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“Home Based Bullies”

By: Czarina Nicole W. Tarlit

Princess Arcel De Guzman

Ah, home sweet home, a place where all the love and nurturing starts nicely. Where in a nursery was
intentionally a soon to be classroom before you came and dared the whole world to state in awe for
your arrival as a newborn child in the earl of the golden midst of dawn. All you had to do was eat sleep,
cry, count out of order but it doesn’t matter because you reached five anyways, play peek-a-boo and
cry, again. Then lastly have mommy and daddy as you teacher... Not so very good, think that part
deserves this “dj’s scratching disc”, or an eee-oooo then in the screen appears a big, red and white
outlined game over sign.

First stop, what is really bullying? – Well, “bullying is calling someone names or to basically tease
someone who you think is weaker than you” as of Sir Pio Estrada, a teacher from the EsP department.
Another very informative description from Sir Aljon D. Sentinellar, of the same department. “Bullying is
unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or a power imbalance”.

Moving on, “Bullies come from homes where children feel powerless in a sense where the way they are
being parented comes with inappropriate language, or, to put it more simply they say those so called
‘bad words’ in giving discipline where it really affects the child to pick on other kids who is, in
redundance: the child applies it someone who he think is weaker.

Question is – can we end bullying? According to Sir Sentinellar: ‘we do not possibly end bullying in
schools, it’s for parents to change the way they parent their children at home.” Which is somewhat very
true, parental involvement often is lacking in bullies’ lives and there seems to be little warmth. Early
intervention and effective discipline together with boundaries truly is the best way to keep bullying.
Children who bully need to be taught empathy for others’ feelings in order to changes their behaviors,
and, the school must adopt a zero-tolerance policy regarding bullying.

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