT), and the Big Five questionnaire
(BFQ).Both self-report (EIS) and per-formance (MSCEIT) measures of EI contributed to the
explanation of social supportbeyond the effects of personality (BFQ). Building on prior research
evidence thatsocial support and EI are instrumental to career development, and that EI can
beenhanced through training, the findings suggest the potential of EI training as a com-ponent of
career readiness preparation.
MARJORIE J. HOGAN1, JAMES D. A. PARKER (2008)The objective of this study was to
examine, by gender, whether emotional intelligence (EI), peer social support, and/or family social
support partially mediated the influence of verbal IQ on Grade 10 grade point average (GPA) for 192
students (96male, 96 female). For male students, EI and peer social support predicted GPA and EI
mediated the association betweenverbal IQ and GPA. For female students, EI, peer social support, and
family support predicted GPA but did not mediate theassociation between verbal IQ and GPA. This study
further examined whether subscales of EI (intrapersonal, interpersonal, adaptability, and stress
management abilities), peer social support and family social support (emotional, socialising,
practical,financial, and advice) added to the prediction of GPA after verbal IQ, gender, and
socioeconomic status were controlled. Adaptability, stress management and practical family social
support each added to the explanation of variability. None of thepeer social support subscales predicted
additional variance in GPA.

Emma N.Gallagher(2008) This study examined the predictive value of social support (SS) and emotional
intelligence (EI), and their interaction effects, on subjective well-being (SWB) beyond variance already
explained by personality and sociodemographic variables. Participants were 267 adults (196 female)
who anonymously completed measures of satisfaction with life, positive and negative affect, social
support, emotional intelligence, personality and social desirability. Exploratory hierarchical multiple
regression analyses showed that SS and EI, and their interaction effects, significantly predicted SWB, and
explained 44%, 50%, and 50% of the variance in SWL, positive affect (PA), and negative affect (NA)
respectively. At step-two SS predicted NA and SWL, at step-three EI predicted PA and SWL, and at step-
four one interaction effect was significant (SS: Significant Other × EI for PA). This study elucidates the
predictive value of SS, EI and their interaction on SWB, and provides the first published insight into a
possible conditional relationship between SS and SWB with regard to EI, suggesting that SS may not
always be necessary for SWB. Implications are discussed, highlighting that the relationship between SS,
EI and SWB is more complex than previous literature suggests.v

Chapter 2
Literature review
1 :To find the relationship of social support , social and emotional intelligence among students.
2:To explore the predictive role of social support in social and emotional intelligence among
students .
3:To see the mediating effect of social support between social and emotional intelligence among
4:To find the role demographic variables in study variables among students.
1:There would be a significant relationship among social support ,social and emotional
intelligence among students .
2:Social support would be a significant predicator of social and emotional intelligence among
students .
3:Social support would be a significant mediator between social and emotional intelligence
among students .
4:There would be a significant role of demographic variables in study variables among students .
Chapter 3
Participants or sample :
We took research on university students of 300 data from different department .We fill up
perfomas from university students.
Use technique
We use convince sampling for fill up scales of social support social intelligence and emotional
intelligence for this research .
Research design
Firstly we get scales from different authors and then fill up performas from university
We took research for check the social support social and emotional intelligence among university
students .So many of the results occurred .
Social support is a multi-faceted concept that has been difficult to conceptualize, define and
measure. Although this concept has been extensively studied, there is little agreement among
theoreticians and researchers as to its theoretical and operational definition.
Social intelligence is the capacity to effectively negotiate complex social relationships and
environments. Psychologist Nicholas Humphrey believes that it is social intelligence, rather
than quantitative intelligence, that defines humans. emotional intelligence. The ability to
identify, assess and influence one's own feelings and those of others. Many effective personnel
managers employed in a business environment have a well developed form of
emotional intelligence that allows them to manage their own emotions, as well as those
of others within their organization. emotional intelligence. The ability to identify, assess
and influence one's own feelings and those of others. Many effective personnel managers
employed in a business environment have a well developed form of emotional
intelligence that allows them to manage their own emotions, as well as those of others
within their organization.


We use scales for this research


First we select variables we take social support social intelligence and emotional
intelligence ,Then we make objectives and hypothesis then we get scales and rearrange
for their research .We take university populations of 300 for our research. Our research
aim to check the relationship of social support social and emotional intelligence among
students.In this scale different types of item in the form of social and emotional
questionnaire include in it . Different people who fill this form have different mind set
and culture. Every one students give his or her information related to his or her
personality .

Chapter 4


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