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Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 36 No. March 1, 2017: 28-38 DOI:

J. Research 10.21082
Pert. / jp3.v36n1.2017.p28-38
Vol. 36 No. June 1st, 2017: 28-38


NATURAL stem borer

Erffect of Rice Farming on The Development of Rice

Stem Borer in Tidal Swampland

M. Thamrin, S. Asikin and MA Susanti

Swamp Land Agricultural Research Institute

Jalan Kebun Karet, North Loktabat, Banjarbaru. South Kalimantan
Tel. (0511) 4772534; (0511)

Received: 23 November 2016; Revised: February 2, 2017; Approved: February 12, 2017

ABSTRACT is the presence of "purun rat" ( Eleocharis dulcis) weeds. Rice stem borers are
more interested in laying eggs in the weed than that in rice plant resulted in low
damage of rice planted adjacent to
Rice cultivation in South Kalimantan tidal area is long overdue farmers and
"Purun rat" area. Abundant population of natural enemy in "purun rat" Also area
affect the population decline and the level of rice stem borer attack. This paper
Effectively suppresses the development of
describes the rice cultivation in tidal swamp land in South Kalimantan and its
rice stem borer.
influence on the level of damage to crops due to rice stem borer. Land
preparation by slashing the rice crop residues and spin then let it rot can thwart Keywords: Rice cultivation, rice stem borer, tidal swampland
rice stem borer larvae become imago (adult). Seeding by way of transplanting is
done several times also can turn off the rice stem borer larvae. While cutting
leaves of rice seedlings before planting can reduce the population of the pest PRELIMINARY
egg group. Giving husk ash can also reduce crop damage by pests such.

Another factor contributing to the reduction of the level of damage to rice crops
is the presence of weeds purun mice. Rice stem borers are more interested in
tidal wetlands,
plant pests
not (OPT)
least inhas the
putting their eggs in the weed than in paddy rice planted so that damage to the
potential to reduce yield loss. Plant pests is a risk that must be
area adjacent to the lower purun mice. The population of natural enemies are
considered in the cultivation of plants. This risk is also a consequence
abundant in mice purun area effectively suppresses the development of rice
stem borer.
of changes in the ecosystem due to cropping. Crop protection in
production systems continue to evolve with technological

Plant pest control technology has evolved over time to follow the
development of science. Currently pest control has reached a level that
fairly complex in farm management. Uncontrolled use of pesticides
Keywords: Rice, cultivation, rice stem borers, tidal swamp land
does not only affect the lives of natural enemies but also fauna and
flora systems, the environment and human health. Cooper and Dobson
(2007) in Supriya (2013) states that the use of pesticides wise human
benefit, such as increased production of crops and livestock due to the
decrease pests and diseases, ensuring continuity of supply of food and
feed due to yield increases, as well as improved health, quality and life
Rice cultivation in tidal swampland of South Kalimantan has been practiced by
farmers in the long period and influences the population of rice stem borer. This expectancy as a result of the availability of foodstuffs quality and
paper describes rice cultivation in tidal swampland of South Kalimantan and its environmental improvement. However, the negative impact of pesticide
impact on the level of the caused injury by rice stem borer. Land preparation by use is not prudent to health and environment has been much publicized
slashing and spinning the rest of rice crop and then left it to rot, can thwart rice that led to the pros and cons among scientists.
stem borer larvae to Become imago (adult). Seeding several times by
transplanting stem borer larvae can kill, while cutting the leaves of rice seedlings
before planting can reduce egg population of the pest. Rice husk ash application
IS ALSO Able to reduce plant damage the caused by stem borer. Another factor
that contributes to the decreasing level of plant damage due to the pest
Rice cultivation in tidal swamp land .... (M. Thamrin et al.) 29

