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Unit 9

In this unit we will learn different things, in the grammatical part we can see

things like: Reported Speech and reported questions.

Reported Speech: When you report the tings people said, The verb tense often

"shifts back" Direct Speech: Michael Landy: “My goal is to destroy all my

possessions”. Reported Speech: He said (that): his goal was to destroy all his

possessions.Reported questions: Direct questions: The market researcher: “Are

you a spender or saver?”. Reported questions: She asked (me)… / She wanted

to know… : if/ whether I was a spender or saver.

Another thing in this unit is: speaking naturally: finished and unfinished ideas:

example:Sue was telling me about her job. It pays really well.⤵️ (Finished idea),

It pays really well⤴️ (unfinished idea).

Another interesting article in this unit is: Do i really need that?

I need that: Really? Do you need it, or did you just convince yourself that you

need it? we make decisions based on emotions, and then convince ourselves of

logical reasons, it was too hard to believe. But then, how many times have you

heard another person making that claim while you (as an outsider) know that

they don’t really need that item? The truth is that we often buy things that we

don’t need, after we convince ourselves that we need it.And the last important

thing in this unit is: Quoting information

When you quote information you’ve heard, use these expressions to identify the

sources: Max was telling me / was saying / told me…

Use these when you don’t identify the source: Apparently… Evidently… I was


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