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NEWS item

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Kompetensi Dasar :
3. 4. Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa
teks news item lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait berita sederhana dari social media, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya .

3.4. Menyebutkan contoh teks news item berbentuk berita sederhana dari
social media.

4.4.2 Menulis rangkuman teks berita sederhana dari social media.

Tujuan Pebelajaran :
1. Siswa mampu membedakan fungsi social, stuktur teks dan unsure
kebahasaaan dari beberapa teks news item lisan dan tulisan dengan member
dan meminta infromasi terkait berita sederhana dari social media.
2. Siswa mampu menyebutkan contoh teks news item berbentuk berita
sederhana dari social media.
3. Siswa mampu menulis rangkuman teks berita sederhana dari social media

News item text.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary,
news items are text, which information about
events of the day (News item text is a type of text
that provides information about daily events or
events. News items are one type of text in
English that is used if you want learn to be a
reliable journalist.

Source :

The events delivered in the news to the reader are events

that are considered important and deserve to be made into a
news story. An event that is not important or inappropriate is
known by many people is not worthy of being made news. The
communicative purpose of this type of text is to inform the
reader, listener or audience of events or events that are
considered important or worthy of reporting.

Source :

In The News Item Text, There Are Three Parts To The Language Structure:

Main Background Source

event event

This section is also This section, often referred The last part is the
known as the to as Elaboration, is a section source, which tells
newsworthy event. that tells the background of about comments,
This section is a part an event or event, who was witnesses of events,
that tells or contains involved and the location of opinions of experts,
news about a core the incident. and so on about the
event or event that is events or events
usually written in the reported.
form of a summary
In each type of text in English there
are linguistic characteristics that can
distinguish it from other types of text.
The hallmark of the news item text
that is most prominent is its short and
dense language. Following are the
linguistic characteristics of other
news item texts:

• Brief information contained in


• Focus on an event

• Dominant uses saying verbs, as

reported, cursed, said, preached, and
so on.

• Generally uses action verb, which is

a verb that shows activity

• Frequently use auxiliary verbs that

indicate time and place Source :

• Using process material

News Terms

News that is considered useful and in accordance with the journalistic code of ethics must
fulfill certain conditions. The news requirements are as follows:

1. In accordance with the facts, the information

submitted in the news must be in accordance
with the actual facts in the field.
2. Actual News, the information conveyed is
the most recent fact where the distance
between events and broadcasts is close
3. Balanced, the information submitted must
be in accordance with the actual facts,
impartial or cornering a party to influence
the community.
4. Complete, the information in the news
submitted must be complete so that it does
not make people confused.
5. Systematic, the delivery of the contents of
news information is arranged systematically
so that people are easier to understand.
6. Accurately, the contents of the news must go
through a confirmation process from the
relevant parties so that it is accurate and not
made up for certain purposes.
7. Interestingly, how to deliver news must be
made as attractive as possible without
putting aside the main purpose of the news,
namely the benefits for the reader / listener.
8. Easy to understand, the use and delivery of
words in the news must use words that are
easily understood by ordinary people.

Source :

1. Straight News

The definition of straight news is a news that is written in a short and

straightforward manner. In general, the front page of the newspaper uses live

The type of direct news can be divided into two types, namely:

a. Hard News; news that contains information about special events that occur
suddenly. In other words, the information conveyed is very important to be
immediately known by the public.

b. Soft News; news containing supporting information and its value under hard

2. Depth News

Definition of in-depth news (dept news) is a news that undergoes development by

exploring various things contained in basic information.

3. Investigation News

Investigative news is news that undergoes development based on the results of

research or investigation from various sources of information.
4. Interpretative News

Interpretative news is a story that is developed with research and opinions from the
writer or reporter

5. Opinion News

News of opinion is a news that conveys information based on someone's opinion

about something. In general, this opinion comes from an expert, scholar, or

Source :
sample news item

Straight News

Kemuhammadiyahan, a Different Education System

Yogyakarta, Thursday (25/10) Campus 2 of UAD-M Djandra (lecturer), explained the

participation of lecturers in Kemuhammadiyahan-based education.

Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) is one of the universities in which the

Kemuhammadiyahan-based education system is implemented. Kemuhammadiyahan-based
education itself is education which contains elements of kemuhammadiyahan, such as the
sunnah-sunah, everything that is related to muhammadiyah is little or more inserted in the
learning process. If you can create a religious learning system, such as before starting the
lesson pray for a while, reciting the quran and its translation, although only a few verses, and
that includes the learning system kemuhammadiyahan (Djandra).

Mr. Djandra himself who is one of the lecturers whose activities teach Islamic studies,
recently has implemented the Islamic-based education in his teaching. But in his learning, he
also experienced a number of obstacles or obstacles, one of which was that there were some
students who were still not fluent and stuttering when asked to read the Qur'an. Although not
a few students are already good and fluent in reading the Qur'an.

In the Kemuhammadiyan learning system, according to Pak Djandra, students are happy
with the system that is applied. There are also students who still don't understand the
kemuhammadiyahan learning pattern well. All depends on the individual of each student,
said Pak Djandra. (Cahyo Widodo)

Source :

"Competition in the world of work is indeed inevitable, this also happens in the world
of commerce, such as traditional market competition and supermarkets in the modern
era such as”

In the modern world like this there are many foreign businesses that enter Indonesia, such
as the case of supermarkets that are increasingly in Indonesia, not only big cities but also
small cities like Bojonegoro. In Bojonegoro itself there are already many supermarkets in
this city, the existence of supermarkets in Bojonegoro is a real competitor of traditional
markets that have been in Bojonegoro.

The existence of supermarkets is a real rival for traditional markets, this is also felt by
traders at the Banjarejo fruit market in Bojonegoro Regency, many people choose
supermarkets on the grounds that they are cleaner and more comfortable, but traders in
traditional markets have special weapons, namely price, for prices, traditional markets are
priced lower because their taxes are smaller than those in supermarkets. This was also felt by
one of the buyers I managed to interview "preferring in the traditional market, certainly
because it is cheaper, mbak".

Fruit traders also mentioned that their opinions declined slightly due to the existence of a
modern market or what we are more familiar with. Although some customers switch to
supermarkets do not make these fruit traders run out of competing in the modern era, they
not only have weapons about prices but also the quality of fruit that is increasingly being

The game is also not only with the modern market, not only one fruit market in Banjarjo
sells fruit, but there are more than 10 traders who sell in parallel, but none of them fight or
scramble customers, as explained by khusnul's mother aged 30 year "if that's the problem I
myself have been selling for more than ten years here but the others are following along and
finally becoming fruit markets like now" for his own competition, Kusnul's mother
explained. "If the competition's name sells for sure but here there are already subscriptions
Source :
Investigation News


Food for thought: Fake news can have ‘real world consequences. We’re all guilty. I am
among those who’ve posted information that is not true because we did not do our due
diligence and fact check the information before we posted it. I agree, our Facebook pages
were not meant to be news sources, but because of the current administration and the way we
use social media, the stories we post become a critical way to inform others of what’s going
on. Whether it’s fact or fiction what we post is perceived as real. Whether you agree or not,
that’s not the point; the point is we have to be held accountable for our posts now because
Trump is playing a dangerous game. When we post “alternative facts” (fake news), we are
hurting ourselves because it spreads like wild-fire. I hate that it’s come to this, but we have to
start playing this social media game better than we’ve had to before. I hate it, but I have come
to understand that we all have choices, power, and people who trust what we post. It’s up to
you to serve your Facebook friends wisely. The best thing to do is Google before posting,
find out if other media sources are posting the same information (news), media sources you
trust yourself! Nicolas Oliver, a political die-hard, helped us create this list of reliable