The cultivation of rice in the tidal area is quite interesting because Local varieties planted three times (transplanting). The first
of the frequency of the use of synthetic insecticides are low, even in planting or ampak ( Banjar) requires an area of ​15 • 20% of the total area
some places do not use but capable of pressing the rice stem borer planted. The second planting or
population at a low level. Causes include simultaneous planting time, track ( Banjar) performed approximately 60 days after planting the first
planting method by cutting turiang rice and let to rot, transplanting and to require an area of ​25 •
rice leaf cut at the time of planting. This can frustrate pupae develop 30% of the total area planted. Planting third (after harvest yielding
into adult stem borers, killing larvae inside the trunk and thwart the eggs varieties) performed approximately 60 days after planting, both
hatch into larvae. The use of a low dose of nitrogen fertilizer does not requiring the entire area. Whenever planting paddy saplings divided
support the development of stem borer, the use of rice husk ash rice into sections that are planted only 2 • 3 seeds per hole, while cutting the
straw increased the level of violence. In such conditions, the population leaves so that the plant does not easily fall.
of natural enemies effectively suppresses the development of stem
borer. Eleocharis dulcis)
Turiang slashing spin rice and then let to rot can thwart rice stem
borer larvae become imago (adult). Transplanting is done several times
very disturbing development of stem borer larvae, can even lead to
death first and second instar larvae. Cutting the leaves of seedlings
before planting can reduce the population group borer eggs. The way to
reduce the level of damage to the rice (sundep) 6.0% (Thamrin and
acts as attraktan that can reduce the level of damage as a result of rice Asikin 2005). Damage to rice crops caused by the larvae bored into the
stem borer attack. Types of stem borer in tidal swamp land in South stem from the top toward the base of the stem. Hoist larvae affect the
Kalimantan is white rice stem borer ( Scirpophaga innotata) ( Thamrin growth of plants at the top that can cause symptoms sundep on
and Asikin 2004; Thamrin and Asikin 2005; Thamrin et al. 2013). This vegetative growth and outs of the generative growth.
paper discusses the rice cultivation in tidal wetlands and their effects
on the level of damage to crops due to rice stem borer attack in South

Nutrient management is one of the important factors in increasing crop
How to Plant yields, but nutrition also affects the response to pests and diseases.
Therefore, knowledge of the relationship of plant nutrients with the
In general, the cropping pattern of rice in the tidal wetlands of South development of pests and diseases plays an important role in the
Kalimantan is one year using local varieties, including Virgin Siam, production system (Malav and Ramani 2015). The use of nitrogen
Siam pearl, blocky and Siam Siam rukut. If commercialize rice paddy fertilizer in tidal swamp land in the rice plant local varieties are low,
twice a year to use local varieties and high yielding. Yielding varieties ranging between 65 • 70 kg N / ha (Rina 2012), whereas according to
that are used among others Ciherang, Bagendit, Situ, Inpara 2, 3 and study results reported that the dose of nitrogen fertilizer to rice in
Inpara 4. Inpara superior Rice grown in the rainy season, while local wetlands tidal range between 88 • 116 kg N / ha (Haryono et al.
rice grown since the rainy season to the dry season. Local rice Age
approximately 280 days with the vegetative phase period ranged
between 210 • 240 days.
2013). The use of high doses of nitrogen fertilizers in endemic areas
sometimes lead to an explosion of pests and diseases, due to the
weakening of plant tissues ( succulent), making it more vulnerable
Preparation of rice planting in tidal swamp land is done by (Makarim et al. 2007). Number of rice stem borer eggs become more
slashing turiang rice and spin, then left in the land to rot. This activity is and larvae development faster than plants that are not fertilized with
carried out on lands that were flooded. Along with the preparation of nitrogen (Pathak and Khan
planting was also done seedling or taradak ( Banjar) and local superior
varieties for approximately 21 • 30 days. Yielding varieties in November 1994).

and harvested in March. Local varieties are planted in April and Nitrogen fertilizers can also stimulate the growth of seedlings, but
harvested in July / August (Figure 1). the rice that the number of child is much increasing the relative humidity
and the effect on the number of eggs that hatch rice stem borer (Israel
1967). Rice stem borer larvae that live on plants fertilized with nitrogen
30 J. Research Pert. Vol. 36 No. June 1st, 2017: 28-38

Rainfall (mm)













Stadia yield rice growth

Stadia local rice growth

Information: Bera / seedling vegetative Generative Harvest

Picture 1. Cropping pattern of rice twice a year in tidal swamp land by rainfall in South Kalimantan (Thamrin et
al. 2014.

high dose showed increased weight and survive higher power and brown planthopper, green leafhopper, and pest white back.
faster into adults (Soejitno 1989). Nitrogen fertilizer can double role, if
given high doses of stem borers will trigger the development of faster, Excessive nitrogen fertilizer can extend the life of the plant,
but it can help the healing plants attacked by borers for accelerating the causing of lodging, and increase crop damage by pests (Wahid 2003).
formation of new tillers (Settle et al. 1996). Nitrogen can affect the nutrient content of plant and insect pest
behavioral characteristics (Bentz et al. 1995). High nitrogen content in
plants increases the survival of insect pests,

