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agroland 21 (2): 62-68, August 2014 ISSN: 0854 - 641X

E-ISSN: 2407-7607



Types of Farming Techniques of Plant Growth and Rice ( Oryza sativa L.)

Pure Elik Ningtias Ning 1)

1) Faculty of Agriculture, University Widyagama Malang. (0341) 492282,


Rice plants ( Oryza sativa L.) as a staple food to meet the needs of carbohydrates. kinds of
paddy rice cultivation techniques will Affect the conditions of growing media and plant growth. Intensification of rice cultivation techniques with intensive
maintenance and the provision of nutrient needs of plants wear inorganic fertilizers. Aerobic rice intensification technique controlled by the organic-based
irrigation system returns organic matter through organic fertilizer given rice straw Able to improve the biological properties of the soil and increase of root
growth. The study was conducted to test various techniques of rice cultivation and intensification of rice intensification aerobic organic controlled based
on the growth and yield of rice plants. Research compiled by the Complete randomized block design with a single factor treatment. Kinds of treatment
consisted of B1: intensification of rice cultivation techniques, B2: Mechanical controlled aerobic cultivation of rice intensification of organic-based with 1
plant / planting hole and B3: Mechanical controlled aerobic cultivation of rice intensification of organic-based with 2 plants / planting hole. Each treatment
was repeated as many as 6replicates. Observation of the growth of plant height, number of leaves and number of tillers. The observation that crop yields
per hectare. The results Showed that rice cultivation technique had no effect on plant height and number of leaves of the rice plant. Rice cultivation
techniques Affect the number of tillers and paddy crops. B2 treatment resulted in the highest number of tillers at 7:33 fruit / plant and the highest crop
yields 9:06 tons / plant. Mechanical controlled aerobic cultivation of rice intensification of organic-based with 2 plants / planting hole. Each treatment was
repeated as many as 6replicates. Observation of the growth of plant height, number of leaves and number of tillers. The observation that crop yields per
hectare. The results Showed that rice cultivation technique had no effect on plant height and number of leaves of the rice plant. Rice cultivation
techniques Affect the number of tillers and paddy crops. B2 treatment resulted in the highest number of tillers at 7:33 fruit / plant and the highest crop
yields 9:06 tons / plant. Mechanical controlled aerobic cultivation of rice intensification of organic-based with 2 plants / planting hole. Each treatment was
repeated as many as 6replicates. Observation of the growth of plant height, number of leaves and number of tillers. The observation that crop yields per hectare. The results Sho

Key Words: Cultivation of IPAT - BO, Rice, techniques of rice cultivation.

PRELIMINARY In 2011 the amount of imported rice to meet food

needs as much as 2 million tons.
Rice plants ( Oryza sativa, L.)
the main crops are utilized to meet the needs of Rice plants can grow well in soil structure is
carbohydrates. Results of the rice crop is light, well drained, and enough nutrients. Kinds of
processed into rice contain 77.4 g carbohydrates, paddy rice cultivation techniques will affect the
7.5 g protein, 1.90 g fat and 0.9 g of fiber. The establishment of conditions of growing media.
content of these nutrients are needed to meet the Mechanical cultivation of rice intensification system
energy needs of the body. with intensive care and provision of plant nutrients
through fertilization able to provide all the needs of
National paddy production in 2009 amounted plants in the optimal amount. The average
to 64.79889 million tonnes with an average production production of rice intensification of cropping
4,99ton / ha. In 2011 production to 65,740,946 tons systems
with an average production 4,98ton / ha (Central
Bureau of Statistics, 2012). Decreased productivity
resulted in increased imports of paddy rice.
5.5 tonnes / ha (Pramono, Basuki and Widarto, 2005).

Rice cultivation of rice intensification B2: The cultivation technique of aerobic rice
system with a controlled aerobic organic based intensification controlled organic based with 1 plant /
(IPAT-BO) is different from the intensification of planting hole, B3: The cultivation technique of
cultivation techniques. Cultivation techniques of aerobic rice intensification controlled organic based
rice intensification of organic-based controlled with 2 plants / hole. The number of replicates of each
aerobic rice cultivation is a technique where some treatment that six replications.
kebutuan fertilizer using organic fertilizers and
setting conditions that are not always stagnant Decomposition of rice straw is prepared for
water during growth (Simarmata, 2008). Organic treatment B2 and B3. Rice straw composting is done
fertilizers such as manure rice straw provides directly in the paddy field. Materials were given straw
benefits to soil fertility. Conditions were not always bio-activator diluted solution (10 ml / liter of water) until
stagnant water will provide a favorable environment moist. Furthermore, the material covered plastic /
aerobic soil microorganisms, growth and tarpaulin and to keep the temperature rise does not do
development of plant roots (Suardi, 2002). a reversal. After 7 days of rice straw manure is ready
to be applied.

