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Allan D.

Security and Ethical Challenges
1. Their ethical responsibility is to increase profits without violating laws or engaging in fraud
2. Unauthorized use, access, modification, or destruction of hardware, software, data, or network resources
3. Hacking into a computer system and reading files, but neither stealing nor damaging anything
4. Many computer crimes involve theft of money
5. The leveraging of an organization’s or government’s computers and information
6. A malicious or criminal hacker who maintains knowledge of vulnerabilities found for private advantage
7. Copyrighted material
8. is a distinct program that can run unaided
9. Mass-mailing worm that spreads by emailing itself to all email addresses found on infected computers
10. Managers have an ethical responsibility to manage a firm for the benefit of all its stakeholders
11. Unauthorized copying of computer programs
12. The obsessive use of computers .Unauthorized access/use of networked computers
13. Tries to disable virus scanners and then copy itself to all local and networked drives with a random file name
14. The leveraging of an organization’s or government’s computers and information
15. Spread via email and over Kazaa file-sharing network
16. The power of information technology to store and retrieve information can have a negative effect on every
individual’s right to privacy
17. Companies have an ethical responsibility to all members of society
18. You must explicitly consent to allow data to be compiled about you
19. Allows advertisers to display pop-up and banner ads without the consent of the computer user
20. Using customer information gained from many sources to market additional business services
21. Is a program that cannot work without being inserted into another program
22. Exploits a Microsoft vulnerability to spread from computer to computer with no user intervention
23. Purchasing software is really a payment for a license for fair use
24. Adware that uses an Internet connection in the background, without the user’s permission or knowledge
25. Data is transmitted in scrambled form
26. Regulates the matching of data held in federal agency files to verify eligibility for federal programs
27. Prohibit intercepting data communications messages, stealing or destroying data, or trespassing in federal
computer systems
28. Data can be compiled about you unless you specifically request that it not be
29. Collecting telephone numbers, email addresses, credit card numbers, and other information to build customer
30. Scans all .WAB, .WBX, .HTML, .EML, and .TXT files looking for email addresses to which it can send itself
31. Sending extremely critical, derogatory, and often vulgar email messages or newsgroup postings to other
Internet users or online services
32. Disorders suffered by people who sit at a PC or terminal and do fast-paced repetitive keystroke jobs
33. Using information technologies to solve human and social problems
34. The goal of this is the accuracy, integrity, and safety of all information system processes and resources
35. Provides a filter and safe transfer point for access to/from the Internet and other networks
36. Laws intended to regulate activities over the Internet via electronic communication devices
37. the system continues to operate at a reduced but acceptable level
38. Performed by internal or external auditors
39. Indiscriminate sending of unsolicited email messages to many Internet users
40. Painful, crippling ailment of the hand and wrist Typically requires surgery to cure
41. Protects them from unauthorized use, fraud, and destruction
42. Duplicate files of data or programs
43. Computer devices measure physical traits that make each individual unique Voice recognition, fingerprints,
retina scan
44. shifts to back up components
45. Prevents computer failures or minimizes its effects


a. 3 Security Measures

b. Top 5 families Viruses


c. Business Ethics


d. Responsible Professionals


e. 5 Common Hacking Tactics


f. Principles of Technology Ethics


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