Giving a high nitrogen fertilizer can increase the intensity of the

attacks stem borer (Ramzan et al. 2007). The higher nitrogen fertilizer is growth and
given the increasing intensity of their attacks. Nitrogen fertilizer is given higher growth, body size becomes large, and a shorter life cycle (Wier
135 kg / ha increase the intensity of the attacks stem borer (Hendrival and Boethel 1995; Kaneshiro and Johnson 1996; Fischer and Fiedler
2014). Singh et al. ( 1990) reported that the application of NPK fertilizer 2000). In addition excessive applications of nitrogen fertilizer also
with a dose of 120 • 60 • 60 g / ha increases the susceptibility of rice causes the adult insect life span longer periods of reproduction and
plants to stem borer. Zhong-xian et al. ( 2007) suggests a high nitrogen higher fekunditasnya (Bi et al. 2001).
fertilizer application resulted into sekulen plant stems, so the stem borer
attack intensity becomes higher, the larger larval body weight, and a
shorter life cycle. So it is proposed Ma and Takahashi (2002) that the Husk ash is often used by farmers as fertilizer tidal land,
nitrogen fertilizer effect on plant tissue because it increases water especially when the rice plant vegetative phase (Thamrin and Asikin
permeability and decreasing levels of silicates, so that the plants 2005). Husk ash acts as a nutrient for plants because it contains silicate
become susceptible to pests. Giving silicate can suppress pests such is quite high. Silicate may improve the ability to grow, increasing plant
as stem borers, resistance to pests and diseases, improving the absorption of nutrients,
and helps in saving water by plants (Ritonga 1991

in Willis et al. 2011). The larvae that feed on plants

Rice cultivation in tidal swamp land .... (M. Thamrin et al.) 31

containing SiO 2 high levels of wear resulting in his mouth, so that the stems of plants than without the provision of rice husk ash (Asikin 2006 in
plants avoid the attack (Sasamoto 1961). According to Pathak and Willis et al. 2011). The growth of rice plants that obtain sufficient silicate
Khan (1994), the sensitivity of rice plants to stem borer attack is better and the results are quite high, whereas without leaves silicate
determined by borer larvae difficult or easy it is to get into the trunk. weak and curved downward. Application silicate on Ciherang and Situ
This is in accordance with the opinion of Sunjaya (1970) Willis et al. ( 2011), reduce yellow rice borer attacks and healthier plants (Kartoharjono
that the varieties have sklerenkim network thick and contains a lot of 2008).
lignin difficult digerek stem borer larvae.

Compound silicate (SiO 2) can be formulated in the form of fertilizer.

If fertilizer is applied to the content of SiO 2 the plants will increase. The
Plants deficient silicate causing all three of its organs are higher the amount of silica gel that given the higher concentration of
inadequately protected by a layer of silicate solid, as a result: (1) leaves SiO 2 in rice straw, so that the stem borer did not like it. Effect of silicate
the plant is weak, ineffective capture sunlight, so the productivity is low against rice stem borer attack rate expressed in terms of the number of
or not optimal, (2) the evaporation of water from the surface of the larvae and heavy droppings can be seen in Table 1. The number of
leaves and stems more quickly , so that the plant is wilting or sensitive larvae bored into the rice stem lower Si yield more than the high-yield
to drought, (3) the leaves and stems become susceptible to pests and Si. Total dirt larvae also heavier on plants that are not given silicate is
diseases, (4) easily fall crop, and (5) reduced grain quality due to pests 139 mg, whereas by silicate 9 mg / pot. This indicates that the provision
and diseases. Conversely pretty Si plant has leaves that coated the of silicate lowers the rice stem borer attack (Ma and Takahashi 2002).
silicate with better, more resistant to attacks of various diseases caused
by fungi or bacteria, such as blast and bacterial leaf blight. Besides Si
makes the stems of plants more robust and stocky thus more resistant
to stem borer attack, et al.