1. ProPublica — Founded ten years ago by a former managing editor of The Wall Street
Journal, ProPublica is a nonprofit investigative news site based in New York City. In 2010
ProPublica was the first online publication to win a Pulitzer Prize and has earned two more
since, as well as an extensive list of other prestigious awards.
2. The Center for Public Integrity (CPI) — An early player in the non-profit investigative
space, CPI has been around for close to 30 years. Its reporters have won dozens of journalism
awards, including a Pulitzer in 2014, for its investigations of money in politics, national
security, health care reform, business and the environment.
3. The Center For Investigative Reporting (CIR) — Founded 40 years ago in the San
Francisco Bay Area, CIR is a nonprofit that has partnered for years with other outlets to reach
a broad audience in print, on television, on radio and online. It collaborates with PRX Radio
to produce Reveal, the investigative radio program, and podcast. The Reveal website is now
home to all of CIRs investigative content.
4. Frontline — Launched more than 30 years ago, Frontline is television’s most consistent
and respected investigative documentary program. Its documentaries are broadcast on PBS
and are available online, along with original reporting.
5. Mother Jones — Mother Jones, founded in 1976, is a reader-supported, nonprofit news
organization headquartered in San Francisco with bureaus in Washington, DC and New York
City. The site includes investigative reporting as well as general reporting on topics including
politics, climate change, and education.
6. The Intercept — The Intercept is a news organization launched in 2014 by legal and
political journalist Glenn Greenwald, investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill and documentary
filmmaker Laura Poitras.
7. Real Clear Investigations — Real Clear Investigations, which launched last fall, is the
new nonprofit, investigative arm of Real Clear Politics. It is mostly an aggregator of
investigative reporting but has also begun conducting original investigations.

8. The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) — ICIJ is a nonprofit

offshoot of the Center for Public Integrity that started 20 years ago. It is a global network of
more than 190 investigative journalists in more than 65 countries who work together to
investigate cross-border issues including crime, corruption, and abuse of power.

9. Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) — IRE is a grass-roots, nonprofit,

membership organization that has been providing tips, training and conferences for
investigative journalists since 1975. Its blog, Extra! Extra! showcases a wide variety of
watchdog journalism.

10. Buzz Feed — Whatever you think about its decision to release the Trump dossier earlier
this week (journalists are divided in their opinions), BuzzFeed has a growing investigative
team and body of work worth attention, but it’s not always easy to find on the site. If you
want to know what the team is up to you can follow its editor, Mark Schoofs, @Schoofsfeed
on Twitter.

Sure, there will be times when something will fall through the cracks but let’s start
thinking before we post and especially when it has to do with Trump. “Fake news stories were
prominent throughout the presidential election season, and there’s growing concern that many
people cannot tell lies from facts or people don’t care about the difference.”

Source :
Online Application of Waste Bank Can Pay Tolls to Electricity
Interpretative News

Online Application of Waste Bank Can Pay Tolls to Electricity

Bandung - Management of a Waste Bank by LSM Hijau Lestari now uses an online
application system. In addition to tube-saving transactions, this application can later be used
for other payments.

Maman Tirta Rukmana, a representative from the NGO Small Business Business
Incubation Center as a partner at the Waste Bank, said that in addition to the Election Bank
collection, the application is also a financial institution. "We provide a 24-hour online server
for operations. The application can use computers and android as well. So it can be for units
and customers," said Maman when launching the Waste Bank Application at Grha Persib,
Jalan Sulanjana, Wednesday (11/10/2015).

The advantage for customers is junk garbage, continued Maman, can check the balance at
any time. In addition, in the future the function can also be used for other payments.
"Customers can check the balance, increase the features too. So you can purchase electricity
pulses, buy credit, just reduce the balance," he explained. In the same place, Lupan Tui
Wiguna, from PT Ussi, as providing the service application, said that at this time her party had
been socializing with the team from the NGO Green Lestari to the residents. "We are ready for
real implementation in 10 garbage bank units. The registration only uses telephone numbers,"
said Lupan. Lupan claims this application is easy to use for housewives who on average 35
years and over are customers of the Waste Bank. "This application is very easy, not
complicated. It has been tried in 10 regions," he said.


With the existence of a Waste Bank in the bandung area, it helps the local community in
processing their household waste, with a savings system model that is garbage that is entered
into a Waste Bank, will be given a balance in the customer's savings, new customers will be
given new savings, with a system like that, the surrounding community is helped in purchasing
credit and purchasing electricity.

Source :
Opinion News

How to improve the quality of education

The education we know today has become a basic need of every human being because
education is the key to the progress and success of a nation. With a high level of education,
we will have the opportunity to be equal with other great nations. But in reality the quality of
education in our country is not as good as in other countries.

