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Bonifacio: Ang Unang Pangulo

Reaction Paper

For me, there are some flaws in this movie, from the way the artists played their role and the pace of the
movie. As Bonifacio, Robin Padilla’s strong charm works sometimes but, on some scenes, he was just too
much, it’s not that it’s a bad acting but Robin Padilla's heavy appearance somehow didn't match
Bonifacio's personality. And some actors weren't that emotionally invested, I didn't feel their characters
that much. It is nice to have Daniel Padilla in modern times where they showed some misconceptions of
our history but it didn't really show a great impact in the movie, it just somehow slowed down the pace,
it is a nice idea but i think they're not that necessary. There were some scenes that made me go ???, there
were no context on some scenes, they're not that important and they don't have a point, and there are
some scenes that were too jampacked. I wish they focused more on showing Bonifacio's life and they
didn't give much importance of his love story, as the movie unfolds the appearance of his lover began to
slowly disappear. In the end, it’s still a great movie, the outstanding cinematography, editing, production
design, musical scoring, sound, and acting performances are overall good. Also, the fight choreography is
excellent, and the shots were superb. Overall, I think this movie still needs to be seen.

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