In addition to nitrogen fertilizer, potassium fertilizer application in

tidal swamp land is also low, even in some locations not used.
Complete NPK fertilizer is appropriate breakthrough because it allows
2007). its application by farmers. According to Read et al. ( 2006), potash
Research in the tidal area in the 2005/2006 cropping season rice fertilizer is vital to the growth and metabolism of plants. Potassium can
husk ash showed that administration of 0.5 • improve fiber strength and quality of crops. Sarwar (2012) suggested
1.5 t / ha can reduce rice stem borer attacks, the intensity of the that potassium can reduce stem borer attack and increase rice yield.
damage is only around 0.3% • Potassium fertilizers were given 40, 50, and 60 kg / ha significantly
1.6%. Without the use of rice husk ash, the intensity of crop damage reduce the damage to rice crops in the attack sundep respectively
reaches 15% • 20% (Figure 2). Varieties Margarasi culms are weaker 3.05%, 2.40% and
than those of other high-yielding varieties. Award in the cultivation of
rice husk ash can increase strength

Severity (%)

sundep outs

0 0.5 1 1.5
et al. 2011). 0 5 10 15 20
Dose husk ash (tonnes / ha)

Figure 2. Effect of rice husk ash to the intensity of the damage caused by stem borers padiyang (Asikin 2006 In Willis
32 J. Research Pert. Vol. 36 No. June 1st, 2017: 28-38

Table 1. Effect of silicate (in the form of silica gel) to the indicator stem borer attack

Total provision silica gel (g / pot) 0

Indicators of stem borer attack
1.5 4.5 6.0

SiO 2 the stem (%) 1.35 1.71 2.02 2.11

Total larvae bored into the rice stem 22 , 00 7 , 00 4 , 00 2 , 00
The weight of the dirt (mg) 139 , 00 29 , 00 11 , 00 9 , 00

Source: Ma and Takahashi (2002).

2.64% 4.33% while without potassium. The same treatment also Table 2. Types of natural enemies of insect pests of rice
affects the damage outs respectively 5.37%, 3.58%, 3.37%, and no weed area purun mice ( E. dulcis) The tidal swamp land in
damage was 7.12% potassium. Results of research on tidal swamp South Kalimantan.

land known that administration of 120 kg potassium K 2 O / ha combined

Type natural enemies Population
with rice husk ash 0.5 t / ha suppress the intensity of white rice stem
borer 5.16% (Asikin and Thamrin 2001) in Willis et al. Tetragnatha mandibulata High
Lycosa sp moderate

Methioche sp High
Oxyopes sp High
Agripe sp moderate

Paederus forcipes moderate

Ophionea ishii ishii moderate

ROLE OF WEEDS Hapalochrus sp moderate

Micraspis sp Low
Verania lieata Low
Weed is known as a pest, but there is some kind of beneficial weeds Agriocnemis femina femina moderate
because it is the host insect shelter and prey for parasitoids and Orthetrum sabina sabina Low
predators (Profit and Kartohardjono 1998). The same thing also Conocephalus longipennis moderate

expressed by Karindah et al. ( 2011a), as well as a shelter and a source Solenopsis geminatan Low
Pipunculus sp Low
of additional feed, wild plants also often chosen as a place to lay eggs
Telenomus rowani Low
by insects. Certain weed species can support conservation of natural Tetrastichus schonobii moderate
enemies. Bracon chinensis Low
Elasmus sp Itoplectri marangne Low
Triango liperTrichogramma sp. Low

Source: Thamrin (2011).

The population of natural enemies in tidal land, whether of insects
and spiders found in the area of ​weeds puzzles group (Table 2, 3 and
4). This is because the rice stem borer activity in these areas is also
high, even higher than the population in the area of ​rice crops (Thamrin Echinochloa colonum, crusgalli Echinochloa, Eleusine indica, Imperata
2011). According Wilyus et al. ( 2012), a high diversity of parasitoid rice cylindrical and Limnocharis flava.
cultivation in paddy fields and swamps swampy tidal ecosystem is Also according to Craigh et al. ( 2000) and Sadeghi and Gilbert (2000),
relatively stable because of the rice grown only once a year and not female insects will lay offspring in a place with high chances of survival.
intensive. In addition, during the growing season, there are still land Selection of the right places to lay eggs intended for new breeds that
fallow and overgrown by a wide variety of wild plants become home to have not been active enough to get food in the vicinity. In the integrated
a parasitoid. Karindah et al. ( 2011a) suggests predator Anaxipha pest management system has been added to treatment weed strip. comprising
Longipennis often found in rice plants and weeds that grow in the dike. iatas M. vaginalis and L. flava. rice stem borer egg parasitoid more than
Some weeds act as alternative hosts that protect natural enemies and in the rice with weeding (Karindah et al 2011b).
as a shelter when the main crop is not available. Some weeds are
selected by A. longipennis as a place to put the egg is Monochoria
vaginalis, Cyperus iria, Cyperus rotundus, Fimbristylis miliacea,

