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toward the queerest EV tinisourte! insurrection let’s get decadent! inted clandestinely by the Mary ‘Nardini gang, criminal queers from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, x Tobe clear: tn 1270 Stonewatveteane, arsna Wo've despaired that we could sdSTAR?Stoet tanveatte Action NEVE! be as wol-dressed or Eeolitionares, hey opened the cultured as the Fab Five, We Sree wear sen eh" found nothing in Brokeback ‘aumer commun ro" Mountain, We've spent far too indians sheet wt long shuffling through hall measrie trould not be orcad to ways with heads-hung-iow. it We dont give a shit about rods marriage or the military, But fais! oh wo've had the hottest sex everywhere - in al the ways Wwe aren't supposed fo and the other boys at school defintely can't know about it Tha a wo al In the tine botwoon the Stoneman ANG when | was sixteen a Rote and the utbneak of Hiv te WoUKL-be-bully pushed me. quces commuity of New York 82% and called me a faggot. | hit i him in the mouth, The inter- ‘course of my fst and his face was far sexier and more liber ang than anything MTV ever offered our generation. With fort of thin ine wholehemtodyy the pre-cum of desire on my etiowe we eon cut them lips I knew trom then on that | was an anarchist most sexual oti hog ever econ Thought In shor, this world has never been enough for us. We say oi, ‘we want everything, mther- fucker, ty to stop ust” 1 Some will read “queer” as synonymous with ‘gay and lesbian’ or *LGBT”. This reading falls, short. While those wha would ft within the con structions of L","G", “B" or "T" could fall with- in the discursive limits of queer, queer is not a stable area to inhabil, Queer is not merely another identiy that can be tacked onto a ist of neat social categories, nor the quantitative sum of our identities. Rather, i is the qual tative position of opposition to presentations (of stability - an identity that problematizes the manageable mits of identity. Queer is a ter- titory of tension, defined against the domi ‘nant narrative of white-hetero-monagamous- patriarchy, but also by an atfinty with all who are marginalized, otherized and oppressed Queer is the abnormal, the strange, the dan- {gerous. Queer involves our sexuality and our ‘gender, but so much more, Its our dasite and fantasies and more sill, Queer isthe cohesion fof everything in conflict with the heterosexual capitalist world. Queer is a total rejection of the regime of the Normal Wl ‘As queers we understand Normalcy. Normal, 's the tyranny of our condition; reproduced in all of our relationships. Normaley is violently reiterated in every minute of every day. We understand this Normaley as the Totally. The. Totaity being the interconnection and overlap- ping of al oppression and misery. The Totality is the slate. is capitalism. Itis civilization and ‘ompite. The totally is fence-post crucitixion. It 's rape and murder at the hands of police. It is “Str8 Acting” and "No Faitios or Femmes” itis Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. itis the bru- {al lessons taught to those who cart achieve ‘Normal. tis every way we've limited ourselves oF learned to hate our bodies. We understand ‘Notmaley all 100 well Ml When we speak of social war, we do so be- ‘cause purist class analysis is not enough for Us. What does a marxist economic worldview ‘mean to a survivor of bashing? To a sex work: €r? To a homeless, toenage runaway? How can class analysis, alone as paradigm for a revolution, promise liberation 10 those of us journeying beyond our assigned genders and sexualities? The Proletariat as revolutionary Subject marginalizes all whose lives don't ft in the model of heterosexual-worker. We must create space wherein itis possible {0r desire to flourish. This space, of course, tequres conlict with this socal order. To de. Sir, in a world structured to confine desire 'saension we ive daly We om we right of tay 21st 1879, m mmustundersand tis tension al encase dno nine so that we can become pow- my ef Sn Frantuce as aed el trough t= we must un- fd ant derstand i 0 that it can tear our confinement apart. This tava, born in upture, rust challenge oppression sevsevee ar Set ins ontray This of course, Sg atent ugha cine means total nogation ofthis world, We must become bodies in revolt. We need to dave ino and indulge in power, We can lean the strengtnof ur bods in struggle for space for our desires. In doi wel al the power to destroy not ony what destroys us, but also those who aspire to turn us to a gay mimicry of thal which dostoye us. We ‘mustbeincontct with regimes ofthe normal This means tobe at wa wih everything, we desire a world without restraint, we must {ear this one to the ground. We must live be- ‘yond measure and love and desire in ways, ‘most devastating. We must come to under Stand the feeling of social war. We