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Assalamu’alaikum Wr.


First of all,let’s thank Allah SWT who has been giving us come mercies and blessing so that
we can attend this meeting whithout any troubles at all.Secondly,may sholawat and salam be
with our prophet Muhammad SWT who has guided us from the darkness and lightness in the
wourld as well as in the next world.

Eat,variety of foods to maintain overall health

Eat,fewer foods containing sugars and starches between meals
If you must snack,choose nutriti ous foods,such as cheese,raw vegetables, plain yogurt,or a
firm fruit such as an apple
And you have to drink for healthy teeth such as green tea soda vodka milik or air mineral ..

(what to eat and drink healthy teeth)

By Aulia Rindani

Kelas A

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