In the tidal land to grow some weed species favored by rice stem
borer to lay their eggs. The weeds among others purun mice ( Eleocharis
dulcis), perupuk ( Phragmites karka)

kelakai ( Stenochlaena palustris), bundung ( Scirpus grossus) and purun

crippled ( Lepronea Articulata)
Rice cultivation in tidal swamp land .... (M. Thamrin et al.) 33

Table 3. Types of natural enemies of insect pests of rice in ar- Table 5. The number of groups in the rice stem borer eggs
eal weeds purun crippled ( L. Articulata) The Kalsel tidal tidal swamp land Barito Kuala, South Kalimantan.
swamp land.

Type natural enemies Population The number of groups / ha

weed species
Tetragnatha mandibulata moderate 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Lycosa sp. moderate

Oxyopes sp. Low purun mice 6775 6897 7554 7,638 7793
Agriope sp. Low perupuk 110 104 115 128 134
Paederus forcipes Low Bundung 95 101 100 107 113
Ophionea ishii ishii Low paddy 77 89 125 127 188
Hapalochrus sp. Low
Micraspis sp. moderate Source: Thamrin et al. ( 2013).
Verania lieata Low
Agriocnemis femina femina moderate

Orthetrum sabina Sabina moderate

Table 6. Number of rice stem borer egg group
Conocephalus longipens Low
white trapped in the rat purun extract treatment.
Solenopsis geminatan Low
Pipunculus sp. Low
Telenomus rowani moderate

Tetrastichus schonobii Low Treatment The numbers of eggs / ha

Trichogramma sp. Low
Elasmus sp. Low Extracts of fresh material

Itoplectri marangne Low directly applied 3,200

Triango liper Low Saved one day 3,000
Extract dry matter
Source: Thamrin (2011). directly applied 1,300
Saved one day 600
Control 100

Table 4. Types of natural enemies of insect pests of rice in ar-

Source: Asikin and Thamrin (2012).
eal weeds bundung ( S. grossus) The Kalsel tidal swamp

Type natural enemies Population

Wahyuono et al. ( 2003) suggests that the active extract (upper layer)
Tetragnatha mandibulata High
Methioche sp Low plant purun mice are partitioned by vacuum liquid chromatography the
Agriocnemis femina femina moderate mobile phase with a different polarity level resulted in nine fractions.
Orthetrum sabina Sabina moderate Merging the upper profile layer chromatography (TLC) obtained four
Telenomus rowani moderate
fractions same. Preferences imago white rice stem borer against the
Tetrastichus schonobii Low
four fractions showed fractions 2 and 3 are active consisting of alkyl
Micraspis sp Low
Valanga sp Low and alkene. The results of gas chromatographic analysis presented
Lycosa sp moderate Rosa et al. ( 2007) showed that mice purun plants contain chemical
components include steroids, alkaloids, and methyldiena. It also found
Source: Thamrin (2011).
other groups such as alcohols, carboxylic, alkenon, alkyl benzene,
essential oils, fatty acids, hydrocarbons, azole, Analina, and phenol.

(Thamrin et al. 2013). Purun rat is the most favored weed stem borer as
a place to lay eggs even more numerous than those contained in rice
crops (Table 5). Purun extract treatment the mice were sprayed on rice
areas indicate the number of groups of stem borer eggs is highest in
fresh extract treatment were directly applied (Table 6). The intensity of As in South Kalimantan, some provinces have a tidal swamp land,
the rice crop damage caused by stem borers in the area adjacent to the among others, Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, Riau, Jambi,
weeds purun mice only around 0.1 • 0.5%, while in remote areas with Lampung and South Sumatra are found plants purun mice (Thamrin et
weeds reach 25 • 55% (Table 7). al. 2014; Thamrin et al.

2015), therefore the management of rice stem borer can also take
advantage of the plant. In this case the rat purun plants should be left
around the rice stem borer so interested lay eggs on these plants, as
Interest in white rice stem borers lay eggs on weeds purun well as insect natural enemies.
suspected rats for their specific chemical elements contained in the
weeds. because
34 J. Research Pert. Vol. 36 No. June 1st, 2017: 28-38

Tabel 7. Intensitas kerusakan padi yang disebabkan penggerek batang padi putih di
lahan rawa pasang surut Kabupaten Barito Kuala, Kalimantan Selatan.