Rice nursery done by spreading seeds

Kinds of rice cultivation techniques are have ripened for 24 hours in nursery plots to
different, each has advantages and disadvantages. accelerate the growth of the seed. Maintenance of
At the intensification of rice cultivation techniques seed is done by adjusting the water conditions in
with inorganic fertilizer pengaplikasi impact on the the breeding area.
decline in soil fertility due to low returns organic
matter to the soil (Pramono, Basuki and Widarto, The first soil cultivation to turn the soil with
piracy. B2 and B3 in treatment is accompanied with
the application of rice straw compost at a dose of
2005). While the controlled aerobic rice intensification 500 kg / 1000 m 2 then left for 3 weeks. The second
are organic based fertilizer returns organic matter ground processing is done to smooth the soil.
through a given and biological properties of soil
improvement. Rice cultivation with controlled aerobic
rice intensification system based on an application of Manufacture basins and irrigation channels
organic production system that unites the utilization of according to treatment. On B1 treatment made
biological potential of the soil, crop management, irrigation channels around the plot, while the B2 and
fertilization and water management in an integrated B3 treatment made plots and irrigation channels in
manner that act to support growth and roots of rice the wetland. The size of plots and irrigation
plants. channels, each measuring 240 cm wide for paddy
fields and irrigation ditches with a width of 60 cm, a
depth of 30 cm, while the length of plots of 10 m.

The experiment was conducted in land Penggaritan made to make rice cultivation
Tunggulwulung village paddy fields, Malang. With ± patterns. Planting using a spacing of 30 x 30 cm.
600 altitude above sea level. Research began in The number of plants in each treatment, namely
May 2012 until November 2012. Materials used B1: 5 plants / planting hole, B2: 1 plant / planting
include seed IR-64 rice varieties, rice straw organic hole and B3: 2 plants / hole. Water regulation on
fertilizer, urea, KCldan SP36, Furadan 3G. B1 treatment at planting to 3 hst irrigation with
macak-macak condition, age 4-10 hst inundated
with water height 5 cm, age 11 hst- ahead of
The study is based on the design of RAL with a flowering water level is maintained 5 cm
single factor. Kinds of treatments, namely B1: intensification
of rice cultivation techniques,

and allowed to dry (5 days) was then watered ages 7 and 9 mst mst B1 urea fertilization at 70 kg /
again and allowed to dry, dried experimental plot ha, B2 and B3 treatment of urea 35 kg / ha. Harvesting
10 days before harvest. is done when the grain has been solid and yellow as
Water regulation on B2 and B3 treatment in well as rice leaf yellowing 90%.
anaerobic condition. Regulation of water during the
vegetative growth after planting until 10 days after Observations vegetative phase height,
planting, the plants do not always flooded. The number of leaves and number of tillers. Yields are
supply of water is done after the ground appears calculated HSIL after threshing grain at harvest.
cracked (width of about 1 cm) and plants are still
fresh, flooding as high as 1-2 cm about 2 hours later Data analysis was done using analysis of
retained water humid conditions until macak-macak variance test (ANOVA) with a single factor
until the milk ripe stage. Towards stopped completely randomized design. If the treatment
harvesting irrigation land is left to dry naturally. shows the real effect then tested further treatment
mean using the Test of significant difference (LSD)
Maintenance covering plants
weeding, irrigation system repairs and control of
pests and diseases is done on a regular basis. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Weeding is done at 30, 55 and 75 days after
planting mechanically. The repair of irrigation Plant Growth. Results of analysis of variance
canals held 3 times during the planting season in
observations of plant growth shows no real effect
all experimental plots. Pest and disease control
on some age observations. Observations of plant
activities at the experimental plot carried out by
spraying pesticides Indodan a dose of 10 ml / 14 height growth are presented in Table 1.
liter water tank at age 35 hst and 70 hst.

