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stunting is physical growth and mindset in children aged 0-2 years due to lack of
nutritional intake in the first 1000 days. in Indonesia nearly 9 million children experience
stunting. stunting is caused by malnutrition in a long time from the fetus to children aged 2
years. brain and physical development in stunted children is hampered, susceptible to
signs of a child experiencing stunting:
1. growth slows
2. At the age of 2 years, height <100 cm
3. At the age of 2 years, body weight <12-13 kg
4. late tooth growth
5. shorter bodied children for children their age
6. body propotions tend to be normal but children appear/ younger smaller for their age
7. low body weight for children their age
when adults stunting children at risk of heart disease, diabetes and others. at the age
of productive stunting children earn 10% lower than normal children.
Three main things are needed to reduce stunting
1. the environment is committed to being able to develop
2. provide nutrition or population change on a large scale that has high benefits and low
3. strong government policies that must be carried out by the government can drive change
(food security, women's empowerment and a supportive health environment through
increased access to clean water and sanitation).
Causes of Adoption Nutrition Stunting Sites mention, stunting develops in the long term due
to a combination of some or all of the following factors:
1. Chronic malnutrition for a long time
2. Not enough protein in proportion to total calorie intake
3. Hormonal changes that is triggered by stress
4. Often suffers from an infection early in a child's life.
stunting can be prevented by adequate nutrition in the first 1000 days from the fetus to the
age of 2 years. pregnant women should eat nutritionally balanced foods high in protein. The
mother gives breast milk for the first 6 months, followed by breastfeeding for up to 2 years
and regularly immunizes. supported by a clean and healthy environment.

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