Areal pertanaman padi Intensitas kerusakan per-hektar (%) Sundep


MK 1998 MH.98/99 MK. 1998 MH.98/99

Di sekitar areal purun 1,5-2,5 1,5-2,0 1,9-2,5 1,5-1,8

Berjauhan dengan areal 25-35 25-50 33-41 25-55
purun tikus

Sumber: Asikin (1999) Dalam Thamrin et al. ( 2013).

NATURAL ENEMIES Tabel 8. Parasitoid penggerek batang padi di lahan pasang

surut Kalimantan Selatan.

parasitoids Spesies Famili Populasi

Ischnojoppa luteator Ichneumonidae sedang

Parasitoids is one of the biological control agent (biocontrol) the
Xanthopimpla punctata Ichneumonidae sedang
potential to be developed along with the increasing public awareness of
Goryphus sp. Ichneumonidae rendah
environmental sustainability. In Indonesia, efforts to use parasitoid as a Trathala sp. Ichneumonidae rendah
biocontrol agent in biological pest control have been carried out, Cremnops sp. Ichneumonidae rendah
including parasitoids to control rice stem borer (Herlina 2012). Telenomus rowani Scelionidae tinggi
Tetrastichus schoenobii Scelionidae sedang
Parasitoids were found in rice stem borer eggs are Telenomus rowani,
Trichogramma sp. Trichogrammatidae sedang
Telenomus schoenobii, Telenomus japonicum and
Elasmus sp. Eulophidae rendah
Apanteles sp. Braconidae rendah

Sumber: Thamrin (2011).

Telenomus dignus ( Baehaki 1995; Ratih et al. 2014; Rauf 2000; Buchori et
al. 2010). In the tidal marsh land known 10 species of parasitoids (Table
8) but the dominant T. rowani, T. schoenobii and rice stem borer eggs group correlated with population density parasitoid
Trichogramma sp. The high density of the rice stem borer eggs group
Trichogramma sp. (Thamrin 2011; Gazali and Ilhamiah will attract parasitoids Trichogramma sp. to lay their eggs on the egg
2014). Wilyus et al. ( 2012) report on tidal wetland, lowland swamps, and group. The density of the rice stem borer egg groups were lower
lowland technical irrigation discovered three species of parasitoid that is partasitoid affect the speed in finding the borer egg group. However, the
T. schoenobii, T. rowani and T. japonicum. In rainfed areas and technical high population of the parasitoid does not mean that has been able to
irrigation plateau found two species of parasitoid eggs T. rowani and T. suppress the rice stem borer population, because in order to suppress
japonicum. Susiawan and Yuliarti (2006) reported in several districts in pest populations required a variety of factors, in addition to the nature
West Sumatra known parasitism T. rowani to eggs Scirpophaga that or the ability of the parasitoid itself is also integration with other limiting
factors, especially the frequency of the use of pesticides.

is a species with the highest abundance and spread. species Telenomus

The most commonly found on the eggs of rice stem borer together is T.
rowani and T. dignus. parasitism power T. rowani, T. schoenobii and
Trichogramma sp. The tidal area ranged from 12 • 55% (Figure 2). ability
Compared with other parasitoid species, it turns adaptability of these memarasit T. schoenobii,
species is higher and its wider dissemination. Maramis et al. T. rowani and T. japonicum varies depending on the place and the
environment. T. schoenobii have a major role in reducing the population
(2011) suggests differences in parasitoid populations in lowland rice of the rice stem borer, while T. rowani and T. japonicum
ecosystems caused by various factors, including the physical and
biological factors, cultivation techniques such as time of planting role alternately (Earnings 1998; Lopez 2005). a
simultaneously resulting parasitoid population migration or Telenomus betina memarasit 20-40 telur dan hidup selama 2-4 hari atau
displacement following the borer rice to other areas. amount lebih lama, bergantung pada ketersediaan nektar (Shepard et al. 1987).
Di lapang, T. rowani mampu
Budidaya padi di lahan rawa pasang surut .... (M. Thamrin et al.) 35

Parasitasi (%)

Kalimantan 2001 2009 Dalam

2000Selatan (Asikin 2002 Willis et 2003
al. 2011). 0 102004
20 30 40 502005
60 2006 2007 2008