Treatment on the technical implementation

of rice cultivation has an impact on the
Fertilization with inorganic fertilizers in environmental conditions for the growth of rice
accordance with the treatment. At the age of 2 mst plants. Environmental conditions are affected by
fertilizing at each treatment is B1 urea 70 kg / ha, SP farming systems in rice plants that soils as a plant
36 150 kg / ha, KCl 100 kg / ha, and B2 and B3 urea growing medium that serves to provide water and
35 kg / ha, SP 36 75 kg / ha, KCl 50 kg /Ha. At the age
nutrients needed by plants. Naturally the need for
of 7 and 9 mst mst B1 urea fertilization at 70 kg / ha,
water and nutrients from the soil is already
B2 and B3 treatment of urea 35 kg / ha.
available, but do not fully meet the needs of plants.
Efforts to provide adequate water and nutrient
Fertilization with inorganic fertilizers in needs, it can be done by applying rice cultivation
accordance with the treatment. At the age of 2 mst techniques and added nutrients from the outside
fertilizing at each treatment yaituB1 urea 70 kg / ha, with fertilization.
SP 36 150 kg / ha, KCl 100 kg / ha, and B2 and B3
urea 35 kg / ha, SP 36 75 kg / ha, KCl 50 kg / Ha. On

Table 1. Average High Rice in Different Age Observations (cm)

Treatment Age Plants (HST)

10 20 30 40 50 60
B1 17:37 27.47 32.33 40.37 60.80 76.83
B2 16.68 27.23 32.50 44.78 62.32 78.68
B3 16.90 27.65 32.40 40.18 62.05 78.02
BNT (α = 0,05) - - - - - -

Table 2. Average Number of Leaves of Rice at Different Age Observations (fruit / plant)

Treatment Age Plants (HST)

10 20 30 40 50 60
B1 4:50 8:33 13:17 16.67 17.66 18:17
B2 4:50 8:50 13:33 17:33 18:33 18.67
B3 4.67 8:17 13:50 16:33 17:33 17.67
BNT (α = 0,05) - - - - - -

Systems of different rice cultivation would In the treatment of B1, B2 and B3 resulted
create conditions for plants of different in the number of leaves of rice plants increased with
environments. The observation of the effect of increasing age of the plant. The number of leaves of
treatment showed no real effect on plant height at rice plants showed no significant difference between
various ages observations. In the treatment of B1, each treatment. The number of leaves formed at the
B2 and B3 generating plant height increased with beginning of growth until the age of 60 hst
increasing age of the plant, which shows the suspected in the early growth period with the
mutual influence between treatments were not application of rice cultivation techniques and the
significantly different. Effect of treatment that is not different fertilizer had no effect,
the real arriving on plant height during growth is
assumed that with the application of different because in the past
cultivation techniques provide a similar impact on initial growth until the age of 60 days after planting
the environmental conditions of the plant, in this
rice plants are able to live in a good environment
case providing the necessary factors for the
and conditions of rice plants able to utilize water
elongation of plant cells in the form of plant height.
and nutrients from the environment is optimal for
Environmental factors that influence the formation
the formation of the number of leaves with the
of plant height, covering the needs of water,
application of proper techniques of rice cultivation.
nutrients and light for plant metabolism. Described
Goldsworthydan described by Fisher (1996) The
by Premono and Widayati (2000), the addition of
growth of plants one of which is determined by the
plant nutrients can be done with fertilization. Proper
adequacy of nutrients available in the soil.
fertilization can improve plant growth (Anonymous,
Fertilizers applied in rice plants can be either
2008). Mentioned by Simarmata (2008), to get a
good crop growth then the main requirement is a organic fertilizers and inorganic fertilizers
plant must obtain sufficient nutrients for growth. (Simarmata, 2008). Excess inorganic fertilizers is
Judge et al., ( 1986), explains that plant growth is higher haranya element content and quickly
determined by the amount of nutrients available in available to plants, whereas organic fertilizers have
minimum quantities. advantages over inorganic fertilizer because it can
improve soil properties (Syarif, 1989).
Strengthened research and Simarmata Turmuktini