Many educational institutions strive to create graduates who have high quality and fighting
ability in society. It aims to face challenges and increasingly difficult competition. But we
need to remember that a success will not be separated from all factors and conditions.

To improve the quality and quality of education various efforts have been made, including
the diagnosis of problems. Knowing the problems will certainly easily find a solution. Efforts
to improve the level and quality of education are very important as a way to deal with the
challenges of globalization that occur.

Today's educational institutions are required to be able to produce quality and competitive
graduates because competition and competition between nations that are taking place are very
intensive and fierce. Graduates are also expected to have professionalism and professional
competence so that they can face global competition.

In today's technology era, teacher is not only the only source of information for students.
But the role of the teacher has changed and developed into a motivator, administrator and
facilitator. In addition to teachers, students can search for and get material sources from
various media such as the internet.

But basically in conditions like now the teacher is expected to be able to provide an active
role because basically the role of the teacher as an educator cannot be replaced. To achieve
these goals and roles, it is necessary to improve the quality of teaching and of course clear
efforts. Creating a business that can improve the quality of educators is basically the biggest
challenge for the government.

Source :
Activity 1

Write down the differences from each type of news into the column below

1. Straight News
Straight News is a report of events that must be presented and
reported to the reader quickly, contains only the headlines, is
informative, concise but complete answering the 5W + 1H
element of the news. Straight News is divided into two, namely :
a. Hard News

b. Soft News

2. Depth News
3. Investigation News

4. Interpretative News

5. Opinion News
Activity 2

A. News has several types including: Straight News, Profound News, Investigation News,
Interpretive News, and Opinion News. choose one of the following types of news and look
for examples of news on social media.
Activity 3

The following is one example of the news on social media. make a summary of the news.

Iran religious leader threatens UK over capture of oil tanker

Official says Britain should be ‘scared’ of Iran’s relation over seizure of Iranian tanker off the
coast of Spain.

06 Jul 21019 10:50 GMT

British Royal Marines seized the supertanker Grace 1 on Thursday for trying to take oil to Syria [Marcos

The United Kingdom should be "scared" of Tehran's possible reciprocal measures for the
capture of an Iranian supertanker by the British navy in Gibraltar, the semi-official Fars
news agency reported an Iranian religious leader as saying.

"I am openly saying that Britain should be scared of Iran's retaliatory measures over the
illegal seizure of the Iranian oil tanker," Mohammad Ali Mousavi Jazayeri, a member of
the Assembly of Experts, a powerful religious body said on Saturday.
"We have shown that we will never remain silent against bullying ... As we gave a
staunch response to the American drone, the appropriate response to this illegal capture
[of the tanker] will be given by Iran as well," he said over the seizure of the supertanker in
the British overseas territory. British Royal Marines seized the supertanker Grace 1 on
Thursday for trying to transport oil to Syria in violation of European Union sanctions in a
move which drew Tehran's fury and could escalate its confrontation with the West.

On Friday, the tanker's crew were being interviewed as witnesses in an effort to establish
the nature of the cargo and its ultimate destination, a spokesperson for the British territory
said. The spokesperson said the 28-member crew, who have remained on board the
supertanker, were mainly Indians with some Pakistanis and Ukrainians. Later on Friday,
Gibraltar said it had obtained an order extending the detention of the tanker by 14 days
because there were grounds to believe it was breaking sanctions by taking oil to Syria.

Saudi seizure of tanker

Iranian officials also say that Saudi Arabia has been holding an Iranian oil tanker in the
port of Jeddah since late April after the ship experienced engine failure.

"There was an Iranian oil tanker that was on its way through the Suez Canal, carrying 1.2
billions of crude oil on April 30 off the port city of Jeddah," Al Jazeera's Dorsa Jabbari,
reporting from Tehran, said. "It experienced an engine failure and sent a distress call
before being saved by Saudi Arabia with 26 crew members on board," she also said.

She added: "It has been since fixed in the port city, but Saudis are charging Iranians
$200,000 a day. Iran wants this vessel back but the cost is very high, around $20m. Saudi
Arabia says they will not release the vessel until Iran pays the bill."

Iran downed a United States military drone on June 20 that it said was flying over one of
its southern provinces on the Gulf. Washington said the drone was shot down over
international waters.

An Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander threatened on Friday to seize a British ship

in retaliation for the capture of an Iranian supertanker by Royal Marines.

The ship's seizure comes at a sensitive time as the EU mulls over how to respond to Iran
announcing it will go beyond the maximum uranium enrichment level it agreed to in a
landmark 2015 nuclear deal.
Tensions have mounted in the wake of Washington's unilateral decision last year to
abandon the nuclear deal and hit Iran's crucial oil exports and financial transactions with
biting sanctions.

Iran has accused the administration of US President Donald Trump of waging "economic
war" against it with a campaign to reduce Iranian oil exports to zero.


Lets Practice

A. Work on the questions below properly and correctly by circling the answer that is
considered most correct.

Text 1

Two state-owned lenders — Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI — will build temporary houses
for 400 families displaced by the recent strong earthquake that hit Sigi District, Central
Sulawesi ProvincE.
Second Assistant Secretary of Sigi District Government Iskandar Nontji informed that the
temporary houses for 100 families will be constructed by Bank Mandiri in the South
Sibayala area of Dolo Sub-district. Meanwhile, Bank BNI will erect the temporary shelters
for 300 families in Jonoge Village of Sigi Biromaru Sub-district that severely suffered from
soil liquefaction during the 7.4-magnitude earthquake that rocked the area on Sept 28, he
The temporary houses will be constructed on pieces of land, owned by the sub-district
government, village, and community members, he stated, adding that the Sigi district
government will facilitate all related parties to sign a letter of agreement.
“We are going to provide a letter of agreement that will be signed by all related parties to
avoid any unexpected eventuality in the future,” he explaineD. (Antara, 17th October,

Source :

1. What is the text about ?

A. Assistant secretary has build temporary houses

B. Building temporary houses for displaced family

C. New luxury house will be built by BNI

D. Signing a letter of agreements to build a permanent house

E. Planning to displace the temporary house

2. What makes 400 families displaced ?

A. 400 house

B. Local government

C. 7-4 magnitude earthquake

D. Mandiri bank and BNI

E. Temporary shelters

3. The temporary houses will be constructed on pieces of land.” The temporary word
has antonym of ?

A. Seasonal

B. Limited

C. Momentary

D. Transitory

E. Permanent


Indonesia put in an impressive performance in their 2-0 defeat of Singapore, but still
failed to qualify for next year’s AFC U-22 soccer championship after finishing a third place
at the end of Group E matches in Pekanbaru, Riau on Sunday.The two goals for the
home side, which welcomed Coach Aji Santoso back the sidelines from a four matches
suspension, both came in the second half from Agung Supriyanto.
He scored his first goal from the penalty box before finding his second several minutes
later. He beat a defender with a swift maneuver from the right flank and had the
goalkeeper gasping as his thunderous goal blasted into the far post.
The young Indonesians collected 9 points, or just one point behind runner-up Australia,
out of a six strong field of competitors. Japan topped the standing with a perfect
collection 20-2 goal margin.
Singapore came in fourth with 7 points followed by Timor Leste with 3 points and Macau
with no points .In earlier matches in the day, favorite Japan continued their dominant form
with a 5-0 drubbing of another tournament favorite Australia, while Timor Leste chalked
up their first victory, a 4-1 over last-placed Macau.

source :
4. How did Agung Supriyanto get his second goal ?

A. He beat a goalkeeper with a maneuver

B. He kicked the ball from the penalty box

C. He beat a defender with a swift maneuver

D. He let goalkeeper keep the ball

E. He welcomed Coach Aji Santoso back

5. What is the main idea of paragraph 1 ?

A. Indonesia and Singapore participated in the AFC U-22 in Pekanbaru, Riau.

B. Indonesia could defeat Singapore by 2-0

C. Indonesia failed to qualify next years in the AFC U-22 despite their winning over

D. Indonesia did not perform well but could defeat Singapore by 2-0

E. Indonesia impressive performance has trounced Singapore by 2-0

6. Why did Indonesia fail to qualify for next years AAFC U-22

A. They finished in the third place

B. They defeated Singapore

C. They showed impressive performance

D. They got disqualified

E. They did not have the chance


1. B
2. C
3. E
4. C
5. C
6. A

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