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Name: Harsheena Gobind

NIM: 030001900054

Cord blood is the blood that remains in the placenta and the umbilical cord following the
birth of the baby. It is rich in blood stem cells, similar to those found in bone marrow, and these
can be used to treat many different cancers, immune deficiencies and genetic disorders. I think
donating umbilical cord for research should be obligatory because firstly a child will use their
umbilical cord blood over its lifetime between 1 in 400. Second, thanks to scientific research in
this field, we are constantly discovering more and more treatable diseases using stem cells
within the cord blood. Cord blood transplants have been shown to cure patients with
malignancies, bone marrow failure, immunodeficiencies, metabolic disorders and
haemoglobinopathies. However, this should be done by making an informed consent, to make
sure both sides agree to donate their umbilical cord. Beforehand, educating mothers about
umbilical cord donation is a must before the make their decision. The process of donating
umbilical cord blood is considered as a safe, fast and easy procedure. Put in mind that without
donating umbilical cord blood, no lives can be saved.

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