Observations growth in the number of leaves

of rice plants are presented in Table 2. The number of In the development of the plant is 10 to 60
leaves of rice plants in treatment plants B2 High days after planting, giving treatment showed no
generate higher than in the B1 and B2 treatment but significant effect on plant length and number of leaves
are not significantly different between treatments. of rice plants. Treatment B1 cropping systems

intensification with inorganic fertilizer, B2 and B3 HST or age 60 HST. The number of tillers of rice
treatment using cropping system of rice produced at the age of 60 HST on the treatment B1,
intensification aerobic organic based fertilizer with B2 and B3 respectively
organic and inorganic allegedly able to provide 5.83, 7.33 and the 5.67 fruit. The amount of rice
nutrients and water requirements and optimal produced chicks B1 and B3 treatment was
environmental conditions in accordance with the significantly different from B2 treatment. Treatment
needs of rice plants. Fertilizer on crops in the form B2 produce the highest amount of paddy saplings is
of inorganic fertilizer (B1) or a combination of 6:17 fruit at the age of 40 HST and 7:33 fruit at the
organic fertilizer waste rice straw and inorganic (B2 age of 60 HST (Table 3). Treatment B2 with rice
and B3) provided able to provide additional cultivation technique system of rice intensification
nutrients in the soil and improve soil properties, so aerobic organic based with 2 plants / hole
that the growth of rice plants in the formation of
long-crops become more well. Faesal (2011), the planting amount
application of the system of rice cultivation the right
plants was 7:33 plant is able to produce the
effect on plant growth. Described by Premono and number of seedlings was higher than treatment B1
Widayati (2000), the addition of plant nutrients canand B3, it is presumably because the treatment B2
be done with fertilization. by the number of plants grown at planting time less
that 2 plants / planting hole will get a room or a
place of growth greater than the B1 and B3
treatment msing one with the number 5 plants /
planting hole, so that the greater the potential for
environmental resources that support plant growth
plant (Goldsworthydan and lower levels of competition can stimulate
Fisher, 1996). Mentioned by Faesal (2011), to get a tillering of rice plants. Described by Zaini et al. ( 2004),
good crop growth then the main requirement is a that environmental factors that influence the
plant must obtain sufficient nutrients for growth. formation of the rice tiller number includes the
Bern, (1991), explains that plant growth is adequacy of water supply, nutrients and light for
determined by the amount of nutrients available in the plants.
minimum quantities.

Results of analysis of variance observation

number of seedlings showed no real influence on the
age of 20, 30 and 50 days after planting. Effect of Yields. Treatment real effect on rice yields.
treatment at the age of 40 and 60 dap shows the real Observations rice yields in Table 4 shows the
effect. treatment B1 and B2 provide rice yield significantly
Treatment B2 produce the highest number of different from B3 treatment. B3 treatment to give
rice seedlings and significantly different from the effect to the highest rice yield.
number of tillers dihasikan by B1 and B3 good treatment
at the age of 40, 50

Table 3. Average Number of Tillers of Rice in Different Age Observations (fruit / plant)

Treatment Umu r Plants (hs t)

20 30 40 50 60
B1 1:17 3.67 4:30 a 5:31 5.83 a
B2 1.67 4:33 6:17 b 6.83 7:33 b
B3 1:00 3:50 4:30 a 5:33 5.67 a
BNT (α = 0,05) - - 0.68 - 0.68
Note: Figures in a column followed by the same letter are not different shows
Real on LSD test (α = 0,05).

the current Rice Harvest (tons / ha) low to stimulate tillering of rice plants more further
more grain is produced. These results are
Treatment rice yield
consistent with research conducted by Abdul
B1 8:03 a
Rachman (2007), that the more the number of
B2 9:06 b chicks produced by rice plants can multiply the
B3 8:12 a number of grains of rice produced. Described by
BNT (α = 0,05) 0:35 Zaini et al. ( 2004) that environmental factors that
influence the formation of the rice tiller number
Note: Figures On One Column Followed By
includes the adequacy of water supply, nutrients
Letter Shows Same Different Not Real On LSD test (α
= 0,05) and light for plants that in turn affects the amount of
grain produced by the plant.
The results of treatment resulting rice
plants were significantly different B1 and B3 to B2
treatment. Treatment B2 produce the highest
paddy 9:06 tons / ha. High yield rice plants in
treatment B2 allegedly due on those treatments
that use the systems engineering rice cultivation CONCLUSION
intensification of aerobic controlled organic based
with the number of plants was 2 plant is able to Rice cultivation techniques have no effect
produce a number of seedlings was higher than on plant height and number of leaves of rice plants.
treatment B1 and B3, as it gets a room or a place
of growth wider compared to the treatment B1 and Rice cultivation techniques affect the
B3, thus greater potential for environmental number of tillers and rice yields.
resources that support plant growth and the level of
competition more Treatment B2 produce the highest number
of tillers at 7:33 fruit / plant and yield of crops 9:06
tons / plant.


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