Gambar 3. Parasitisasi terhadap kelompok telur penggerek batang padi di lahan pasang surut, Kabupaten Barito Kuala,

memarasit 55,8% telur penggerek batang padi putih (Rauf telur Chilo 98% tetapi Scirpophaga paling tinggi 4% (Rothschild dalam
2000). Rauf 2000). Survei Meilin (1999) menunjukkan antara tingkat parasitasi T.
Parasitoid T. schoenobii lebih efektif menurunkan poulasi japonicum di lapang berkisar antara 13-36%. Umumnya tingkat
penggerek batang padi putih dibanding T. rowani parasitasi spesies Trichogrammatidae relatif rendah tetapi dapat
dan T. japonicum. Hal ini terkait dengan sifat parasitoid T. schoenobii yang ditingkatkan melalui beberapa cara, di antaranya dengan pelepasan
juga berperan sebagai predator. Setiap larva T. schoenobii mampu massal parasitoid secara inundatif (Herlinda 1995 dalamBuchori et al. 2010;
memangsa 2-3 butir telur penggerek batang padi dan daya Djuwarso dan Wikardi 1997). Fitton dan Walker (1992) melaporkan
kompetisinya lebih kuat daripada parasitoid lainnya. Jumlah telur yang penggunaan spesies Trichogramma melalui program pelepasan
terparasit oleh T. schoenobii tidak dipengaruhi oleh ukuran kelompok inundatif secara ektensif dengan melepas T. japonicum sebanyak
telur. Hal ini berbeda dengan T. japonicum dan 450.000 ekor per hektar efektif mengendalikan Chilo suppressalis dengan
tingkat parasitasi 89,1% dan tingkat kerusakan tanaman berkurang
T. rowani yang tingkat parasitisasinya menurun dengan makin besarnya sekitar 80%.
ukuran kelompok telur (Rauf 2000). Keperidian T. schoenobii dua kali
lipat lebih tinggi daripada T. japonicum dan T. rowani ( Soejitno 1989).
Menurut Sasmita dan Baehaki (1997), tingkat parasitasi penggerek
batang di lapang berfluktuasi. Di Sukamandi pada tahun 1994
penggerek batang padi putih terparasit oleh parasitoid T. dignus, T.
rowani, T. japonicum sejak awal pertanaman, sedangkan T. schoenobii baru Predator
muncul setelah tanaman mencapai fase primordia. Ratih et al.
Berdasarkan hasil tangkapan menggunakan lampu perangkap,
serangga predator memiliki populasi yang lebih besar (48,5%)
(2014) melaporkan parasitasi T. schoenobii terhadap kelompok telur dibanding serangga herbivora (8,68%) (Gambar 4), sehingga
penggerek batang padi lebih tinggi daripada T. rowani dan T. kerusakan tanaman padi tidak mengalami kerusakan yang berarti
japonicum. Apabila satu kelompok telur terparasit oleh dua atau tiga karena populasi musuh alami lebih tinggi (Pertiwi et al. 2013). Di lahan
spesies parasitoid sekaligus maka parasitoid yang lebih banyak rawa pasang surut ditemukan beberapa jenis predator pemakan
memparasitasi adalah T. schoenobii ( 29,9%), sedangkan tingkat serangga (Tabel 9), di antaranya yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah
parasitasi T. rowani dan T. japonicum masingmasing 6,50% dan laba-laba (Arachnida). Kehadiran labalaba pada pertanaman padi
4,88%. mampu memangsa 2 • 3 serangga per hari. Dalam waktu yang relatif
singkat labalaba dapat menghasilkan keturunan yang banyak sehingga
Prasitoid T. japonicum lebih suka memarasit telur umur 2 hari dan dapat mengimbangi populasi hama serangga. Menurut Shepard et al. ( 1987),
kemampuan bertelurnya mencapai ratarata 38,6 butir. Nisbah kelamin Lycosa pseudoanulata
jantan dan betina adalah 1:3 (Laba 1998). Di lapang T. japonicum mampu
36 J. Litbang Pert. Vol. 36 No. 1 Juni 2017: 28-38

Komposisi serangga (%) Tabel 9. Populasi predator penggerek batang di lahan

pasang surut Kalimantan Selatan

Ordo/Spesies Famili Populasi

Anatrichus pygmaeus Chloroipidae tinggi
Poecilotraphera taeniata Platysomatidae sedang

