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Amount (n.) -What is the amount of students in your class?

Bargain (n.) = something less than it is usual price.
These jackets are a bargain.
Centimeter / cm One meter equals 100 centimeters.

Cloth (n.) = material, fabric.

What is the cloth of this dress?
Deal (n.) The police refused to make a deal with terrorists.

Discount (n.) I bought this phone with a discount of 25 percent.

Distance (n.) What is the distance between two cities?

Dressing room (n.) Excuse me, where is your dressing room?

Fabric (n.) = material, cloth

The fabric of this sweater is wool.
Fit (n.) These shoes are a great fit.

Height (n.) = how tall or high someone or something is.

What is the height of this building?
Hip (n.) She has big, sexy hips.

Inch / in. = a unit for measuring length, equal to 2.54 centimeters.

The line is 6 inches.
Item (n.) = a single thing on a list.
Put your personal items on the desk.
Jeans (n.) She bought a pair of white jeans.

Length (n.) = distance of something from one end to the other.

The length of this line is 7 inches.
Measurement (n.) = size
Do you know the measurement of this room?
Pair (n.) =2
We need three pairs of boots.
Percent % (n.) The discount is 50 percent.

Percentage (n.) What is the percentage of workers in your country?

Receipt (n.) We need a receipt for refunding.

Sale (n.) = selling, a time when a shop sells things at a lower price
than usual.
Size (n.) = measurement
What is your size?
Tax (n.) Do you have to pay tax on that?

Waist (n.) = narrow part of body above the hips.

What is the size of your waist?
Amount to (v.) 2 meters amount to 200 centimeters.

Bargain (v.) Please, do not bargain with me.

Decrease (v.) #increase = reduce

Can you decrease your price for me?
Discount (v.) = to decrease the price.
I cannot discount on this shoes.
Fit – fit – fit (v.) = to be right size or shape for you.
This pants do not fit to me. They are too tight.
Increase (v.) = decrease, reduce
From next year they will increase the taxes.
Measure (v.) The clerk measured my sizes.

Reduce (v.) = decrease #increase

We have reduced our prices for jeans.
Sew – sewed – sewn (v.) Who sewed your dress?

Try on (v.) Where can I try on this pants?

For sale New Malibu will be for sale next month.

Free (adj.) We have free drinks.

Irregular (adj.) = unusual #usual

This building is irregular. It does not have windows.
Less (adj.) = smaller amount
They paid me less. I will not work with them.
Medium (adj.) My size is medium.

Much (adv.) = a lot

Their old house was much bigger.
Off (adv.) These laptops are 25 % off.

On sale = offered at a lower price.

Today our Samsung phones are on sale.
Sales (adj.) There is no sales tax in Uzbekistan.

Special (adj.) We have a special price for military.

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