can learn tobe atthreat, we can become the queerest of Insurections, We need to rediscover our vino ugg ag ney omni os inertness queer Molin, eased ofourdaye crn: anarchists. We need to de "ilage: troy constructions. of not maley, and create instead a ted pocer position based in our alien- Shen's bat zi ation from this normale, and {feat and ceveral street queens began one capable of dismantling it Eo kr ai, We must uso thes postions bul saan peonia fem, ere to instigate breaks, not jst ‘tthe dtre'sumbere covet from the assimlatinist main stream, bul trom capitalism iso. These postions can be- come tools of social force ready to creale a compete tuple wth tis world ifenoife to reenimay rare Our bodies have been bom slot cruinued nt a into conflict with tis social or- Perens der. We need to deepen that ccanticl and make it spread Ix Susan Stryker writes thatthe state acts to “rog- tulate bodies, in ways both great and small, by enmeshing them within norms and ex- pectations that determine what kinds of lives are deemed livable or useful and by shutting down the space of possibility and Imaginative transformation where peoples’ lives begin to exceed and escape the state's use for them.” Lenin and Mare have naver fucked the ways we have, We need something a bit more thorough = something equipped to come with teeth {ghashing to all the intricacies of our misery ‘Simply put, we want to make ruins of domina- tion in ail of its varied and interlacing forms. This struggle inhabiting every social relation- ship is what we know as social war. It is both the process and the condition ota conflict with this totaly, IV Inthe discourse of queer, we are talking about space of struggle against this totality against normalcy. By “queer’, we mean "social war ‘And when we speak of queer as a contlct with all domination, we mean it. Vv See, we've always been the other, the alien, the criminal. The story of queers in this civi= lization has always been the narrative of the ‘sexual deviant, the constitutional psychopathic inferior, the traitor, the freak, the moral imbe- cil. We've been excluded at the border, trom labor, from familial tes. We've been forced ino concentration camps, into sex slavory, into prisons. ‘The normal, the straight, the american family hhas always constructed itsel in opposition 10 the queer. Straight is not queer. White is not Of color. Healthy does not have HIV. Man is ‘ot woman. The discourses of heterosexual. ity, whiteness and capitalism reproduce tham- Selves into a model of power. For the rest of Us, there is death, Inhis work, Jean Genet’ asserts that the life of ‘queer, is one of exile - that all ofthe totality OF this world is constructed to marginalize and ‘exploit us. He posits the queer as the criminal He gloriies homosexualiy® and criminality as the most beautiful and lovely forms of conflict With the bourgeois world, He writes of the se: ret worlds of rebellion and joy inhabited by ciminals and queers, Quoth Genet, “Excluded by my birth and tastes from the social order, lwas notaware fits diversity. Nothing in the world was ir. relevant: the stars on a general's sleov cust wun gs nn tenn eh Nowthey don tettquemariage, mitaryor no stalo.Rathar we have campaigns lo alea ne simlatn ito each, Tht police advocacy tor such gevous inatutons, ater then the anniation of them al “Says one want y Auto 186 « an kl poor peop around Santas ath the wodld as well as straights people!” “Gaye can hold te een Teigns of the state and capital mway teens and neighbor- as wel staight peopel “we hove, ease ma. CS Roeser ieee tpmeaeenae a sessgieear ae Asinilatiniss want nothing less than to construct the ho- ‘mosexual as normal - white, ‘monogamous, wealthy, 2.6 ctildren, SUVs with awhile Picket fonce. This construc: i ton, of ourse, reproducos ih stn pola who rm Guise the stability of heterosexual- os same bet ena treatm, ly whiteness, patriarchy, the tpn wow at poured gender binary, and capitaism Sitemmeneste ate ae ears frou ihe om we genuinely want to make ‘ins ofthis totality, we need to make a break, We don't noed inclusion into marriage, the Ilitary and the state. We need to end them, 'No more gay polticians, CEOs and cops. We eed to swifly and immediately articulate a Wide gull between the polis of assimilation and the struggle for liberation. simultaneously struggled against capitalism, racism and patriarchy and empire. This is our history, Vill I history proves anything, itis that capitalism has a treacherous recuperative tendency to pacity radical social movements. I works rath- cer simply, actually. A group gains privilege and power within a movement, and shortly there- alter sell their comrades out. Within a couple years of stonewall, atfluent-gay-white-males hhad thoroughly marginalized everyone that had made their movement possible and aban:

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