Ophionea indica Carabidae sedang

. Ophionea ishii ishii Carabidae tinggi

. Paederus fuscipes Staphylinidae tinggi
Predator Herbivora Parasitoid Serangga
. Hapalochrus rufofasciatus Malachiidae sedang

lain Orthoptera:
Conosephalus longipennis Tettigoniidae tinggi
Gambar 4. Komposisi spesies serangga yang tertangkap dengan lampu perangkap
. Metioche vittaticollis Gryllidae tinggi
(Pertiwi 2013).
. Anaxipha longipennis Gryllidae sedang

. Agriocnemis femina femina Agrionidae tinggi
. Ischnura senegalensis Agrionidae sedang

mampu menghasilkan 200 • 400 keturunan dalam masa 3 • 5 bulan, Oxyopes Orthetrum sabina sabina Libellulidae sedang
Tholymis tillarga Libellulidae rendah
javanus dan Oxyopes lineatipes
. Neorothemis fluctuans Libellulidae rendah
menghasilkan 200-350 keturunan dalam masa 3 • 5 bulan, sedang Tetragnatha
Rhodothemis rufa Libellulidae rendah
sp. dapat bertelur 100 • 200 butir dengan masa hidup berkisar 1 • 3 bulan. . Rhyothemis phyllis phyllis Libellulidae rendah
Tingkat populasi predator serangga yang juga tinggi adalah capung
(Odonata), terutama Agrionemis femina femina, Ischnura segegalensis, Mesovelia sp Mesovelidae sedang
dan Orthetrum sabina sabina, namun data perkembangbiakan dan . Hydrometra sp Hydrometridae rendah
kemampuannya dalam menekan hama serangga belum banyak . Microvelia sp Veliidae sedang
. Paraplea sp Pleidae rendah
diketahui. Populasi O.ishii ishii, P.fuscipes, dan Hapalochros
. Micronecta sp Corixidae rendah
rufofasciatus termasuk tinggi namun tidak muncul setiap saat (Thamrin
Limnogonus fossarum Gerridae rendah
2011). Limnogonus nitidus Gerridae rendah

. Araneus inustrus Araneidae rendah
Argiope catenulate Araneidae sedang
Neoscona mukerjei Araneidae rendah
. Neoscona theisi Araneidae rendah
. Oxyopes javanus Oxyopidae tinggi
KESIMPULAN Oxyopes lineatipes Oxyopidae rendah
Leucage decorata Tetragnathidae rendah
Tetragnatha mandibulata Tetragnathidae tinggi
Budi daya padi pada lahan pasang surut dengan cara tanam pindah
Tetragnatha javana Tetragnathidae sedang
beberapa kali mengakibatkan kematian larva penggerek batang,
Tetragnatha maxillosa Tetragnathidae sedang
Pemotongan daun bibit padi sebelum tanam dapat mengurangi Tetragnatha nitens Tetragnathidae rendah
populasi kelompok telurhama penggerek. Pemberian abu sekam yang Tetragnatha virecens Tetragnathidae rendah
diketahui mengandung silikat mampu meningkatkan kekuatan batang Tetragnatha japonica Tetragnathidae rendah
Lycosa pseudoannulata Lycosidae tinggi
padi.Hal ini yang menyebabkan tingkat kerusakan padi yang
Pardosa sumatrana Lycosidae rendah
disebabkan oleh penggerek batang lebih rendah dibanding tanpa
Pardosa sp Lycosidae rendah
pemberian abu sekam. Oxyopes javanus Oxyopidae sedang
Oxyopes lineatipes Oxyopidae sedang

Penggerek batang padi lebih tertarik meletakkan telurnya pada Clubiona sp Clubiodae rendah
Bianor sp Salticidae rendah
gulma purun tikus dibandingkan padi, sehingga kerusakan padi yang
Auophyrs sp Salticidae rendah
berdekatan dengan areal purun tikus lebih rendah. Selain itu populasi
Phidipus sp Salticidae sedang
musuh alami yang melimpah pada areal purun tikus sangat berperan Phlegra sp Salticidae rendah
menekan perkembangan hama tersebut. Pengelolaan hama penggerek Plexippus sp Salticidae rendah
batang padi seperti ini juga dapat diterapkan di beberapa daerah lain Zygoballus sp Salticidae rendah
Callitrichia sp Linyphiidae sedang
yang banyak terdapat tumbuhan purun tikus.

Sumber: Thamrin (2014).

Budidaya padi di lahan rawa pasang surut .... (M. Thamrin et al.) 37

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