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Characters :

1. Cinderella : A good girl who always treated very badly by

her stepmother and stepsisters.
2. Anastasia : Cinderella’s step sister. She has red hair and
the younger sister of Drizella.
3. Drizella : Cinderella’s stepsister who has brown hair. She is
treated Cinderella worse than Anastasia.
4. Lady Tremaine : Cinderella’s stepmother and mother of
Anastasia and Drizella.
5. Prince Charming: The prince of the kingdom that held the
6. The Fairy : The fairy who help Cinderella to go to the ball.

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named
Cinderella. She lived with her stepmother and two her
stepsisters. They treated Cinderella very badly. Cinderella
was treated as a servant, she cleaned the house, washed the
clothes, washed the dishes, and all the house work.

One day in the morning.

Drizella : Cinderella. Where is our breakfast. I’m hungry now.

Anastasia : Hurry up. We are hungry.

Cinderella : Wait a minute Drizella, Anastasia. I’m preparing


Lady : (Angry) you answer my sister?. Hurry up or I will hit


Cinderella : I’m sorry mother. This is the breakfast.

(After the breakfast)

Lady : Clean up the table Cinderella. We finish here.

Anastasia : and then you should wash my clothes.

Drizella : My clothes too. Be clean or I will ask you to wash it

Cinderella : How you can be so badly to me?

Lady : Why not. You are not my daughter. Do it or I will throw

you from this house.

Drizeell and Anastasia : Hahahahaha. Poor Cinderella. Get out

not. You are so ugly and dirty (huekk)

Then Cinderella go with the dishes, washes all the clothes

and clean up the house. In the afternoon after she does all
her job.

Cinderella : (sit in the kitchen and crying) O God, why this

can happen to me.

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Anastasia : (calling from her bedroom). Ugly Cinderella. Come

here and comb my hair.

Cinderella : Yes Anastasia. I will come. (Cinderella come and

comb Anastasia’s hair)

Drizella : Then, you should comb my hair.

Cinderella : Ok Drizella, after this I will comb your hair.

In the evening. Cinderella is cooking at the kitchen for the


Drizella : Hurry up ugly Cinderella. What are you doing?

Anastasia : I’m hungry mom. She is too slow.

Lady : Cinderella. How long you will make us waiting.

Cinderella : Yes. This is your dinner.

That is how Cinderella do everyday. She is treated like a
servant and she sleep in the kitchen every night.

One day, a Duke from the palace come to their home.

Duke : Excuse me. Please gather here all the people in this

(Cinderella’s stepmother and stepsisters gather near the

duke but Cinderella listen from the kitchen)

Duke : I want to announce that our King will held a ball for
the Prince. All the Girl is invited to the ball. It will held two
days later. The prince will choose his bride there.

After giving the announcement, the duke go from the house.

Drizella : Mom, lets go to the ball and I will be the prince


Anastasia : No, I will be the bride. I’m more beautiful than


Lady : Calm down my daughters. We will go to the ball. But

we need a dress.

Drizella : Ask Cinderella to buy it mom.

Lady : Cinderella. Cinderella. Come here now.

Cinderella : Yes mother.

Lady : Go and buy the best dress for Anastasia and Drizella.
This is the money. You should come back before the dinner.

Drizella : I want the yellow dress.

Anastasia : I want the red dress.

Cinderella : Yes mom.

On the night before the ball.

Drizella : Cinderella. Come here and comb my hair, hurry up.

Anastasia : Then comb my hair. I want to look beautiful in the


Cinderella : Yes sisters.

Lady : We will go to the ball, you stay at home Cinderella. If

you go, I will throw you to the jungle.

Cinderella : Yes mom.

Drizella : Yea. You ugly, the prince will be sick to see you.

Anastasia : lets go mom. Leave this ugly girl.

After they are going. Cinderella sit in her kitchen and start
crying. Suddenly, a fairy come to her.

Fairy : What happen Cinderella. Why are you crying?

Cinderella : (surprise) Who are you?

Fairy : I will help you, what do you want?

Cinderella : Actually, I want to go to the ball. But, I don’t have

a dress and my stepmother forbid me to go.

Fairy : don’t be afraid I will help you.

The fairy waves her magic wand and make Cinderella have a
very beautiful dress and a pair of glass shoes. She also make
six mice to be horse and two coachmen, and change the
pumpkin into a coach.

Fairy : Cinderella. you can go now, but remember, the magic

only last until midnight. you should come home before then.

Cinderella : Ok fairy. Thank you.

When Cinderella come to the ball, all the people surprised

because of her beauty. When the prince see her, he comes
and ask Cinderella to dance with him. It makes all the people
in the hall are very jealous.

The Prince : O beautiful girl. You want to dance with me.

Cinderella : Yes prince.

Prince : You’re so beautiful, what is your name young lady?

Cinderella : my name is. . .

Suddenly Cinderella see the big clock show that it is nine to

twelve in the midnight. She suddenly run.

Cinderella : I’m sorry prince, I should go now.

Prince : wait. . . wait . . please tell me your name.

Cinderella run fast and make one of her glass shoes left.
Cinderella has leave the palace.

Prince : I have to find him. pick up the glass shoes).

After the ball finished.

Prince : Duke, I want you to find her. Use this glass shoes to
find her.

Duke : You want me to go around the kingdom prince?

Prince : Please Duke, you should find her for me.

Duke : Yes Prince, As you wish.

Duke come to every house and ask every girl to try the glass
shoes, but no one can wear it because it is very small. Finally,
the Duke comes to Cinderella house.

Duke : I’m here as the prince want to meet the girl who own
this glass shoes. I want all of the girl try to wear this shoes.

Anastasia : I’m the first.

Drizella and Anastasia can not wear the shoes. The duke
almost desperate, he see Cinderella peek from the kitchen.

Duke : Who is she?

Lady : She is our servant.

Duke : Call her, I want her to try.

Drizella : No. It must not her.

Duke : Call her, I do this for the prince. I want all the girl to

Come here little girl. Try this shoes.

Cinderella : Yes Sir.

When Cinderella put that glass shoes into her foot, it fit on
her. Suddenly the fairy come and changes Cinderella dress as
she wear at the ball.

Duke : Yes, the prince will be very happy. Wait here. I will call
the prince. He is in the coach.

The Prince come to the house.

Prince : Finally, I can find you. Tell me your name beautiful


Cinderella : Cinderella. My name is Cinderella my prince.

Prince : Would you go to the palace with me. I want to

introduce you to my father and mother.

Drizella : It is impossible.

Anastasia : I can’t believe it, the prince looking for this girl.

Finally, the prince bring Cinderella to the palace and marry

her there. They live happily ever after. But Cinderella also
bring her stepmother and stepsisters to the palace with her.
Now, they are become a good mother and sister to

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