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Production title: Blue gate productions

Production team: Corey, Josh, Honey, Virag, Jago

Producer: Honey

Proposed filming date: 18th-29th November

Location: town high street

Permission needed: Permission needed to film in Town high street and to film certain people and
also we will ask them first if they feel comfortable being recorded and then once done we would
give them a consent form as proof that they gave us consent.

Traffic problems:(how will you deal with sound/visuals from passing cars) One way we would deal
with sound/visuals from cars is that we would try and choose good filming times where it will be as
quiet and peaceful as possible if we to choose a time where it’s busy then we would try and
minimalize the noises as much as possible by trying to present the mic as close to the interviewee as

Local conditions: (could the weather affect your filming in any way?) the weather could possibly
affect the filming as it is November which is winter time so it is windy which could potentially affect
the sound and also the fact that less people could be out as the weather is worse and could affect
the visual output as well

Intrusions: (passers-by, music, airplanes/trains, general interruptions to filming and audio) we could
face the problems as some people could be intrigued by what we are filming so they might come up
and approach us mid-way through filming and possibly music could be an interruption as well but a
lot of events don’t really happen at this time so there shouldn’t be a whole lot of music interruptions

Continuity: (is anything about the location likely to change during the shoot or if you return to it to
film more than once? E.g. roadworks in 1st shot/ gone in next, poster on wall/gone in next shot)
This could be quite likely to happen as it is in town which is quite a populated area so it is very likely
that there would be roadworks in one shot and not in the other but we would try and get all filming
in that one section done in the same day so there is that consistency and continuity, but if we can’t
then we would try and film on possibly a different area.

Electricity/Lighting issues/Sound (will you need an electricity supply and is there access to one? Is
lighting adequate or does it need altering? What sort of sound equipment will you need?)

We would not need access to an electricity supply as we would be charging all the camera batteries
before we go out to make sure they’re on full so we wouldn’t need to worry about bringing charging
equipment however just in case we forgot it we’d still bring the equipment, with the light we’d alter
it on the camera to suit the background and the surroundings so we would use the white
background which allows the camera to not get blinded by the brightness of the surroundings, with
the sound equipment we will be using a pistol grip which allows us to easily hold and keep the mic in
a set place without it moving too much and we would also be using some covers for the microphone
which allows it block out more of the wind

Set dressing: (does your set contain everything you want to show in your scene or will it need
something else adding to it to have the impact you want?) the set will contain everything we already
want as it would be hopefully not too busy and there are plenty of good surroundings such as
fountains which could set the tone and mood.

Welfare:(can your crew/talent get refreshments and use toilets; do they need to stay overnight near
filming location?) there are plenty of accesses to toilets as there are plenty of stores and restaurants
which contain accesses to toilets and due to it only being in town there would be no need to bring
any camping gear or to stay overnight.

Parking/Public transport to location: so, there is easy accessible transport to town such as getting
buses into town which is cheap and easy possibly getting a taxi or uber is also an easy way to get into

Possible dates for filming: Monday, Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday

Provide a photo of your location and potential scenes/camera angles

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