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SALARY LOAN APPLICATION FORM CI NEW [J RENEWAL ‘Amount Applied: Referred By: Prey Te) PERSONA Oo tastHame, Fist Name Midde Name | Birthday Age Moral Status Single CMaried Others Course Fathers Name Hee Mothers Name: (CHILDREN (TBLINGS FSINGLE) SCHOOL [FOR EMPLOYED ~ ENPLOYER/ POSTION) Present Address (House No/.o/ Block Steet/llage/Subaision/Barangay/Muniopalty/Ciy/Previncs) Nearest Landmark Residence Ownership: —ClOwned CiMorgaged _CiRented Chwithnalaives Wome Telephone Number] Mobile Number/s Monthy Rental Amortization: Permanent Adress Length oF Stay mall dress Provingal Adarese Length of stay FB Account Company Name main office Basie Salary! HEREC EEE EE Devaney ‘Company Address (Unit Floor Bulding/Steet/Vilage/Barangay/Munlcpaliy/Gty/ Provnce/HR Contac Person & Postion Weta Capa TN Potion Yeas tmplond | SSS, TH ‘Status Contractual Permanent PO OR ) LastName Fist Name Midcle name Birthdayimm/cey) Ae ‘Gender: Male Dremate Favcational Atainment ‘Course Taken: SehoolUniversy Contact Nomber: high choo! 0 colege C1 Post-Graduate raployment: Self-Employed Li Government | Employer/Business Name Nature of Business DPevate 1 Professional Trployer/ Business Areas [UnitFloor/uiling/ Steet VMage Barangav/ Manicpalty/Ciy/ Province) Tanah of Says: Employed Postion Gross ncome Netincome SNe, ‘aus Contractual Permanent Amount Approved = Terms Remarks (ASH FLOW: Monthy income: Expenses Remarks/¢omment Tt Sola oa Incentives/Conm. ulties Spouse Income. Eaueation Other income Rental/Anor Transoo./635 ‘thers Tora TOTAL NET INCOME ‘AO'S Remarks Employee Verification DERTA Wwe hereby cert that al the data or Information furnished inthis Applaton Form ae tru, correct and compete, and the signatures heren are true an authentic. /We hereby authorize FORBES LENDING SOLUTION CORPORATION, is subsidiaries or afilates, to obtain, validate or verfy an if necessary, hare, report or Alsace such data or information and thereby walve my/our ght relation to confidentiality of accounts under RA 140, and privacy of credit data or other data or Information persining to me/us or my/our accounts as may be necessary or for FLSCto comply with RA 9510 {Cre Information System Act), RA 10173 (Oata Privacy ‘ct) and thelr implementing rules and regulations as wel as other laws and issuances. We agree that tis application and all supporting documents and anyother Information obtained by FORBES LENDING SOLUTION CORPORATION relative to this application shall mains its property irrespective of the granting of the lan. We further acknowledge that any false statement or concealment ofan information which may be discovered after the loan has been granted shal besuifcan bas for FORBES LENDING SOLUTION CORPORATION to consider the loan immediately due and demandable ewrower [Signature over Printed Name) Spouse [Sigature over Printed Name) Cited lusiness Name Income business Adress Year in Business Nr Bank — | Account Type | Account No | Date Opened Name contact Acoress PRIVACY NOTICE AND CONSENT FORM. Here at Forbes Lending Soon Corp, we take Your privacy serious ‘The privacy and security of your personal data (the “Personal Information) which we ellect rom you is important tous, ts equally Important that you understand how we handle this data inthe course of conducting our business, we must collet “Personal Information” from you. The nature of the information that we collect vl be strictly used to adinister your account and to prove the brodts and services you have requested ftom us and to further most ‘yur neods andthe standard procedures of our businass ‘We wil treat your “Personal Information” consent. wil only be ‘isoosed for the purpose of hanelirg. your accoum ecient, eiecvely and to further assist you in your financial neecs, to our alates such as crest bureaus, collection companies and other financial institutions. We have tusted relationships, with carefully selected third parties who perform series on our behal. Al sevice Brovders are bound by the contract to maintain te security of your personal information and to use it only 26 permitted by us. We ‘uarantoe that your personal information val be strictly kept in private \Ukewise, in order to atain your goals and financial goals, we might eed to collect and gather information in relation to your loan ‘appication.n ths regan wl aso serves as yout consentin ving Forbes Lending Solution Corp. "FL" for brevity the ight to collect ‘and gather Infomation from any bank institutions, your empioyer, supoler, agencies, rom your declared character relerences in the ‘aophication form, You ae also allowing FISC to collect personal and sensitive information fom your relatives up to 3rd consarguiity and vice versa, that we ate albwed to disclose any personal information to the ‘tove mentioned people and institutions in any case We cannot contact you to lscuss your loan and your exsing obigation fan. ‘Yu ae ago aun FLSC to collec information trom ary nsttutions that you are connected wit oF related to n certo property assess your loan applation. Furthermore, you are allowing any of these ‘ove mentioned insttutons and persons to iscose any information ‘aout you tht Wil help usin ascertaining your lon appication, Furthermore, in any case of restructuring your loon abligation, you are Bing consent anc lowing FLSC to disclose and collect information from the above-mentioned institutions and people Here at Forbes Lending Solution Corp, we make sure that you are protec ‘APPUCANT'S SSGNATURE Signature Over Printed Name

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