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Analysis Model Spreading Oil Spill in Offshore North West Java (ONWJ)

Using Image Processing Method with RADARSAT1

Ilham Diaz Rahmat Nugroho1,a), Fadzila Aulia Ramadhan1,b), Indah Mustika Dewi1,c)
Rifqi Alif Rahmandito1,d)

Geophysics, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email : a), b),
c), c)


Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) is one of the operators Pertamina Service Company (PSC)
which was previously owned by British petroleum and has been owned by Pertamina since
2009. ONWJ covers an area of 8,300 square kilometers – stretching from the North of Cirebon
to Kepulauan Seribu. On July 12, 2019, ONWJ experienced an Oil spill marked by a bubble
spill caused by pressure anomaly at the borehole. The negative impact of this oil spills is very
dangerous. The crude oil covered the surface water, so the organism can't get the oxygen and
the sun for their live. Furthermore, the spreading of this oil spill carried to the Coastal and
damage the environment. Therefore, this problem needs to be overcome by looking at the
distribution and volume of oil spills. By image processing method, we can know the direction
of the wind and the ocean waves. Modeling results show the distribution pattern of the oil layer
is strongly influenced by the resultant between the forces exerted by the current tides and
surface winds, oil spills in the North Sea of Java have dominance distribution of spills to the
southwest and move in directions in accordance with the tides. This research is using the ENVI4
software with parameters of wind velocity and direction, velocity and direction of sea waves.
Results of RADARSAT1 satellite data processing can be used to solve this problem more
effectively and the foremost result was that it would be used to minimize the impact of the oil
spills in the future.

Keywords: Oil Spill, RADARSAT1, Image Processing, ENVI4, ONWJ

1. INTRODUCTION Oil spills range from 400-500 barrels

every day. However, the amount is smaller
Crude oil leakage in YYA-1 well than the initial assumption estimated at up
drilling pipeline in the Pertamina Hulu to 3000 barrels. Pertamina ONWJ has tried
Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE to optimize the handling of oil spills with
ONWJ) area off the north coast of prevention from various aspects to hold oil
Karawang, West Java, was indicated by the spills so that they are not widely spread in
appearance of gas bubbles on July 12, 2019 the ocean. Pertamina's step is isolate the
at 01:30 WIB. This well was previously surrounding waters by installing an oil
explored in 2011 and is known as the YYA- boom along ± 8000 meters on the North
4 well. Gas bubbles followed by oil spills Coast of Java to minimize spreading oil,
due to pressure anomalies during installing 6 units oil skimmers as a vacuum
reactivation of wellbore. for oil spills, and 43 ships to monitor the
situation directly. Not only that, Pertamina Metode penelitian ditulis sesuai dengan cara
involved many parties both domestically ilmiah, rasional, empiris dan sistematis. Metode
penelitian berisi deksripsi mengenai prosedur
and abroad to handle this problem in order penelitian, waktu dan tempat, bahan dan peralatan,
to deal with the impact of oil spills in serta metode yang digunakan dan harus diuraikan
various fields. Intercept process, relief well dengan jelas dan sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian.
connection process which is 1 km from Antara metode penelitian dengan baris awal teks
YYA-1 well, with a depth of ± 2700 m, was diletakkan baris kosong 10. Jarak antara akhir
pendahuluan ke metode penelitian 16 poin, berlaku
successfully carried out to stop the leak that ke semua bagian lain.
occurred on September 21, 2019.
Oil spill modelling using satellite data
can be a solution to determine the 3. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN / RESULTS
distribution pattern of oil spills. There is
some data needed so that the distribution Hasil penelitian dinyatakan dengan jelas dan
model can describe the real situation. The singkat. Sebaiknya hasil bersifat kuantitatif, numerik
dan spesifik. Bagian diskusi membahas informasi
data include direction and velocity of ocean penting yang terkandung dalam hasil dan membahas
waves, wind direction and speed, and pentingnya hasil yang telah diperoleh, bukan hanya
surface temperature. menceritakan atas hasil tersebut. Hasil dan diskusi
dapat juga digabungkan dalam satu bagian. Hindari
acuan dan diskusi yang berlebihan atas literatur yang
ditulis di Daftar Pustaka.
Tabel dan gambar diletakkan segera setelah
disebutkan dalam naskah dan diletakkan pada posisi
paling atas atau paling bawah dari setiap halaman
dan tidak diapit oleh kalimat. Jika tabel dan gambar
terlalu kecil untuk format 2 kolom naskah, maka bisa
menggunakan ukuran 1 kolom. Format tabel
mengikuti contoh seperti Tabel 1. Ukuran gambar
harus proporsional dan jelas sehingga semua
Figure 1. Location of oil spill at YYA-1 PHE ONWJ well in informasi dalam gambar terbaca.
Karawang sea, West Java
Tabel 1. Tabel ditulis dengan font 9 Times New Roman
Subsubjudul Slip Rate Mmax
Bumiayu 20 6.8
Subsubjudul ditulis tanpa angka dan dicetak Pati 0.5 6.8
tebal (bold). Subsubjudul adalah bagian naskah yang
Lasem 0.5 6.5
perlu dijelaskan lebih detail. Sub-judul diberi nomor
urut dan diketik dengan huruf besar di awal kata dan
bercetak tebal dengan ukuran 12 poin. Isi teks
diketik dengan huruf ukuran 10 poin. Antara baris
terakhir teks dengan subjudul diletakkan baris
kosong 16 poin. Antara subjudul dengan baris awal
teks diletakkan baris kosong 10-poin. Istilah bahasa
Inggris harus ditulis dengan huruf miring. Penulisan
persamaan menggunakan equation editor dan harus
diikuti dengan penomoran. Penunjukkan persamaan
dalam naskah dalam bentuk singkatan, seperti Pers.
Gambar 1. Gambar ditulis dengan font 9 Times New

i j  k (1)
2. METODE PENELITIAN / METHODS Merupakan kesimpulan penting dari
keseluruhan bagian makalah, dan harus terkait
dengan isi abstrak. Dapat ditulis dalam kalimat
lengkap maupun pointer.


Ucapan terima kasih dibuat dalam satu

bagian sebelum Daftar Pustaka. Bagian ini dapat
menjelaskan sumber dana penelitian yang digunakan
maupun untuk memberikan apresiasi kepada
lembaga atau orang-orang yang membantu dalam
penelitian dan penulisan makalah.


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