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Both: Good Evening Everyone!

Ima: Myself is Ima Shukla, practicing this Buddhism for last six and a half

Prag: I am Pragati Shukla and have been practicing this philosophy for last
seven and a half years. Since then we have received many benefits.
Today we are going to share our yet another victory with all of you.

Ima: In January this year I have been appointed as a deputy WD district

chief. This really gave me more opportunities to learn and to exert
more for Kosen-rufu.

As leaders we had set some specific targets for our district as well
as some personal. The main challenge with our district was, that
members did get introduce, but would get transferred later.

Not only this, most of the members were facing job related
problems. Some had relationship karma and one WD member had
given up all hopes of having a child.

We took our members’ problems as our own and resolved to fight

along with them, to help them overcome their karma.

On the personal front, my one of the targets was to have my

husband a kosen-rufu job in a well-known company. My another
resolve was to help my husband leave his 18-years old habit of
chewing Gutka, i.e., pan-masala laced with tobacco.

Knowing well, what this habit could lead to, developed in me a

sense of great insecurity for him. Had I not been in this practice this
habit would have been a cause of discord between two of us.
But after this much years of practice, I could understand very well
that this is not merely my husband’s but my karma too. I therefore
decided to take the full responsibility of it and determined to
challenge this karma through exerting more in faith.

The following Gosho lines have always inspired me –

I quote “M u s t e r yo u r f a i t h, a n d pr a y t o t h i s G o h o nz o n . T h e n
w h a t i s t h e r e t h a t c a n n o t be a c h i ev e d ? ” Unquote

I started my days at 5 in the morning with chanting and reading

Gosho for the happiness and growth of my district.

In afternoons, I used to chant with members for their specific

problems and would home visit members in evenings. In case, any
member had any problem they would immediately call me and I
would listen to them properly, no matter how busy I was. I tried my
best to encourage and instill hope in them. I also encouraged
members to seek guidance in faith from senior leaders. In the
process, I myself was learning & growing very much.

Prag: I was also supporting my wife fully in all her efforts. I have always
been exerting and praying for the growth and happiness of each
member. In the mean time, we organized one hour of chanting
session on every Friday specifically for job related problems. I took
complete responsibility of each discussion meeting and used to sit-
up late in night for its final preparations. Though hectically busy in
job throughout the week, I started putting my best to meet and
encourage members on weekends.

With all these prayers and efforts, new members started appearing
in Sheikh Sarai-II itself. Members, who were facing problems related
with their job, relationship, or health, started reporting victories by
and by.

Ima: As today we are commemorating SGI Mother’s day, I am happy to

report that the WD who was not being able to conceive, is on her
family way. Seeing victories in members’ lives gave immense
happiness to all of us.

Prag: In the month of March, I started suffering from cough. Even after
going through proper anti-biotic treatment, my coughing remained
the same. Initially I did not pay much attention to it but when it
persisted, I became somewhat anxious and thought that my habit of
Gutka might have contributed to it.

I tried to leave this habit but the addiction and withdrawal

symptoms did not let me do so.

One day around 4 O’clock in the morning I started coughing

suddenly. It was so bad that my throat got completely choked and I
could not breath at all. I did not know what to do and how to
breathe. I became quite nervous. My wife immediately started
chanting and gave me hope. After a minute or so, some how I could
start breathing again. But as I coughed again, blood came out from
my mouth.

Ima: I knew the blood was not a good sign. I got so scared, that I
immediately contacted my senior leader who came with her
husband. We took our daughter along and rushed to the hospital
immediately. There, doctor got few tests done. I did not stop
chanting even for a while. By the grace of Gohonzon, all the tests
came out normal. I was told that my husband was suffering from
severe upper respiratory track infection.
Prag: Doctor told me that taking Gutka would aggravate the problem even
more. Seeing my wife’s situation and the sense of responsibility
towards my district members, I determined not to touch Gutka any
more. Though I was worried about its withdrawal symptoms.

Ima: Doctor also told me that the same choking problem might reoccur
till my husband gets completely cured. This was a great challenge
for me as I did not want to see my husband in the same condition

Actually from there my real struggle started. I spent many sleepless

nights in order to take care of my husband. During nights I was
reading Gosho, praying for his sound sleep and rapid recovery. I
was also praying to become more stronger.

During the daytime, I had to take care of home chores along with
my small daughter who always keeps me on my toes. But I never
ever gave up. In the midst of all these things, my members were
always there in my list of priorities. I was also getting full support
from my fellow members who were praying for well-being and quick
recovery of my husband.

Prag: During this period, I also consulted a homeopathic doctor, suggested

by a member. After taking his medicines, my recovery became

Reflecting upon the entire incident I could easily understand

Gohonzon’s strategy and protection. Actually this health problem
came to me as a blessing in disguise to help me overcome my 18
years old addiction. And to my utter surprise I felt no withdrawal
symptoms at all.
Friends, we have got another victory to share with all of you. Me
and my wife were praying together for our kosen-rufu house and for
my job in a well-known company, with a particular salary in our
mind. We had kept today’s meeting as the target date. Though the
salary we were praying for, was beyond our expectations but we
had full conviction in the power of Gohonzon.

Friends, I am happy to report that very mystically I received a job

offer from a well-known company without even going through any
rounds of interviews and to my utter surprise the offered salary
matched exactly with the same we were praying for, which comes
out to be a 125% hike from my present salary.

Ima: We owe these victories to this practice where by being continuous in

our prayers and by supporting & encouraging each other in faith, we
are able to change any situation for better and thereby receive
victories in our lives.

Today we would like to give our heartiest thanks to all the leaders
and members who supported us in achieving our targets.

Today we determine to keep putting our best efforts in faith and

help each member savor the benefits of this practice. We also
determine to grow our district from one block to two blocks and
groom each member into a capable leader.

Both: Thank you!

May 6, 2007
New Delhi

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