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Ministerul Educației și Cercetării al Republicii Moldova

Facultatea Energetică și Inginerie Electrică

Portofoliu la Limba

Elev : Scutelnic Alex-Iulius

Grupa : EE-191
Profesor : Ala Jechiu

Chișinău 2019
Solar energy
Solar energy can simply be said to be the radiant heat and light that the sun produces and is
harnessed through the use of a variety of technologies that are ever-evolving like photovoltaic,
solar heating, solar architecture, thermal energy, artificial photosynthesis and power plants of
molten salt. Solar energy is one very vital renewable energy source and the technologies of solar
energy are widely categorized as either active solar or passive solar based on the manner of
capture and distribution of the solar energy and how the solar energy is converted to solar power.

Potential of Solar Energy:

The potential of solar energy which can be used is quite different from the quantity of solar
energy that is present close to the planet earth’s surface as a result of different factors like time
variation, geography, available land and cloud cover, all limit the quantity of energy that can be
acquired through solar sources. The potential of solar energy is affected by geography because
all the areas very close to equator get a greater quantity of radiation from the sun. The potential
of solar energy can be greatly improved following the sun’s position through using photovoltaic
in the areas that are not close to equator.The potential of solar energy is affected by time
variation because there is usually little or no solar radiation during the night on the earth’s
surface that the solar panels can absorb. The potential of solar energy is also affected by cloud
cover because incoming light can be blocked by clouds preventing it from reaching the earth’s
surface from sun and this goes a long way in the reduction of the available light that solar cells
can use.The potential of solar energy is also affected by land availability because we can only set
solar panels up for use on the land usually not in use and very suitable for the foxing of solar
panels. It has been discovered that very suitable place to fix solar cells are roofs, since a lot of
people have come to the realization that they also can directly collect energy from their houses
through this means. We can also establish solar plants on areas of land which are not in use for
business or other things.

In the times of global warming and climate change as a result of the pollution of the atmosphere
through the emission of smoke from the burning of fossil fuels, it is very important that
alternative sources of energy that are renewable are gotten. Solar energy is one energy source
that does not negatively affect the environment and cannot be exhausted.

When we develop solar energy and its technologies that are clean, inexhaustible and affordable,
we are bound to enjoy benefits that are huge and long-term. Solar energy can go a very long way
in increasing the energy security of a country as a result of reliance on inexhaustible, indigenous
and largely non-import resource, reduce pollution, enhance sustainability, lower the prices of
fossil fuels and lower the price and cost of curbing global warming. All of these advantages of
solar energy are global.

1. Radiant - Radiant
2. Surface - Suprafață
3. Variation – Variație
4. Quantity – Canitate
5. Panel – Panou
6. To exhaust - A epuiza
7. Long-term - Termen lung
8. Security – Securitate
9. To enhance - A spori
10. Global warming - Încălzire globală
11. Area – Zona
12. To absorb - A absorbi
13. Limit – Limita
14. To capture – A captura
Word study
1. Panel - a flat, usually rectangular part, or piece of
wood, metal, cloth, etc., that fits into or onto something

2. Variation - something that is slightly different from the

usual form or arrangement.

3. Area - a particular part of a place, piece of land, or


4. Quantity - the amount or number of something,

especially that can be measured.

5. To enhance - to improve the quality, amount, or strength

of something.

6. To exhaust - to use something completely.

7. Radiant - sending out or possessing heat or light.
Solar energy can simply be said to be the radiant heat and light that the sun produces.The
potential of solar energy which can be used is quite different from the quantity of solar energy
that is present close to the planet earth’s surface.

The potential of solar energy can be greatly improved following the sun’s position through using
photovoltaic in the areas that are not close to equator.

It has been discovered that very suitable place to fix solar cells are roofs, since a lot of people
have come to the realization that they also can directly collect energy from their houses through
this means. We can also establish solar plants on areas of land which are not in use for business
or other things.

In conlusion In the times of global warming and climate change as a result of the pollution of the
atmosphere, it is very important that alternative sources of energy that are renewable are gotten.
Solar energy is one energy source that does not negatively affect the environment and cannot be
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posted by akoyad
Thanks a lot for this so useful work !


Thank you for sharing :) posted by Cindybindy


posted by jackpaul
Thank you for sharing


posted by jackpaul


posted by boulba
Thank you so much.Very useful.

WONDERFUL CONTRIBUTION ! posted by medderraz


posted by curk


posted by curk


Thank you so much for sharing! posted by morenopalomares


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