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Group # 3
Students’ names: Berroya, Bridget Yari (Leader)
Acosta, Bryan
Cipriano, Earl
Padilla, Geraldine
Duran, Gwen Jane
De Vera, Hero Cesar
Estrella, Leilani
Gaddi, Mark Joseph

Date of Submission: November 18, 2019

Course Title: Practical Research 11

Research Topic: Effects of duration of breaks to study habits and performance

Primary Research Questions/Objectives:
 Why do breaks important to students?
 Why does the duration of breaks essential to students?
 How does the duration of breaks affect the study habits and performance of students?

Research Title: Duration of Break and its Impact to Study Habits and Performance of Grade 11
Students of Muntinlupa Science High School

Specific Research Questions:

 Is one-hour long continuous break much beneficial than separated and shortened one?
 Does hour-long continuous break make the students more efficient?
 Does hour-long continuous break make the students more motivated to learn?

Theoretical Support:
 Study Habits Of Secondary School Students By M.T.V. Nagaraju
 Eysenck's Theory of Extraversion-Introversion
 The Mid-Lecture Break: When Less Is More by John Olmsted III

 Campbell, J. B., & Hawley, C. W. (1982). Study habits and Eysenck's theory of
extraversion-introversion. Journal of Research in Personality, 16(2), 139-146.
 Olmsted III, J. (1999). The mid-lecture break: When less is more. Journal of Chemical
Education, 76(4), 525.
 Nagajaru, M.TV.V (2004) Study Habits Of Secondary School Students. New Dehli,
India: Discovery Publishing House.
 Nguyen, Q., Thorne, S., & Rienties, B. (2018). How do students engage with computer-
based assessments: impact of study breaks on intertemporal engagement and pass
rates. Behaviormetrika, 45(2), 597-614.
 Townsend, N. (2015). Shorter lunch breaks lead secondary-school students to make less
healthy dietary choices: multilevel analysis of cross-sectional national survey data. Public
health nutrition, 18(9), 1626-1634.

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