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This I Believe

I believe in many different things because throughout life you encounter many obstacles

that will challenge you and your beliefs but there are few that motivate you and thrive within

you. I believe very strongly in doing what you love and going out and achieving your dreams.

Love is a feeling within you that is one of the best feelings and gives you emotions never

felt otherwise. If you conquer going out and doing something you love, then you will feel

greater than ever. I have done few things in my life that I love but I know first-hand when I

went out and physically conquered them, I felt the greatest potential in me. My family is a big

motivator in this otherwise I could not do most of my goals. I know I have always wanted to go

to school in the mountains and see what life is like in Colorado even though it was expensive,

and I could not have done that without my parents. I believed I’ve wanted to explore my whole

life and get close to myself through nature and my parents knew that and helped me with it. I

love nature and I realized that going into nature and connecting first-hand by being in the

mountains and climbing them I was doing something that I loved inside me and by doing that I

was finding myself and my true motivations within me. This right here is why I believe in doing

what you love because by going out and completing goals you are knocking on factors of who

you want to be and achieving your dream you that you have been looking for. Everyone should

go out and try to explore and connect firsthand with their goals and become who you want to

be but always remember your beliefs and what you love.

Never sit on your couch and daydream all day when you can be out there doing

extraordinary things with people you have grown to love. Don’t be the downer be the positive
outgoing one that sets people out to explore their inner goals. Doing what you love is always a

positive thing, never have I met someone with negative goals, always remember that

completing your goals is always a positive thing and you will find your inner passions.

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