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Liam Besneatte-Cullinane, ART-210

Gestalt Principles of Design

Gestalt’s principles of design are based on the theory that human brains will
generally attempt to “fill in the blanks” of a design, and that we automatically try to
connect disparate visual elements into a whole cohesive unit. The six principles are:
similarity, continuation, closure, proximity, figure/ground, and symmetry & order.

1. Similarity
Similarity is the principle stating that we tend to group elements based on visual
commonalities. This may be size, shape, colour, etc. To add emphasis to a composition,
intentionally choosing to subvert the similarity of a repeated motif is a good choice.
2. Continuation
Continuation is a natural reaction that states our eyes will move along a path,
whether implied or actual. This is important when considering how a person views the
entirety of a piece.

3. Closure
Closure occurs when our minds automatically create shapes or closed motifs
based on implied form and negative space. This draws the viewer in and
subconsciously brings the viewer in as part of the piece, because it is only complete
when the viewer adds the final “missing” shapes or forms.
4. Proximity
Proximity (or grouping) is simply the location of similar or dissimilar objects in a
composition to each other. This principle is easily utilized to create automatic reactions
to a composition, such as a feeling of lightness or claustrophobia.
5. Figure/Ground
This principle is based on the concept that in a composition, humans tend to
separate what they consider the background from what they consider the foreground or
figures within the piece. Like M.C. Escher’s designs, this can be utilized to intentionally
subvert the viewer’s expectations and add interest to an ambiguous image.
6. Symmetry & Order
This principle states that a composition should feel balanced and cohesive,
otherwise the viewer will be unsatisfied and will waste time looking for what isn’t there. It
is an emphasis on harmony, not necessarily homogeny.

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