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Mariz Angela A.

Subagan 11510684


Panel Discussion Reflection Paper

For our final speech in this course, we were given a few weeks to prepare for our chosen

topic. Our group chose failure to deliver public health care services for our panel discussion. To

be honest, it was a little hard for me to relate myself with the matter because I am not that

updated when it comes to current events. I was assigned to be a representative for Philippine

NGO Council on Population, Health, and Welfare, and as we prepared for our speech, I found it

interesting because I get to know more about the said issue. On the day of our extemporaneous

speech, I was really nervous because personally, I do not like public speaking ever since. I am

always scared of saying even a single wrong word in front of other people. However, I just

thought of how well-prepared was our group because we actually practiced a few times before

the presentation itself. While performing in front, I was honestly proud of myself because I still

managed to speak confidently as possible as I could. My overall experience in having this

extemporaneous speech is incomparable because I get to face one of my biggest fear - which is

public speaking.

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