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List of Desert of the World > Desert is a large part of landscape where there is almost no or little

rainfall with extreme weather condition and usually less plants. There are many deserts in the world.
Some of them which are important for any competitive exams are given below with details such as
their location, area and the maximum reached temperature. Remembering the name and location of
major deserts is very important general knowledge.

# Major Desert of the World:

Dsert Name Location Area Max Temp
Sahara Desert North Africa 9.2 million km² 47 °C
Kalahari Desert South Africa 930,200 km² 40 °C
Namib Desert Namibia (Africa) 81,121 km² 45 °C
Gobi Desert Mangolia 1.296 million km² 45 °C
Atacama Desert Chili 104,982 km² 25 °C
Victoria Desert Australia 348,700 km² 40 °C
Sonoran Desert California (USA) 261,100 km² 48°C
Karakum Desert Turkmenisthan 350,342 km² 50 °C
Taklamakan Desert China 336,900 km2 40 °C
Thar Desert India 199429 km2 50 °C
Patagonian Desert Argentina, Chile 670,100 km2 31 °C
Sechura Desert USA 185,000 km2 33 °C
Mojave Desert USA 125,000 km² 56 °C
Dasht-e-Kavir Northern Iran 77,500 km² 50 °C
Dasht-e Lut Eastern Iran 51,800 km² 70.7°C
Kyzylkum Desert Uzbekistan 298,500 km² 52 °C
An Nafud Saudi Arabia 103,500 km² 54°C

The temperature in day time in a desert is very high. But it reached to very low in night.
Therefor in desert day is very hot and night is very cold.

• Rainfall in desert is very low that even can not reach upto 1 cm rainfall over 5-10 years. Some
desert is so hot that the raindrop gets evaporate before reaching the ground. The animals in
desert store water in their body parts and plants do same in their stem.
• There is almost no desert in Europe.
Sahara desert is the largest in the world.

Thar is the only desert in India.

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