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late 16th century: partly via Portuguese from Arabic ṭūfān (perhaps from Greek tuphōn ‘whirlwind’);

reinforced by Chinese dialect tai fung ‘big wind

2. legal Definition of suspend

1 : to debar temporarily from a privilege, office, or function. 2a : to stop temporarily suspend trading. b :
to make temporarily ineffective suspend a license. c : stay suspend a hearing. d : to defer until a later
time — see also suspended sentence at sentence

3. antonyms: infrequent, few

4. announce - Derived





unannounced 10.exclusive, idiosyncratic,

individualized, personalized;

5. synonyms: disorderly,
disordered, in disorder, in
chaos, in disarray,
disorganized, topsy-turvy,
haywire, confused, in
pandemonium, in turmoil,
tumultuous, disrupted;

6. boy·str-uhs

7. worst.part of speech

8. Corn definition is - a small

hard particle : grain. How to
use corn in a ... derivative of
corn entry

9. n a word that expresses a

meaning opposed to the
meaning of another word, in
which case the two words
are antonyms of each other.
Synonyms: antonym,
opposite Antonyms:
equivalent word, synonym.
two words that can be
interchanged in a context are
said to be synonymous
relative to that context.


synonyms: distinctive,
characteristic, unique,
individual, one's own,
particular, private, peculiar,

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