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Metode Flask

1. Impression dibuat dan cast dituang/diletakkan (poured) ke gigi tiruan

2. Cast tidak lepas dari gigi tiruan
3. Cast ditempatkan di bagian bawah flask (kuvet)
4. Silicone mould material diulas/diletakkan (painted) di atas gigi tiruan sebelum investing.
Sehingga menciptakan cetakan yang fleksibel.
5. Flasking selesai dengan cara konvensional
6. Flask (kuvet) dibuka, setelah investing selesai
7. Karena silicone mould, sehingga lebih mudah untuk memisahkan dua bagian flask (kuvet)
8. Basis gigi tiruan ditrimming atau dipotong seluruhnya dan gigi ditempatkan lagi (replaced) ke
dalam indentasinya
9. Separasi medium diaplikasikan pada cast dan resin dicampurkan lalu dimasukkan ke dalam
10. Gigi tiruan dicured, finishing dan polishing dengan cara konvensional
11. Gigi tiruan yang telah selesai di remount lalu diperiksa prematuritas oklusalnya

Flask Method

1. Impressions are made and the cast is poured in the denture

2. cast is not separated from the denture
3. the cast is placed into the lower half of the flask
4. the silicone mould material is painted over the denture before investing.
This creates a flexible mould
5. flasking is completed in conventional manner
6. The flask is opened, once investing is completed
7. because of the silicone mould, it is easier to separate the two parts of flask
8. denture base is trimmed completely and the teeth are replaced into the indentation
9. separating medium is applied over the cast and the mixed resin is packed into the space
10. denture is cured, finished and polished in conventional manner
11. finished denture are remounted to check for any occlusal prematurities

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