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This article show that, laziness is not a good fit in the workplace.

In many
circumstances, laziness lead to put off or excessive commission. As a result, they
can’t finish the work on time. Furthermore, There are two behaviors of laziness. The
first behavior is “fleeing the scene”; another is “make excuses”. Both of these
behaviors may cause them behind in their work.

Recent research indicate that one lazy behavior lead to another. For instance, if
someone procrastinate something, he will think that start tomorrow. Day after day,
and then never pan out. In fact, since then, it has developed a bad habit,
unconsciously. Another research also show that, laziness can be contagious. What
does it means? In other words, other people’s behavior can influence your own. For
example, if your group leader is lazy and unwilling to do any task, will you want to
finish it for him? Without a doubt, you will become lazy too.

The last paragraph of article also show that, laziness is not necessarily a bad
thing. In one’s opinion, being lazy can help him succeed in life. As a result, laziness
also has many advantages. In spite of the fact that being lazy is not good fit in the
workplace, you just make good use of laziness. It will bring a lot of success and profit
to you.

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