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...‫السلما عليكما ورحمة ا وبركاته‬

‫الحمدل رب العالمين الذى اوجبنا على طاعته والصلةا والسلما على خيرالخلق سيدنا وحبيبنا‬

....‫محمد وعلى آله واصحابه اجمعين‬

Praise be to Allah, the Lord who oligest us to obey Him only. Peace be upon our
prophet Muhammad, his family, and his companions.

Ladies and Gentlemen, and honorable audience,

Allah, the almighty God, has created his world and its contents for the need of men.
As the servants of Allah who have been given the mind to live on this earth, men are created by
Allah more perfectlythan other living creatures, bestowed mind and good posture of body. By
these provisions, they are capable to control, to make useful and to make unchanging the
natura wealth which are available in the earth, on earth and the sea. Concerning the man’s
excess as been stated by Allah in Al-Qur’an Al-Isra’ verse 70.

         

      
  

“ And surely We have honoured the children of Adam, and we carry them in the land
and the sea, and we have given them of the good things, and We hae them to excel by on
appropriate excellence over most of those whom We have created”.

Honorable audience,
Fately, the class of man’s life is different, either economically or socially. The
difference of class in the fieldof economy has been felt by the society in recent time, is effects.
The rich are sometimes proud when they can show their wealth, their daily as sociation always
goes to the wordly affairs only, so the focus of their life is based on the materials only. On the
other hand, the poor must wrestle with dust and mud only hoping to get a plate of rice and a
cup of coffee. Such kind of condition has been running down the life our society. If the pattern
of such is observed by the spectacles of Islam religion, we will find many violation, violation of
Allah’s verses. And what will happen if the rich haven’t the social care to the poor and the
fatherless child or the orphan ?

To response this question, we would like to explain the commandment of Allah which is in Al-
Qur’an in surah Al-Ma’un verse 1 to 3 as follows:

        

      

“Have you considered him who calls the judgment a lie? That sthe one who treats the orphan
with harshness, and does not urge (others) to feed the poor.

Cursorly the content of this verse is easy to understand, yet more than that because
it isn’t so easy to be carried out by the man whose faith is weak, though he or she is rich. So no
wonder that Allah gives tittle to such man us the rejecter of religion. The reason why the man
called as the rejecter of religion is because the man doesn’t have consistency to the tenets of
religion. Hasn’t Islam commanded its community to help the poor, the weaker ?

Why do we act unconcernedly and don’t care about this ? We even close our eyes and consider
that the poor, the fatherless child and the orphan are as the obstructers of development. This
case is really the beginning of the cause of disaster in a country. We must remember the
message decreed by prophet Muhammad in this hadist that reads;
‫دعاء المظلوما مستجابه‬

“The pray of the maltreated man is fulfilled y Allah”

When the rich le their brothers and sisters in one religion live in misery, it means that
they sow the seed of disaster on earth. And when the millionaires of Islam aren’t willing to
adopt the orphans, it means that they invite the torment of Allah.

Honorable audience,

The luck Allah has bestowed us is properly enjoyed and we must thank God on it is
our right. But … we areT living in the midst of community, not alone. Therefore we must realize
it and must own social care and solidarity among others, especially with the poor and the
orphan. We must give our weak brothers and sisters a hand so that they can also have a chance
to enjoy the gift or Allah. This time we are above possibly, materially we do not need the help of
other people, Yet we can’t dany that the condition of the world is always changeable. Perhaps
we are well-to-do this time, and the next day we will beg to other people. To anticipate the
condition we don’t hope; property, weakness and disaster. We must be clever in spending our
wealth, in the way allowed by Allah of course. Let’s help our weak brothers and sisters and the
orphans so that they can live properly. Never let us be cheated by our own passion which
always invite us to the stinginess and to follow the enjoyment of deceit, but we must be smart
to assure ourselves that what we have spent in the way of Allah will be multiplied in its reward
either on earth or in beyond. The guaranty has been confirmed by Allah in Al-Qur’an surah
Saba’ verse 39;

         
          
 

“And whatever thing you spend, ill exceed it in reward”.

Prophet Muhammad also states by his hadist about someone who is willing to help
the orphans when they are in this world.

‫انا وكافل اليتيما فى الجنة‬

“I will be in the heaven together with the ones who are willing to sympathize (assist)
the orphans.

Honorable audience,

Thus is I can deliver in this occation, hopefully by what I have just conveyed can make us more
energetic to carry out the social deed towards our brothers and sisters who need our help.
Finally let’s pray, may we are predestined by Allah as the humans that are safe on the earth and
in hereafter.

...‫ثما السلما عليكما ورحمة ا وبركاته‬

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