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One San Vicente West, Urdaneta City 2428, Pangasinan


Detailed Lesson Plan in Science IV

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. Identify ways to protect oneself from the exposure to intense light and
heat of the sun.
b. Demonstrate the proper use of the things (hat, sunblock lotion,
sunglasses, and umbrella) on protecting oneself from the excessive heat
of the sun.
c. Appreciate the importance of hat, sunblock, sunglasses and umbrella in
preventing ailments that we can get from too much exposure from the


A. Topic: Ways on protecting oneself from intense light and heat.
B. References: Science Learner’s Material p. 234-240
Science Teacher’s Guide p. 277-279
C. Concept: The awareness about the bad effects of heat and light from the
sun could enable us to come up with the preventive ways to protect
ourselves and to be sun ready all the times.
D. Processes: Identifying, Demonstrating, Inferring
E. Materials: Laptop, Power point Presentation, Pictures, Video Clips, Hat,
Umbrella, Sunglasses, Sunblock lotion
F. Values: Having cooperation and taking good care of our skin and eyes.
G. Time Allotment: 50 minutes


A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Prayer

“Before we start our discussion, (student’s

name), kindly (One student will lead the prayer)
lead the prayer.’’

2. Greetings

“Good morning class! Let’s greet everyone “Good morning teacher.

a good morning.” Good morning classmates.’’
“Okay, you may now take your seats.’’

3. Checking of attendance

“May I ask first, who are absent for

today?’’ “No one is absent ma’am.”

“Good to hear that.”

4. Review

“Before we proceed to our next topic, let’s

have a short review about our topic
yesterday. Say fact if the picture is
suitable for summer and say bluff if it is
not. Is that clear?”

(Picture number 1)


Answer: Fact

(Picture number 2)


Answer: Bluff
(Picture # 3)


Answer: Fact

(Picture # 4)


Answer: Bluff

(Picture # 5)


Answer: Fact
B. Developmental Activities

5. Motivation

(The teacher will present a picture of children

having fun in swimming)

“Take a look at this picture.”

“It’s all about the children

“What is the picture all about?” having fun in swimming ma’am.”

(Pupils who love swimming will

“Great. Who among you loves swimming?” raise their hands)

“During summer or when it is

“When do we go when we want to swim?” hot ma’am.”

“It is hot ma’am.”

“How do you feel during summer?”

a. Unlocking of difficulties

(The teacher will present a picture of summer

“Summer is the time of the year when the days
last the longest and the weather is the

(The teacher will present a picture of a person

with sunburn)

“Sunburn is reddening of the skin that occurs

after you are overexposed to the sun or
ultraviolet light.”

(The teacher will present a picture of a sun


“This is a sun block. It is used to protect the

skin from the harmful effects of the sun. They
help to prevent sunburn.”

”Hot means having a high temperature.”

C. Presentation

“So now we are going to watch a video but

before that let’s discuss the rules first. 1) Be
quiet and stay on your seat 2) Remember all “Yes teacher.”
the important details shown in the video 3) Be
prepared to share your ideas. Are well all clear

(The teacher will play sun safety video)

“Did you enjoy watching the video?” “Yes teacher we enjoyed it very

(The teacher will ask some questions regarding

the video)

“Are you now ready for some questions?” “Yes ma’am.”

“So class what was the video all about?” “Ma’am it’s all about sun safety.”

“Yes excellent. So the video definitely entails

the different ways to become sun smart.”
“The sun is good for us but too much exposure
from its Ultra violet rays can be harmful for the
plants, animals and us, humans.”

“Based on the video what are the things that

you need before staying under the sun?” “Hat”
“Sun block”
“Seek out some shade”

a. Group Activity

(The teacher will divide the class into 4 groups)

“Okay let us now have a group activity. I will (Each group will choose their
divide you into four groups. Each group must
have 1 leader.”

“Please choose your team leaders.” (Leaders will get their activity

“Leaders please go here in front to get your

activity sheets.”

“Before we start the activity let us set our rules



“This is the task for group number 1. We need

to protect ourselves from the intense heat of
the sun. Find what we need to be protected
from the sun. There are five things hidden in
the drawing. Find and encircle them.”

“This is the task of group number 2. You and

your family are planning to go to a beach. The
weather is fine yet you know that at high noon
you can feel the intense heat of the sun. What
will you wear to be protected from the sun.
Draw it and color your work.”



“Now this is for group 3. Mang Karding has

transplanted his new papaya seedlings to a
bigger area. He watered them every planting
and went back home to rest. Later at midday ,
the sun’s heat was vet intense and that Mang
Karding’s plant started to wilt. What advice
could you gave Mang Karding to protect his
papaya from wilting?”



“For the last group this is your work, The

animals can’t talk, but if you are given the
chance to be one of the animals, and voice out
what you need in order to be protected from
too much heat and light from the sun, what will
you say?”

(After doing the group activity

the pupils will present their works
in front of the class)
“Excellent class. All of you did a very great job.”

“We are going to have another activity. Please

pick one representative each group and choose
one activity card.”
(The teacher will present a hat, sunglass,
umbrella and sun block lotion)

“Listen to me carefully. What you are going to

do is to read the activity card and then choose
the most appropriate things to wear based on
the scenario. Also, demonstrate the proper way
of using these things. Understand?”

Group 1:

You and your friend will go on

swimming this weekends,
what should you wear to avoid
(The student will pick the lotion
sun burn?
and will demonstrate the proper
way of applying it)

Group 2:

You are walking back and forth

in going to school. What
should you bring to protect you (The student will pick the
from the sun’s heat? umbrella and will demonstrate
the proper way of using it)

Group 3:

You are going to take a long

walk in going to the
playground from your house.
What should you wear to
protect your eyes from the (The student will pick the
sun? sunglasses and will demonstrate
the proper way of wearing it)
Group 4:

(The student will pick the hat and

Your mother ordered you to will demonstrate the proper way
buy a vinegar in the market, to of wearing it)
get there fast you thought of
riding a bicycle. What should
you wear to protect yourself
from the sun?

D. Application

“Okay you may now arrange your chairs and

go back to your proper seats.”

“I will read some scenarios and you are going

to show a (smiling face) if the activity is
good and  if the activity is bad.”

“Watering the plants regularly.”

“Giving animals adequate water to drink.”

“Walking under the sun without using hats or


“Children playing outdoor games during sunny


“Staying inside the house when the sun is

shining brightly.”
E. Generalization

“How can we protect ourselves from the “We must use sunglasses, hat,
intense light and heat of the sun?” umbrella and sun screen lotion to be
protected from the sun teacher.”

“How about our pets or animals?” “Give them enough water to drink

“How about our plants?” “Ma’am we must water them


(The answers of the students will be

organized through a graphic organizer)

Water umbrella
your , hat,
plants sunglass
frequentl es and
Provide y. sun
your block. Drink
pets plenty of
with How do we water
enough protect during
frinking people, warm days.
water. and plants
from the


DIRECTION: Which of the following shows preventive measure against too much
light and heat from the sun? Put a check (/) mark on the corresponding column.
ACTIVITY Preventive Measure Not a Preventive
1. Walking under the sun
without hats or umbrellas.
2. Staying inside the house
when the sun shining
3. Applying sunblock lotion on
your skin before go to the
4. Children playing outdoor
games during sunny days
5. Drink of lots of plenty of
water or fruit juices during
sunny days.

Write a jingle on the safety measures in protecting yourselves from the
sun's heat and light. This will always remind you when working or playing
under the sun.

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